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Posts posted by azazelgs

  1. Maybe in 2 or 3 years time we'll see increasing progress from Gho and increasing proof that his technique works and represents real progress in what we can achieve - but the results have to be there first. Gho might be legitimate, but I've not seen a case from him yet that makes me consider him over H+W, Feller or a dozen other leading surgeons. Now, if he posts up a guy that's had 17,000 grafts over 5 years in the next few months or years - and the work looks clean - I'd have to start considering. But even then, I'd want to see more than an isolated case. I'd want to see a whole page full of people who'd had more grafts anybody else can give them and still have donor left over before I consider Gho - and I think most pragmatic people would want the same.



    That is excatly what I think about Dr.Gho. For me , the whole claims and scientific facts that he published may be true, but he won't catch this sceptic audience unless he does great restorations with higher nw levels. Because if he doesn't , there is no difference bewteen him and "big players" like H&W or Rahal, also they are one step ahead because they can really make the difference.

  2. Right now I'm watching the champions league game bw trabzonspor-inter and I constantly look for Wesley Sneijder. His ht seems really good but I think he will be a great case study for young ones who has advanced hairloss because he is nw6 diffuse thinner. Hope to see his crown and middle work.

  3. I noticed and curious about a few things;


    I shave my head with lowest clipper and I can really live with the shade of a hairline like that, but you know the problem , scar. Is it really that big and wide in big cases? Or in tricho closure is it smaller??


    I mean I don't want to loose the freedom of buzzing my hair but I'm really desperate about my hairloss and really want to do something about it.

  4. 1-We all very well aware that scalp exercises do work! But whats the percentage increase? I mean how much can a person increase their graft number?


    2-Also some scalps are more elastic than others thats for sure.So for those who have elastic scalps, does exercises necessary or is it more you do is more you get at all circumstances?


    3-Does all the doctors(I mean the ones that are recomended here) use all the laxity for big cases? I mean some like h&w and rahal are going up for 5-6k's and others are maximum at 3500-4000.If someone aims for 8k+ , which one is the right path in terms of usage of laxity? Megasession or small sessions?


    I know most of the questions are depend on each individual, hair type bla bla bla.. But I'd love to get some more specific answers:)

  5. I found this thread by luck but I've known about Dr.Gho since last March when I suspected Wesley Sneijder had something done to his hair in Inter match. Then I mailed with the clinic many times and let me share you my thoughts.


    Yes, this is legit. Yes this is I believe huge news. The represantative i talked stated many times that you can keep your hair at lowest clipper. No scarring in donor and recipent area, is what they say and they claim they have a regrowth rate of 80-90 %. But I have to agree with future_ht_doc that they are not at golden standarts.


    First of all , the results I see in their gallery (besides Sneijder) are lack of artisty. I have seen many more better results with much more higher nw levels. Other thing which concerns me most is the question I asked to the clinic which they did not give specific answer.


    I asked (exacty) "Dr.Gho claims that donor is regenerated up to %80-90 percent so this gives nearly infinite donor to work with. Are there any examples that your clinic done to nw6-7 patients over 8k grafts? " .For me this is the most important aspect of this procedure and first they told me Gho is out of town and they'll ask when he is availible.Then 2 weeks later I send the same mail and they told me to read the pdf files in their website.


    So again, this Dr.Gho could be a life changer, especially for me since the only thing that avoids me to get a ht is the scar because I dont want to throw the opportunity to shave my head. But , I don't see their results are that good and there is no big major cases.

  6. If you're up for answering a couple of questions Jotronic can i jump in aswell, when you say 'Not losing the grafts is rare...first patient I've ever seen that didn't lose his grafts...I can think of maybe five others off the top of my head where this happened. There is no rhyme or reason to it, it just happens'


    In what respect?


    I've been researching quite a bit the last couple of years and my main question to be answered is 'is hair transplantation permanent?'


    Am i getting my follicles mixed up with grafts?


    You may of course be going over old ground here but i hope you respect the idea newbies are coming along day in day out that need something spelt out to them and still consider results to be some sort of medieval magic trick, so, sorry about this, but this guy being in his 8th year, is this pretty standard stuff now, will his grafts (iyo) easily last another 8?





    I think the term "shed" in this conversation means the shedding phase happening in the 1 year post-ht process.

  7. This is so true!!!

    I've recently seen a coworker do this and it looks really awesome. It totally changed my mind. He got FUE to define his hairline (frame his face), then buzzed down. He doesn't have to care about the crown since the hairline shadow is what defines your Look & Age. It looks so much better and is much easier than people who have to fight every 5 years to get HT after HT since they can't buzz down anymore and are headed for norwood 5+.

    Getting a HT to frame your face then buzzing down makes you look young and dangerous =P. Of course, buzzing down WITHOUT a decent hairline shadow makes you look old.

    Even observing older guys with thinning crowns who shave their heads, as long as the hairline is well defined, it makes it seem as if they shaved their heads by choice, not by circumstance.


    Anyways, this is something i'm gonna do since it looks cooler and its mentally draining thinking about needing multiple HTs in the future.



    I also agree with that and I'm one of the people that looks for that!!


    I've been buzzing my hair for a year now and eventhough i'm thinning at nw5a, everyone says "why are you keeping your hair that short? you got plenty." But I hate my frontal because I've deep temporal recession.


    Check out Josep Guardiola, head coach of FC Barcelona , he is nw5-6 thinning but he pulls that off with a hairline.



  8. David,


    I totally agree wih you! I also really like to see some results in this forum. I honestly think that it's very very risky to do it to NW6 head. Imagine if someone notices that you have "tattoo" on your scalp! It's not like a hairpiece, if someone notices that you wear one you can always get rid of it but tattoo is always there! I myself cannot live with that paranoia.


    Also , the companies that provide this are suggesting to use your hair as low as possible in scar cover cases. In this method concealing works backwards , less hair is more covering!

  9. I was very interested in this since I'm buzzing my head at lowest clipper and been researching about it for 2 years now. Let me tell everyone what I think:


    In pictures, some of them look really good but Dr. Shapiro and Joe adressed my main concern; "depth"! Hair is something that has 3 dimensions but tattoo does not. I sent some mails to the clinics that offer this service that if is there any trick/artisty to look like 3 dimensional or just putting dots on to head. I think it's just dots.


    Other thing as Dr. Shapiro mentioned was hairlines. I think they are also too well defined and unreal. From a distance it may look good but closer... I really don't know since I haven't seen anyone in person.


    Also, many clinics seem to offer the "removal" of this procedure. I e-mailed and talked about it but none of them seem to give a decent answer. Is it a normal tattoo removal procedure? Will it be completely removed? Scars ? Healing time? I got no answer to those.


    However, I believe this procedure will eliminate "you can never shave your head with the strip scar" idea. The most effective way to use this tattoo is to cover the scar as if I ever go down to ht route, tattooing a scar will be my last stop if I will be unhappy with my ht.


    PS: Thank you Dr. Shapiro and Joe for your thoughts and I'd love to hear some ideas from other clinics!

  10. In my opinion , the very best way to conceal donor scar is tattooing it.


    I checked on some clinics that offer this , my conclusion is that I'll never ever do that to my entire scalp but it's somewhat amazing for strip scars.


    Here are some pictures ;



    I honestly think that it can be a solution for those who want to shave their head if they don't like the outcome of the transplant or for the ones where fue is not an option and likes buzz cut. What do you guys think?





  11. The more I researched on it , the more you end up seeing!!


    The first guy I saw was in airport with a strip scar. I was not ear to ear but soo wide and eventhough his hair was not short (I'd say more than 4 cm long) it was very noticable. He has no scarring in recipent site but nearly no growth at all.



    The second guy was definite nw7 with some old plug scars back. He was keeping his hair very short so it was obvious. But believe me, it does not look that bad!! He somehow managed to get rid of the recipent area scars ( I hold my self soo much not to ask!) But donor scars was obvious.

  12. Thehairupthere,


    Thank you for your answers. I'm not rushing into a ht and try to make a wise decision ,thats why I'm asking a lot of questions:)


    My plan is to get what I get with strip and I think 5000 grafts is not a bad way to go. I hope to go for 10k grafts in the long term , with strip and fue. If the results are not satisfactory, just buzz my hair.


    So I believe I should look for scar revision processes. Can anyone inform me on that??

  13. Hello everyone(again),


    I'd like to ask you experienced ones some questions about ht procedure.



    1- Based on my online consult with H&W, they told me to get more than 5000 grafts in one session. If someone could get more than 5000 in one pass, can someone estimate the remaining grafts?


    2-Do scalp exercises work for above average laxities? Or after your first pass, can scalp excercises work for second/third procedures??


    3- I know the scar length will be long with megasession but what about the width? I saw this thread yesterday http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/138344-1600-fue-grafts-%3E-beautiful-work-dr-keser.html ,(ps:my worst case scenario is what this guy have in his first photo, shaved head with the shade of hair, minimal scarring) check his after photos and strip scar, I think it's excellent! (by the way this guy recieved 3000 grafts)


    4-For the scarring, is it wise to have megasessions or smaller ones in order to get the minimal scarring as possible?


    5- In another online consult with Dr.Bisanga, he told me that I have app 1500 grafts for fue. Lets say I first go down with fut and use all laxity with 2-3 sessions, will I still have the option to use 1500 grafts for fue?


    6- I was looking at the photos of Bill (Falceros) and his scar is sooo big and wide, also when he buzzes his head I noticed the redness in the recipent area. Could someone explain me that?


    7- Does a ht result relates with a size of head? I mean smaller the head, less area to cover and better result?


    8- What does the term "donor miniaturasion" mean?

  14. First of all, this is not a post to make some bad accusations or insults, I do believe in their work , I think they are still the worlds best but I feel like it needs to be discussed in this forum , where everything is clear , solid and not fake. Also , I think it is obvious that something going wrong there.


    For all of the years, all of us see "jotronic", "bobman", "nicnitro" and many other that had marvellous results. But nowadays we mostly see "TheEmperor" , "Amanindia" and "Drew35" who are clearly not satisfied with their work.(And I really believe they are below average results) Is there something wrong or changed?


    All of these years some people are sceptical about the megasessions and nowadays these sceptical people population increasing. Is there some complication/staff change etc..???


    Again and again, this is not an attacking thread. I talked with Joe several times via mail , and I really believe in his words, from many point of views he and H&W seem they are really stand up in their work. But for the last 2-3 months , I think that something is clearly going wrong. What do you guys think?

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