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Posts posted by Louisjams

  1. This is a really good question. You will not have a double scar-they excise the first scar at the 2nd FUT, and close it up so you just have 1 scar. In general, the 2nd FUT scar may not be as good as the first, but many (most?) 2nd FUT scars are still very hard to detect. As a good rule of thumb, if you are good healer you can have a very good scar on FUT number 2, but there is always a risk with any surgery.

  2. First, sorry you are going through this. I was 19 when my MPB started and it was just terrible.


    Second, clearly you are getting some different opinions here, but I think you could have a HT and get a good result. You will never have a full head of hair, but a good HT with a conservative hairline could do a lot for your appearance. Recognize you will likely need 2-3 surgeries to get there, but it is definitely possible.

  3. IMHO, plastic surgeons are not the type HT surgeons most people should go to. For most of them it is a side-gig from what they really want to do and trained to do i.e. breast, facial, and abdominal cosmetic surgeries. These are the kind of doctors who often use neograft (which in and of itself is fine) but use techs sent in by third party companies and the docs themselves have little, if anything, to do with your HT.


    Some of the best HT docs in the US are dermatologists, but many are other kinds of doctors.

  4. As with all things HT, I think people tend to overstate how fast recovery is. With FUT it can take months before your FUT donor site can feel "normal" again given the incision, sutures/staples, nerve injury and regrowth, and changes in skin tension.


    At 2 weeks I would be surprised if you felt totally normal. Just give it time.

  5. Growth can really start anywhere from 4-6 months so, while your concern is appropriate, I would not panic. People who have early growth often post about it, but many people come in on the 4-6 month timeline with plenty of growth afterwards.


    If 6 months come and you have nothing to show you may have had a failed HT, but it is too soon to say that in your case.

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