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Everything posted by mm015

  1. I think I was told it would shed after around a month and then would grow at 1 cm per month. When the hair sheds, you don't lose grafts, you just lose hairs out of the newly embedded grafts, but these will grow back. I have Emailed Dr Demirsoy via his assistant with various questions in the days after the op and he happily answered them very quickly. But to be honest, I don't really have any more questions as they were all answered when I was there, and the sheet I was given was very informative. Further to this, I have done a lot of comparisons with other patients and generally, I have experienced the same pattern of post op sensations, shedding and (hopefully!) now he beginning of growth.
  2. I think it feels like more hairs are growing, but I think I'm actually shedding more. My G/F keeps stopping me from getting a trim. Not sure how long I'll go along with that for. This process is starting to seem slow now and as if there is a long slog ahead. Which I guess there is..! Anyway, here's Day 39 pics. Thought it would be easier to post these for you all to compare. What do you guys think?
  3. You describe exactly what I went through on the 2nd Jim! Great hotel, although the permanent mood lighting in my room was slightly annoying lol. Muzzafer is a cool guy. You'll be fine with it all. You've read my experience, so nothing more to add really. What area are you having worked on? Do you have any pre op pics you can post up? And how long are you staying for post op? Where are you flying back to? Cheers
  4. So, finally my shedding started about 4 days ago. I'm glad as it means from here on in it's all growth! (I think right?). Anyone know how long shedding lasts? I think tomorrow I need to get my hair cut shorter as I'm looking pretty stupid! I guess this must be the "Ugly duckling" stage?! Here you all go:
  5. Having recently been through this, I didn't realise how much harder and uncomfortable it was going to be after the transplant than I had anticipated. I would strongly advise going to as close a Dr as Poss. Dr Demirsoy was very very good for me and I'm very pleased with my experience. The journey back from India that you describe sounds horrendous in my opinion Post HT
  6. I'm about 4 weeks ahead of you and have been documenting a lot. Much of what you are going through I have talked about too as I went through it in the last few weeks. You can read about it here if you like: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/172724-fue-procedure-jan-02-2014-dr-demirsoy-2.html It might help and might also put your mind at ease a bit!
  7. Yes this is normal. You'll be fine. 1700 Euros is VERY cheap?! That's a good price!
  8. Hi All, I'm now Day 28 after my op and don't think I'm shedding yet at all. Could any of you point me in the direction or postup any examples of some shedding please and what it looks like? Thanks!
  9. I paid a deposit by bank transfer to my surgeon in Turkey this Jan, and the rest in Cash after the procedure. No problem at all.
  10. They all came off over days 6, 7 and 8 and no hairs came off as there weren't any there at the time!
  11. Hi Clemens, Thanks for the reply. I can't tell if shedding actually has started yet? What do you guys think? I haven't found any hairs in my pillow yet or in the shower etc?
  12. I'm starting on Minoxidil today. The crown is starting to look more like it used to as the rest of the hair seems to be growing a lot more, especially with the Donor area growing quickly. Should I be using the Monoxidil all over or just on the recipient area? No Shedding yet - I take it that it will happen soon?! And at what point do people usually start cutting the hair? I'm starting to notice 3 pronounced areas of difference - The recipient area, the Donor area and the "safe zone" (what is the Safe zone by the way?). Wondering if a trim will make the different areas look a bit more even. I'm guessing the red is the biggest thing that makes a difference below the hair. Thought I'd upload a few before photo's again for comparison. Cheers guys "][/url] "][/url] "][/url] "][/url] "][/url] "][/url] "][/url] "][/url] "][/url] 21 Days later... "][/url] "][/url] "][/url] "][/url] "][/url] "][/url]
  13. Cheers mate, Yeah it's very exciting! I am seeing daily changes. Very excited for the 5 month mark. When doe sthe shedding start? And is that where it basically all falls out again so I end up looking like I did before the OP? Have you got a thread with any of your pics?
  14. Hi Cueball, I'll be honest - I have no idea. I just let the Dr get on with it. Clemens Weber may be able to find out (he is the Dr's assistant and is on this forum, and has commented on this thread earlier on). In total I had 3750 grafts averaging 2-3 hairs per graft.
  15. Little update for you guys. The small cut on my head is where I knocked it on a locker door. I have hit my head a few times annoyingly, Hopefully the grafts aren't affected! The cut is the worst one but apart from that they have only been tiny knocks.
  16. Been going out now without hats etc. No one has noticed a thing! The red bits look worse in the photo's as it's so up close. Seems to be growing well!
  17. Hey all, Day 9 and things are so much better. All scabs began to come off over day 7/8. I'm not almost at the point of going out without a hat in public. I quite like the skinhead look and have been told it suits me. Haha. Maybe I didn't need FUE after all?! Anyway, here's the pics. I find it amazing that I have hairs growing where there were none before. The front third of my head has massively improved and the crown isn't looking to bad either. Hopefully the red marking will begin to fade as that's the only give away at the mo. So I guess the stages to come are the growing, then the transplanted hair falling out, and then? Growth forever?! Cheers!
  18. This looks great. What do your colleagues and brother/friends say? Do they know you had FUE?
  19. Looking forward to tomorrow when I can put the lotion on throughout the whole day and hopefully see a lot of these scabs come off. Also very excited to be able to lie in bed without worrying about the grafted area having any issues if it touches anything. Interestingly I can see the dark marks on the crown which I'm assuming are the grafts. I'm wondering how dense that area will look as they seem fairly spaced apart. Of course, if it is the grafts I'm looking at and they are 2/3 hair grafts, then it will obviously be thicker than how it looks at the mo.
  20. Can someone explain what the shedding faze is exactly please? I will go through it at some point (I'm currently 6 days post FUE). Why does it happen, how does it happen etc Thanks!
  21. Hi JohnGage I only took the painkillers once - straight after the op. But I put the need for them down to my own fault - that of not drinking enough water during the procedure. It was more of a headache that I had. None since then. Antibiotics are a 5 day course which I've now completed. 1 in the morning and 1 at night. When is your procedure and is it with Dr Demirsoy?
  22. By the way - all the swelling I had up to yesterday has completely gone. I did that massage thing a bit - maybe 5 times in total, but I guess it kind of sorted itself out
  23. Well, I went out and bought 6 different styles before my procedure. Currently, if I go out I use my baseball cap as it's totally adjustable and I am wearing it as loose as possible. It doesn't really look like the right way of wearing it as it's not totally fitted to my head, but all I care about it looking after those little babies that have been put on my head to grow! Once all the scabs etc have gone around day 7-9 I'll go onto to wearing all the other hats I bought. I got a flat cap (farmer style!) 2 baseball hats, a funny furry kind of warm winter thing, and a Justin Timberlake style one for social nights. I've also got a standard beanie from the misses ;-)
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