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Posts posted by Raman

  1. Hey Erkso,


    Great to see your update with pics.


    Being only 2 weeks ahead of you with my HT, my hair regrowth looks pretty much identical to yours. However in the last 10 days I've noticed a fair few lighter finer hairs coming through so hopefully they darken and thicken up soon. As soon as I notice any significant changes I will be sure to post some pics.


    Hopefully we are both on the brink of some great results.

  2. Hey Erkso,


    At 3 months both sides of hairline look like HT-FUE's right side at 3 months, so I'm hoping over the next few weeks I see as much improvement as he has on both sides, although I may be a slow grower as there are not as many fine hairs coming through as I hoped at this stage.


    I've got to the point that I like the fact that my skin is still a little red as it shows there is still some action happening and I can still feel the healing process taking place.


    Looking forward to seeing your progress keep the updates coming.

  3. Hey FUE,


    Good question! Not sure if he could prove how many he made. The one regret of my operation was not counting the incisions while he was making them. Even though you cannot see the incisions obviously nor feel them because of the anesthetic I could hear them being made like a scratch from your fingernail across your scalp. That being said he was making incisions quite fast I would say between 1 -2 incisions per second for around 40 mins. So in doing the math its quite possible to acheive my 3200 incisions in 40 mins at that rate. When I tried counting the FU/cm2 on my scalp after the op, I came out with around 30 per cm2 and apparently I had a total area covered of 90cm2 which totals 2700 FUs all up. The area where I took the sample cm2 was on my temple which was easier to count as some other areas seemed a little more densely packed where I can only hope that was where the remaining 500 FUs were placed.


    Hope this helps. Also I was taking finasteride for about 3 months before my op. Not sure what would be an optimal time to take before op though.

  4. Hey Erkso, as you know I'm around 2 weeks ahead of you I have still got a little redness. My shedding started on the 17th dec and stopped falling out around a week ago. I still have some stubble and it looks a lot more sparse than yours. I'm just telling everyone I've been sun burnt and it seems to be taking a long time to heal. If anyone asks why is it taking so long to heal I just say I'm going to a skin specialist to get it sorted not sure and act dumb like the Stig said haha.


    That being said I have noticed the redness drop off quite a bit in the last 2 weeks so with any luck you will have the same, all the best mate.

  5. Yeah I left last Tuesday. The Raddisson is really good. There is a grocery store just around the corner and small cafes across the road not far from grocery store. Just ask at reception. Cheaper and better than the minibar and hotel food.


    If you feel any pain during op dont hesitate for more anesthetic it only stings for a sec and then scalp is numb.


    Will be updating with better pics shortly.

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