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Posts posted by Yaz89

  1. Right, 4 week update. Majority of the transplanted hair have fallen off, I take this as a good sign. Also have been on proscar for 4 weeks with no side-effects at all. Everything is working as it should be. Also had a haircut today. Used a beard trimmer (grade 0) on the sides and back of the head. Really, really close haircut; like a shave. No scarring visible. Photos are taken under bright light with no flash.






  2. just one question: is this site haartransplantation-zentrum.com/ dr‎ korays german site?i am contacting with them all the time and not with the turkish site asmed.com.tr . hope this is a legit site because i have sent them already a bank deposit


    Hi, yes this a legit site of Dr Koray's. Your in safe hands. I had my operation three weeks and was asked to send a deposit too. If you are still unsure, you can email Denny who is Dr Koray's official representative on this forum.

  3. 18 days update: Some of the transplanted hair have started to fall off when washing. This is normal as the grafts should be safe and secure under the skin. I also had a haircut yesterday; trimmed the back and the sides with a grade 1. Donor area has healed up well. Hardly any noticeable scarring. My barber said he has seen many hair transplants but mine is one the best and cleanest work he has laid his eyes on. He asked which doctor it was...I replied one of the best in the world! Dr Koray Erdogan!




  4. 1/4 of a 5 mg tablet is actually 1.25 mg :)


    There should be no problem at all, however I cut my Proscar in 5 pieces. Here is how:


    Sorry! My bad...yep 1.25mg. I seen this video before! The thing is proscar tablets are very small and I am using a pill cutter. Well, Dr Koray said quarter them and take one quarter everyday, that's what I intend to do. If I do experience side-effects, I will spilt them into five's for a lower dosage. How does that sound?

  5. There may or may not be a lot of comments and pseudoscience comments here on finasteride. Look at reputable websites (A good one is Dr. Bernstein's in NY, Google Bernstein Medical Hair Transplant). He has a good page on hair loss medications. Also read the package insert.


    I took it for 8 years with no side effects, stopped it (big mistake, and for no good reason than thinking maybe I really didn't have hair loss), and have restarted it.


    Thanks, I will take a look. So far I have explored other hair loss forums. My surgeon did say side-effects are quite rare. Usually people think far too much about the side-effects...I do intend to stick with it all my life or at least when I reach a certain age.

  6. Hi everyone,


    I recently had an hair transplant last week. My surgeon (Dr Koray Erdogan) advised me to start taking proscar to help me keep my crown area hair. The transplant focused on the frontal area and the temples. I do not have any loss or sign of thinning in the crown area. He recommended to take 1/4 pill everyday. What I would like to know if this is safe? I know proscar and propecia have the same active ingredient. But would like to know if 1.5mg (1/4 quarter of a pill) everyday is safe? Any proscar users here? How did you start? Did you take a smaller dose than 1.5mg everyday or daily? Is 1.5mg necessary everyday?




    My hair transplant thread:



  7. Very true say Hariri! I agree with you...that's why I am going back next year for a proper holiday in Turkey. I am in love with the place. Dr Koray certainly is a kind guy. When I met him, he looked a bit different from photos....he's sporting facial hair now and looking much slimmer lol. Hariri, I started proscar which he recommended but from reading online, the side-effects are scaring me.

  8. Here goes...Finally the time came to fly to Turkey in the early hours of Monday morning. My flight left Luton at 6.30am and I reached Turkey Istanbul at 12.25pm. A driver from the clinic was waiting for me. It took about 25 minutes to arrive to the clinic. All the staff and Dr Koray warmly approached me with kind smiles and handshakes. After introducing myself and vice-versa, Dr Koray asked if he could see my hair which of course I was happy to! I was offered lunch in the canteen which I enjoyed...perfect Turkish cuisine. There was an Spanish patient there who was leaving that day and we had an long chat, he seemed really tired. After having lunch an staff member took my pre-op photographs and then Dr Koray took me to his office for consultation.


    We spoke about my hair loss and what I expect to achieve. He noted my donor area was quite thick which should lead to an overall good result. He mentioned proscar and how it would help with future loss and protect the crown area. I stated I was afraid of the side-effects and was told side-effects are quite rare (such as having man-boobs!). He draw an hairline which I liked right away and Dr Koray said he will draw a better one before the operation. I sorted all the finances at the end with Dr Koray's staff. I was then dropped off to the hotel where the driver sorted my booking. I had an extremely long shower as I had been awake for more than 60 hours and called it a night as I had to be awake at 7am the next day.


    I awoke at 7am, had an quick shower and then had an light breakfast at the hotels restaurant. The driver arrived at 8am and we proceeded to the clinic which was only 5 mins away from the hotel.


    8.30am I had two English translators who were with me all the time through my surgery as I am hard of hearing Dr Koray wanted me to be comfortable thus two people were directed to be with me. All the staff at the clinic speak perfect English apart from one person who I think was an driver.


    With my two translators we headed to the prep room where my hair was shaven and washed. Dr Koray draw an perfect hairline and then took photographs. I then was let to have an final check up with blood tests.


    9am I had changed into a surgical gown and was let to the operating room. I must have had various shots to numb the back of the head which hurt! After a while the area had numbed down. My translators had chosen English DVDs for me and they covered me up with an blanket to stay warm...I felt like a prince! I was always asked if I needed a drink or if I had felt pain. It took about 3 hours to extract 2400 grafts and during that time I had watched two dvds which were Rocky and The Taking of Pelham 123.


    I had an short break with lunch and then went back to the operating room were Dr Koray made the incisions. This took about 90 minutes. Again I felt no pain and had an small break.


    Now the worst part, planting of the grafts...this took such an long time. During this stage I felt cold, tired, my back felt it was about to snap even despite placing soft padding and blankets under my legs, on my back and under my back. I also felt sleepy. Near the end I kept feeling short bursts of pain....I think the anaesthetic shots were wearing off. Finally I was off the table and the nurses bandaged my head. I stayed in sitting position for a few mins. I was quite unsteady on my feet and was helped to stand. The nurses were all smiling and Dr Koray came in to see how I was. All during the operation Dr Koray kept walking in to check everything which shows how much he cares about his patients.


    I noticed the time was 5.40pm and had so much pain; my head was throbbing. I was led to the prep room where Dr Koray spoke of the operation. He stated the grafts were of good size, strong and the hairline looked good. A nurse placed this thing which looked an comb with lasers over my head; I think it counted the destiny of the grafts which I do not know. I didn't ask Dr Koray of the grouping of the grafts, I will email soon to ask. I was handed an blue pill to help ease the pain. Everyone bid me goodbye and driver dropped me to the hotel. I stayed in my room for a few hours and then headed downstairs for dinner. I hit the bed around 10.30pm. I slept like an dog apart from waking up at 6am as my throat was really dry.


    Once awake at 6am, I watched tv for a bit, cleaned my room and packed my bag. I checked-out from the hotel at 7.30am, had breakfast and driver came to pick me at 8am. Back at the clinic everyone came over to say hello and asked how I felt. Dr Koray gave me an big hug! He let me to an staff member who had all my medicine etc shampoo, cream and an four month course of proscar. The nurses proceeded to cut my bandage, helped me change my shirt and washed my hair. They then showed me how to wash my grafts and how to look after them. All was done and I walked around the clinic bidding everyone farewell. Dr Koray shaked my hand and I thanked him for everything. I was getting emotional a bit as I will really miss them. They really looked after me with love, kindness and great care. Due to my bad hearing no one left an stone to help me. I sat in the car and waved everyone goodbye. My flight was at 12.55pm


    I reached Luton at 3pm. As soon I came off the flight I felt cold and tired. My friends picked me from the airport and I reached home in the evening. My mother cried and hugged me, after seeing my state she cried even more...you know how mothers cant see their children in pain. She had cooked an delicious meal for me which I had.


    So far (today) I am feeling well, slightly weak as I think I lost a lot blood and my forehead has swelled. I also applied cream and washed my hair twice as instructed by Dr Koray.


    Of course I did sight-see in Istanbul but that is irrelevant to hair restoration.


    Here are some images. The left one was taken right after the surgery and the second one was taken today a few hours ago, you see how much my forehead has swelled.


    MY surgery was done at the new clinic. It was quite impressive...four floors which were if I can recall rightly:


    Ground floor contained the waiting lounge, admin staff offices, entrance to the clinic.


    First floor: Dr Koray's office


    Basement level 1: Camera room, prep room, canteen, toilets, courtyard


    Basement level 2: Patient rooms with bed, tv, lockers, shower and toilets. Two surgery rooms?


    I received 2400 grafts and PRP treatment


    If anyone is trying to contact Dr Koray, please have patience for an reply as he is training several new members of staff which include admin staff who handle calls and emails. I must have seen more than 15 members of his team and they conduct at least one or two surgerys a day. He runs a very tight operation.



  9. HKboy there is no need for such offensive language. This forum promotes friendship between users and offers help who seek it. Your procedure was not performed by Dr Humayun who is recommended by this forum. Secondly, you should have researched the concept of hair transplant and researched the resume of the doctor who performed your procedure. Not every hair transplant is successful or perfect. It seems your expectations were too high. I would like to say even in the UK, I have met people who have had their procedures done in London by high-street clinics with a price tag of twenty thousand points and they are still not happy with their results!

  10. HKBOY, it would be wise to wait till the 8 month mark to see if any more growth will occur. You have only reached 5 months. You will not expect to see the final result till the 12 month or even 18 months. As Bill has said, you have been on the forum long enough to understand the 5th month is far too early to judge. I have taken a look at your pictures, especially the pre-op photo. I feel as 2800 grafts were not enough for your type of hair loss. Be patient, see how it goes till the 12th month. If your not happy with your result, consult your surgeon and take it on from there.

  11. The most important aspect which I was searching in surgeons was experience. I could have easily gone to India or Pakistan for an 'cheaper' job but would have it been worth it? I don't think so; this is something which you want right the first time, like Hariri said no reason to go back for touch up jobs etc. Dr Koray is vastly experienced and I hope to experience that 'wow' factor after my procedure. As you can see, Denny cannot wait for his!

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