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Posts posted by azazelgs

  1. Everyone on this thread(and forum)


    I'll be in London and sent an e-mail to HIS that I really like to visit their clinic and see how this procedure works and see someone who has done it. I'm not going to do this at this point but since I'm really interested in this , I wouldn't miss the chance to see it.


    I'll be posting my experience next week:)

  2. Guys,


    In other words, as a virgin scalp, taking the path I have with Dr. Wong, I'd have probably 13,000 to 14,000 grafts in my bank in total. The possibility boggles my mind!



    After that, I won't blame myself anymore for wanting to have more hair because after having over 9k grafts and excellent result, "hair greed" is a thing that you can't stop!!!!!!!



    By the way, congratulations for the wedding!! How does it feel now that your excellent hair belongs to only one woman??:)

  3. The main reason why is because you have to have a huge team all the time like hasson and wong have so it's a lot of wages to pay, from a business point of view it's better to have a small amount of staff because if you're quiet for a few weeks it's not costing you 10 wages for no income.



    I do agree with this at some point but performing a megasession is a huge risk and responsibilty also. I mean when a surgery ends and you say to a patient that he recieved 6000 instead of 3500 , you obviously take his expectations high and when the yield is poor , there comes a bad doctor.


    The graft count and performing a megesession is one of the biggest priorities of a ht patient and I can understand that since it's mine too. But every doctor who are recommended on this site has their unique feature. In my opinion (%100 subjective) Dr.Hasson is the best out there for graft count , Rahal for hairlines , Wong for thinnest scar , Bisanga for FUE yield , Lindsay for scar revision , Shapiro for repair. It's just like basketball; some is best for scoring ,some for rebound ,some for assists ,some for.... you get my point.

  4. For over the last 2 years, I am regularly visiting this site and seeing similar faces around here. (Nearly) everybody is friendly and supportive, but yesterday I noticed something. I only know those people based on their hairlines/crowns! I mean I know how many grafts he had, what he went through during his pre/post up but nothing else.


    I know some people like to stay low profile and I truly respect that. And I don't want anyone to reveal their selves. But wouldn't it be nice to get to know us a bit more??


    Let me start first; I'm 25, graduated from college 2 years ago. Started working with my dad and uncle in a family business based on textile. Business is not like the old times (after 2008 recession) but I can't say it's bad.


    I have a girlfriend for over 8 months now. She was my high school sweetheart , we dated 1.5 years and now we found each other again:) I have my own apartment and I drive VW Golf. I really love football (sorry ,soccer for US:)) and some xbox games.


    So what about you guys? Maybe it'll be nice for us to talk something else rather than our NW levels!

  5. Exactly!


    I really would love nothing more than Gho to be legitimate. I just don't buy all this "he's too busy/he doesn't do large cases/nobody has had multiple procedures" etc. If the process is a working process there should be at least someone with the money, time and dedication to have gone to Gho multiple times for 6000+ grafts. And if Gho was able to make even one patient a NW6/7 into a bona fide non-bald, good density case, my instinct would be he'd jump at the chance. He didn't invest this sort of time and money into a procedure to do 1500 graft surgeries for the rest of his days. If Gho can make the donor hair limitation a thing of the past, he'd be begging for someone to come through his door wanting 8 or 10 or 12,000 grafts.


    I agree that it would take time to see larger cases emerge, so there is still hope. But until they do emerge I would advise anybody to stay away and watch cautiously. I know that sounds a little dismissive, but you owe it to yourself to assume Gho is doing nothing more significant than decent FUE until you've seen a whole bunch of brilliant, larger cases on severely bald people. This Dean Saunders could be one of those higher profile cases, but he's still going to need multiple, successful surgeries if he's going to be considered a benchmark for this new procedure.


    Mahhong ,I think if this Gho turns out the way we hope we should go together since you say/think exactly like me:)

  6. Montreal you're not ready mentally for a ht because you're trying to dictate your own Ht to under a 1000 grafts because u want to pay for your condo, you think driving for over 2 hours is hard work and you don't want to grow your hair long lol. I wouldn't take you if I was rahal you have all the signs of someone who's not ready and gonna be a nightmare to work with. If you were serious about your hair you'd climb a ladder to the moon and spend every penny you have. I bet most people are thinking the same here it's just their too polite to call it!


    Another fast rahal Ht nice work.


    Well said, I live in Turkey and I'm never considering anyone but Rahal or Hasson. 2 hours drive??? If I'd lived there ,probably I'd be posting my "1 year" results:)

  7. If I'm ever gonna have a ht, that will be because of you since you were there first one that I've seen in my research. And I believe you have been very inspirational for us ,hair loss sufferers that there is always a hope out there.


    Congrats on ending your journey . Ops , sorry fantastic result by the way:)

  8. an extremely bald german singer, dean saunders, just underwent HST... he is at least an nw6..... i'm not sure how this first one will look... it was somewhere around 1700 grafts



    i'll tell you right now it doesnt look promising.. it looks like 1700 grafts on a nw6... its going to be a long time before we can get the results we all want.... multiple procedures takes awhile



    Thanks Fin, since you have done a lot to contribute to this issue and give some very good info about Gho for the ones that are highly interested(like me:)).


    I think this Dean Saunders will be our Ginea pig:) Seriously, all I was saying about gho was that he never worked on a full blown nw6 before. Now he does , and since this guy is a celeb , we'll see the best results and what can this technique achieve. If I saw him getting like 8k or more graft and have a full restoration , wait for me gho!:)

  9. Ryan, I will post pictures as this grows in. I know I'm going to need another pass but I am getting closer to normal. I am not discounting that drugs work for some people and if you think they will restore what you are after, fine. I mentioned that I had my doubts and someone chimed in that I didn't know what I was talking about. Fair enough. I'm not an expert on finasteride and minoxidil and have my doubts on the efficacy of both on someone of your Norwood level. I'm not suggesting you get a HT over trying meds, either, as you know the option exists that if you don't get the results you are after using those two meds then you can quit using them and I don't think your donor will be adversely affected. Perhaps a trial run on both would be a good first move.


    My only reason for commenting is that I don't recommend switching horses in the middle of the race, if a strip surgeon is not going to give you the yield and density you are after then I wouldn't visit them, I would start out with the surgeon who can give you the results you are after without someone else depleting your donor. I made that mistake, and many others I might add, and my advice is always geared towards helping those people to not repeat them.


    Either way, PM me if I can be of any other help. Cheers.




    I don't think that would be switching horses at all, it would be just to route he takes.


    I'm in no way of not suggesting Dr.Umar , as I stated earlier he really gave amazing results with his repair works. But if Ryan starts with Rahal or H&W and max out his strip donor , Dr. Umar would love to do his additional work since he can still give 20,000 grafts that he claimed. Again , not to offend but it would be greater result. Umar seems like he challanges himself in very difficult cases and I am sure he can do his best with someone who came for additional density with a good result. Just my 2 cents.



    PS:Wylie, I am sorry that your previous went bad for you and I think you choose one of the best doctors for repair surgeries. I only insist Ryan to consult with those clinics is that I have never seen someone who regret going there. I still say that he can go to Dr. Umar after he maxes out his strip and I'm sure he'll get a good result with Umar afterwards.

  10. This is without doubt the best advice. Combine it with starting propecia and minoxidil and you would save a lot of money and get a much better result. Im not saying that Umar isnt a great surgeon just that Rahal and H&W are better and that body hairs wont give an optimal appereance,



    Thank you!!


    Actually, while I was writing , I think I found my own path if I'm going to do this:)


    While I respect Umar's work and his repair cases where he literaly give people their lives back, I really don't think he is not a good way to start. After maxing out with great surgeons like Rahal or H&W , he can always get his 20,000 grafts after.


    I have a hate-love relationship with HT industry these days. While it can give amazing results to high level baldness (Jotronic, Falc , Nicnitro and many more), the scar is really annoying. However , I still believe that it's the best way to start and I have never seen anyone regret for going to those clinics. Also, the only way you want to get rid of the scar is for to buzz your hair and I really think fue and SMP is a great way to do this.


    So Ryan, I'm not an old wise guy ,just a regular one that is on the same boat as you. But I've been in this forum for 2 years now and researched a lot. My advice to you is that you should check out Rahal and H&W. I think there will be no harm for you to start with them since I've never seen a single complaint or regret for picking them.

  11. On one hand this is a newer procedure from a surgeon who I have heard little about, with little to go off of but a couple of results. On the other hand, if the issue of limited donor supply has potentially been resolved than this brings hope to the more advanced NW cases. Sure the proven procedures have been refined and proven to have excellent results but there is always that donor supply issue.



    This is excatly why I'm still sceptic about this Gho. If he claims a "nearly" unlimited donor supply, he should work with some large nw6-7 cases. If the results are good and he can show what he claims(use 10k head grafts and minimal donor loss and minimal scarring) I'll be first one to book.

  12. As a young man (25) and going through as same hair loss level as you , my advice to you is that you should consult with megasession experts like Dr.Rahal or Dr.Hasson.


    Go see them and if they think they you are a good candidate (unless you go for nw7 and donor thinning,you are) , go max out your strip grafts. I have a feeling that you haven't done your research enough that they have "life changing" results with higher nw levels. Most importantly, they are considered as one of the most ethical and honest doctors out there.


    Then, if you are still not satisfied , take your chance with fue. Dr. Umar has some great results but I have to agree to most people that body hair is definately not same as head hair. And if you start with strip , you don't loose your fue donors but if you start with fue , you decrease your donor density.


    Thirdly, you should check out scalp pigmentation. I honestly don't think it's a good idea to tattoo your whole head, especially the hairline but after few ht's , it can act like permanent toppik to give some density. But most importantly, I believe it's a great way to hide the scar.


    Hey , I told you my plan about my hairloss:)) But most important issue is that I think you should start your journey/research with Dr.Rahal or H&W. They are the best in the world with dealing such advanced hairloss.

  13. Wow hi there Joe,


    It's been a while and thank you for your reply!!! While I found you now , I want to ask some of the questions (I asked them through mail but I think you were busy or on a holiday:D))


    1-Do you think laxity exercises are more useful for 1st procedure or 2nd ,3rd??


    2-I send you some pictures to get an idea of my laxity and now I'm putting here it again for other members to see. Do you think this is a good laxity and can I increase it with the exercises??


    3-What do you (not only you Joe ,everyone) think of my donor?





  14. he does only have X amount of donor grafts available 'in the bank', no matter how stretchy he gets his scalp the second or third time.




    I really don't get that. If a person lets say gets 5k grafts in his first ht and 1 year later, he gets the exact same laxity prior his 1st surgery. You say that he can't get 5k?? If so , could you explain me why?


    English is not my native so sorry if this reply seems aggressive, I'm just really really curious and find out about this!!

  15. I mean't more 17,000 (as an example) over several or more sessions.


    The only way Gho's technique is really of any use to the hairloss community is if it can offer the patient a greater number of grafts without compromising the donor yield. If all his patients are only going in for one or two sessions of 2-4,000 grafts, then he's really no different from the other leading hairloss surgeons out there, except that his reputation is not as established.


    As I say, for me it's black and white. If Gho can get more hair with less donor being used up, then I'm sure there will be a queue of people lining up at his door to get as many procedures as possible under their belt and as many grafts as they can. It's when I see these sorts of patients and, importantly, their results, that I will really start getting interested in Gho. Until that point all the talk and hearsay in the world won't mean anything.



    Everytime I open that thread you say what I exactly wanted to say:)

  16. Fin,


    Believe me, I was much more excited than you when I first learn about Gho I also believe that FUT is not a perfect cosmetic procedure, in my opinion it's something flawed because you need another procedure to cover your scar. And I also don't want to loose my option to buzz my head real short, which I'm doing for 2 years now.


    But, FUT with a A class surgeon is the gold standart still. Top doctors like H-W , Rahal are doing someting what I can call life changing for guys with advanced hair loss. And I think everyone saw them, not read it on a scientific article or heard in some medical annual meeting, SAW them. I think there is a huge gap in what Gho claims (nearly unlimited donor and no scar) and what he offers (see his results on his webpage). Again , believe me I'm the most entousiastic member in the forum wanting that the Gho is the "real deal". But I need to see someone with higher nw levels and with higher grafts that he fully restored.I and many members here saw rahal, hasson , wong patients that are fully restored but not with gho.

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