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Posts posted by Yaz89

  1. I started on proscar 4 months ago and my last pill finished this friday. I have ordered a years supply of branded proscar today from a GP who provides private prescription of fin here in the UK. Hopefully it should arrive this Wednesday or Thursday. My question is I would have not taken fin for 5-6 days. Can a shed start or would I lose a some hairs? Fin is doing wonders for me; hair is thicker, growing out more and crown is looking better in years. A doctors opinion would be grateful.

  2. If you were having sides, try taking a lower dose and then gradually build up. Your body should gradually adjust. The new grafts shouldn't be affected by DHT as they should be taken from the safe zone. Any ethical surgeon knows this. The new grafts if taken from the safe zone should grow free of DHT. Regaine can help speed up the growth of the new hairs but I personally wouldn't recommend it. If you accidentally use Regaine on native hair or if grafts were places between existing native hair then you have to stick to Regaine for life; if Regaine is used. I am saying this from personal experience. The key is to be patient. An ht is a big investment and having patience is a must

  3. Not sure about Since 21 but I am using brand proscar. I cut the pills into 4. Crown and mid scalp have improved. Seeing less hair loss when showering or when running fingers through hair. I been on proscar for 4 months. Started the week after my ht. It does take a year to assess if its working for you

  4. I am experiencing the same Since 21. Despite hitting 4 months and 3 weeks, the growth is fuzzing. Good thing is the previous bald areas are filling in now. I am sure I still have a majority of grafts to pop out yet. I think 4 months mark growth level is 15%?

  5. I just realised something. Thanks to Denny and his thread. Denny posted a photo of Delek; Dr Koray's most experienced tech who receives much praise was the main tech who worked on me! I didn't ask her name and didn't realised who she was! Now thinking about I am very happy to know I was in good hands and hopefully my final result will awesome. My good friend Denny had his surgery a few days ago and I wish him good luck! I wouldn't be where I was today if it wasn't to Denny and his support

  6. Just after my surgery with Dr. Erdogan and Delek.


    Looking good Denny! I just realised something. The tech who worked on me was Delek! I just didn't ask her name! Wow, I was in good hands and so were you. She really knows what is doing and is superb in her work. Hope you passed my good wished to them. Your done well done, proud of you. You faced many obstacles in your journey. By the way, did you stick to your original plan of 4000 grafts or something?

  7. Hey Yaz

    I'm booked for my surgery with Dr Koray in March. Did you stay in the Nice Royal Hotel and if so was there a safe in the room and did you have to pay for your room with cash or did you pay on a card.


    I am taking a large amount of money with me so I want to weigh up my options with cash/card etc


    Thanks for your time


    Hiya mate. I stayed at the Asia City Hotel which is 5 mins away from the clinic. There was a safe in the room. I paid using Euros at the hotel. In Turkey majority of places and services such as taxis, fast food shops, general grocers, phone shops take Turkish Lira; as its Turkey lol. Well I did have the option to pay with lira, euros or pounds for my hotel stay. I used Euros. Don't worry about carrying money with you as its a very safe country/ city. You be fine. Make sure you do take a significant amount of Lira with you. I made the mistaken of converting only a few lira when I left for Turkey. And had to convert to Lira when I realised majority of places only take Lira

  8. 4 months update: Well hair line is progressing really well. A bit concerned about slow growth is some parts of the transplanted areas. Numbness has greatly subsided; still feels tender and numb in the middle of the head. This area was also transplanted. Maybe the grafts still haven't kicked out yet. So far, for 4 months its looking very promising. Currently I have been on fin since my h/t. No side-effects at all! Still a long a way to go yet.







  9. I understand where your coming from. I personally feel this forum is a great place to ask for advice and guidance if one is asking for it. There are many experienced posters and patients on here, so it is a nice feeling when someone replies. I think you won't be able to delete the other threads, the moderators can only do that. Trying asking David or Blake? Photographs wise; you won't be able to upload from a mobile phone. I found my iPhone photos don't go through but from my laptop they do. You be fine, I am going through the same boat. Just hit 14 weeks post op and waiting for the hairs to pop out but it doesn't work like that! Patience, patience and more patience!

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