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Posts posted by Yaz89

  1. Thats whats happening right now! Well it has been like this for the past 3 months and I emailed the dr. He said everything is normal. But it still hasn't settled down yet. I emailed him today too, hopefully he will reply in the morning. I can echo your words. This lumpy, hot and tender areas have little or no growth at all. Did yours clear up and did growth start? Gone over the 6 month mark and growth is really slow in these areas .

  2. I think i have folliculitis. My scalp at the left side and the right side where grafts were placed behind the hairline is still tender, warm when touched, it hurts when pressure is placed on the area and is still slightly red. It also feels lumpy. Its over 6 months since my HT. I am concerned as these are the areas where I am seeing little or no growth. Today I went to my GP but he has no experience in this. All he said the area does look red. Call anyone offer some advice please

  3. Good luck bro! I hope all is well. I'm at my 6 month and things are decent. There is a definite difference but I really hope it gets better. I'm about the same as you buddy. The hair line has not fully grown in yet, a little worried about that. Plus, my left side is growing slower than my right! :confused::confused: lol


    Hey fue2579! Thanks for the words man. Same here, still waiting for some grafts to sprout out...have black marks everywhere. Hoping these are the new hairs trying to push through. Left side is better than the right side; same as yours. Need to have patience really. I am definitely a slow grower but looking at pre op pics its a huge difference. Like they say sometimes it can take 18 months for the final result. Guys who have a full head of hair by 6-9 months are lucky indeed.

  4. I had my ht six months ago (i hit the six month mark yesterday). I started on fin the day after my ht. The past two weeks I have been shedding like mad. I contacted my surgeon who assured me all is good; I have a feeling the fin is working and will stick to it . Everyones bodies react differently to meds. Especially with regaine one will shed if its used the first time. I suppose its the same with fin too. Weaker hair falling then stronger and new hair appearing.

  5. could be a Fin shed, what shampoo are you using btw? shampoos like Nizoral can also cause sheds

    and how is your scalp health (oily, dry etc.)?


    Hi Hsrp, no I am not using Nizoral. I don't suffer from dandruff and my scalp does get oily if I don't wash it every other day. I am using baby shampoo. I think it has to be the fin as I have read most people do experience shedding on fin usually by 6 month? What I don't understand why am I losing transplanted hair...

  6. Six month update guys. Have seen little growth so far but really, really hoping things will improve soon as still have a long way to go yet. Past 2 weeks I have been experiencing a lot of shedding. A lot of hair loss whilst showering or when a running a comb through my hair. Funny thing is a lot of these hairs seem to be coming from the transplanted areas. Nothing is attached at the end of these hairs; just hair which seem to be breaking off. I have noticed both terminal, transplanted and miniaturized hair shedding. Can this possibly be finasteride? I have been on finasteride for six months now and this is the first time I am shedding hair? Really, really worried at the moment









  7. Hey guys. I've been feeling a little anxious lately. It's a little nervousness actually. I'm just over 5.5 months and I've noticed that the right side is growing in more than the left side. Is this normal? And the hairline hairs have not all grown in yet. At least I don't think they have. It doesn't look right just yet. I've seen others having pretty good results at 5-6 months. It's still pretty thin when I comb it back. Still early? I know I shouldn't compare but it's hard not to. Any input? Thanks guys.


    Hey don't worry about it. I am in the same boat as you. I'm on 5 months and 3 weeks. Having the same issue as you. Hair line is establishing but has small gaps where the grafts still haven't popped out yet. Behind the hair line, still waiting for the grafts to come out. I wrote a really depressing post 10 days ago and many have said 5 months is far too early to judge. The new hair never comes out at the same time, its just the start. Take a look at my thread and were at the same boat

  8. There is a big difference from the way I was before. That bloody short cut ruined everything lol. Density and length is lacking. Thanks splittinghair. I know I still have a long way to go yet. Its my first ht and my first experience in waiting for the final result. I'm already planning for a second round to lower the hair line and work on the temples. My right temple is worst off from the left

  9. Hey man, lost of us know how it is. Do not let this put you down now. You still have a long way to go. I am sure your result will be excellent! Your pictures show the work is great and you are responding. You just need to be patient. You will see! Keep us updated! I don't wanna see you only with your head full of hair. I want to see all the stages! ;-)


    I know Denny mate :( Losing hair at such a young age (at 21) and having mental problems was terrible. I just want my life back that's all. Proscar is working well for me. I post some pics right away

  10. Hey don't worry at all. It's far too early rite now. Perhaps you shouldn't have got your hair cut so short as you will have to wait for it to grow out before you can really see how things are progressing.


    Even though 5.5months is too early to judge anything as you have another 6+ months of growing.


    Another thing to bear in mind is that people often don't realise how much progress they've made as they see it everyday.


    Do you have any pics? It may be that the growth is starting.


    In a way you right mate; I shouldn't have had such a short hair cut. I thought maybe cutting it short eventually all the hair will grow back evenly. I understand 5.5 months is still early but from looking at other people threads eg when they hit 4-5 months they look excellent. I have pics, I will upload them right away.

  11. I have been on Finasteride now for around 7 years and no side effects although I understand there are people that have had them. I have mainly used 5 mg brand Proscar and generic 1 mg also. Been getting it recently from the doctor that Spex recommends Dr Edgar and was impressed with the service. His email address is: drstevegedgar@gmail.com


    I don't think there will ever be a magic bullet for hair loss.


    I ordered from Dr Edgar. Payment went through straight away and should have the meds this week. Top bloke, answered all my questions in a swift manner

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