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Posts posted by azazelgs

  1. First of all, this is not a post to make some bad accusations or insults, I do believe in their work , I think they are still the worlds best but I feel like it needs to be discussed in this forum , where everything is clear , solid and not fake. Also , I think it is obvious that something going wrong there.

  2. Hi guys (again),


    I'm still weighing my options and come up with this; maybe it sounds weird, stupid etc but just wanted to hear your opinions about this.


    There is a guy in our work that has a rare type of hairloss but i saw it in another people. He has a solid hairline with 1-2 cm wide (I'm european i really don't know inch calculations:) ) but nearly nothing on top and crown. He can be considered as nw6 but he regularly buzz cuts his head and the look is i think excellent because he has an hairline!


    I regularly buzz cut my head but hate my hairline and want to do something about it. So my question is , is it possible to just create a good NW1-2 hairline with fue and don't really give much coverage to top and crown? Wouldn't it be a good idea for the ones who buzz their hair?


    I draw something to illustrate my idea , what do you think about it ?


  3. bonderstonker,


    I've looked into that option (scalp micro pigmentation) many times mate but I think it's not for me. Some results look fantastic but I'm not type of guy that always be triggered by if someones notices or not. At the end of the day, it's a tattoo!! I have plenty of them on my body but on my head, I really doubt it...




    Thanks for the reply, that's what im certainly seeking for right now! Is there anyone who can clarify that??

  4. bonkerstonker,

    thanks for the encouraging messages!! By the way , are you from greece??



    exactly! English not my native language but I don't think I'm that bad:D




    thanks for the reply.Joe (jotronic) told me the same that I should get my hair longer in order to understand better about my loss which I'm doing for a week now.


    About the scar, yes it's scary. But it's the only way to get the maximum graft and I'm not a good candidate for FUE concerning my age , pattern and donor availibility. After I max out my grafts fith strip, I'll try to do something to cover the scar which there are some good opportunuties availible such as fue into scar or tattooing a scar. That's my worst case scenario.

  5. Bonkerstonker,


    Thanks for your reply. It's true that I'm having a rough time in my life (not because of hairloss) and may be relate that to my hairloss, but believe me I'm not mentally instable.


    For a year now I've been buzzing my head and try to forget my hairloss. But I've always been on this forums and checked other options such as scalp micropigmentation etc.. Some people are issue multipliers ,such as myself , if i'm depressed , I can easily find other things that depress me more.


    And I want to do something for my life, so I started for researching again for ht which I've been thinking about for 3 years now. But I'm no stupid or mentally insane , thats why I'm here and seek for support and get some wise answers.


    You are right about the dramatic title, so sorry again for that from everyone.

  6. Thanks everyone for so quick replies!


    Again , sorry for the dramatic post. This hair loss issue has taken over me for the last month, and since I buzz my hair ,I can see clearly that I lost a lot in the last month due to some SSRI's and personal issues.




    I know you and I never talked about ht options, you just give opinions based on my photos. So , sorry if I mislead anyone.




    I've never claimed that I'll get 5000 immediately.One of the main goals i opened this thread is to get some opinions wheter I need 5000 or not. And I think I got my answer:)




    Thank you. It's just sometimes gets you a lot , I believe this is one of the times.



    Maybe I relate a lot what is going on with my life and my hairloss, I don't know. 3 years ago when I didn't jump in this site ,I thought baldness is my curse because ht's are weird , pluggy looking things. But more and more research showed me that there are great surgeons that no one in the world except the experts tell me that I had something done.



    I hate my hairline. Sometimes it affects a lot , sometimes it's not. I really want to make something about it. I'm not a fool to use 5000 to frontal or to expect a baby hairline. I just want to do something about it , that's all. That's why I posted this thread in order to get some opinions about you guys. Again and again, sorry for the dramatic posts, hair loss can be tough on me personally sometimes.

  7. Hello everyone,


    Sorry for the depressive mood, my hairloss has taken over me for the last month. It literaly destroys my life right now. I really can't feel like myself anymore. So , I'm at the egde of making a decision.


    I'm 25 years old, nw5-6 scale. Crown is still looking good and based on my family pattern , I hope it will be for a long time. I've been on propecia for 2 years and minoxidil for a year.


    I started my researches when I was 22 at the egde of nw2-3 pattern. I'm thankful to this site that i did not jump to anything like local butchers , someone claiming that a ht that will last me for a life-time. Now I see that it will be a long journey for me , especially based on my age, pattern and family history.So it's so crucial to make the right moves, which I'm hoping from you guys enlighten me through the road.


    Last month I focused with researching about the FUE since I buzz my hair for a year now and I really like it that way but just one thing , I hate my hairline! When I was 16-17 , I saw some guys with my hairline like now and I wished to god I won't be like that. Now I'm living my worst nightmare.


    So, I first saw Armani hairlines and as many of you had , I was fascinated! But then after more research..... That guy cannot be trusted. Some results seem over the moon but in every web site there are the same 10-15 results! No one (except feelzgood in this forum I guess) has a blog in this site so this is very suspicious.


    So I continued to fue and read alot about Dr. Bisanga in Brussels. Since I live in Turkey, a great FUE guy in Europe , why not? I sent my pictures for online consultation. He was very quick replier, based on my pattern and donor , I'd only be getting 1500 grafts which is nothing and he refused me. You guys can't imagine how I feel. 25 year old bald , no option just to accept his baldness which is impossible.


    Then , other options besides ht, hair system and scalp micro pigmentation. I don't want to go to pros and cons about both , but my main point was ; if one of them would be found out, I'd freak myself out and never live with the tension of if someone notices.


    Last week while I was searching this forum , I thought to myself :" Hey azazel, you 've been on this site for nearly 2 years now and all you see is H&W everywhere. Just send your pictures , see what happens." and I did. Same pictures that I sent to Dr. Bisanga, Joe told me to get more clear photos ,so I did and add something for them to estimate the laxity.The next day Joe replied and I quote:



    "Thank you for sending the new photos. They show a lot more detail especially what appears to be your fantastic donor laxity. Combined with your average donor density you could most likely get well above 5000 grafts in one session".


    2 days ago I was told 1500 grafts and now I hear more than 5000??!? And not from anyone, from H&W?? The feeling was unbelieble, to see that there is still hope. The first thing I thought was what i'm gonna end up if I start scalp exercises:)


    Now comes the egde; I know this road will be long and hard. And one thing I learned from you guys is to plan for the worst ,hope for the best. I believe H&W is one of the best places for me to start. 5000 for the first is not a bad thing to go, especially for the frontal third. Then 2nd procedure to address the crown.


    So my worst case scenario: To get what I can get from H&W. If the density wont be good enough , I'm not afraid to buzz my hair which I'm doing for a year. And I'll have a good hairline with thinning all over look. Then FUE my scar or to scalp micro pigmentation. As far as I researched, there are plenty of ways to cover my scar.The most important scar for me to have at the front , to have a pluggy look or some surgical scars at the hairline and top , which I believe I won't have that problem if I go with Dr.Hasson or Wong. I'll talk about this with them more.


    Best case scenario: To be the new jotronic, Falceros, Nicnitro, Bobman and many more that we all jealous of! Until Joe's response , all I was dreaming of was a good ,thinning but solid hairline that I can be happy with. Now I'm imagining myself with a good long hair which I was stopped dreaming about a year ago.


    Sorry for the long post , here are the pictures. ALL responses and comments are highly welcomed.Up to this time, this forum has gained me a great benefits. Now, it's my most important decision in life and I'll be more than happy to see some responses.







  8. Hello everyone,


    After reserching for about 2 years now, I'm at the end of a decision and come up with two roads .I'd like to share them with you and get your honest opinions.


    (A litte info : 25 year old , NW 5 going to 6, family history of NW6 with strong crown. Been on propecia for 2 ,minoxidil for 1 year. )



    1- Start with H&W: All my researches just thought me one thing for certain ; donor area is precious and fut is much better for those who need more grafts. Since I'm young and I know this road is very risky I'm planning on 2 megasessions from them to get my most graft as possible.But, i want to have the freedom to shave my head at the lowest clipper as possible, if I dont have a good coverage. For the scar, I will use the scalp micro pigmentation or fue if availible.


    2- Dr. Rassman and micro-pigmentation: I'm buzz cutting my hair and I really liked it until 2 months ago . I had a shock loss from depression and SSRI's and now I hate it. My plan is first to get a fue to have a NW1-2 hairline because I'll be very nervous if my hairline is ink. I'm thinking of a 1-2 cm wide hairline with fue. (As some of you may think that as a bad ht with a good hairline) Then use the micro-pigmentation to other areas.



    Which way you think is better? Should I start with FUE or FUT? All ideas (maybe some of you may show me another way) are highly appreciated.



    ps: Joe from H&W told me that i have a above average laxity and they can able to get more than 5000 grafts in a one session. Hope that adds something to your opinions, sure it did to mine:)

  9. feelzgood,

    thank you for your ressurection:) I started seriously thinking about a ht , my hairloss is similar and i want to shave my head.

    How old were you when you had a ht?

    Do you remember your donor characteristics ?

    Is 4k grafts in one session?


    Sorry for the question bomb but i'm still interested in Armani eventhough i'm highly sceptical about it. You are the only one that is not commercially connected with them with a good result i guess:D

  10. No, I'm not a new guy in the forum I know a lot about Armani but not about the other docs.I mean there is Sara Armani mentioned and the other ones but a little information?Also in their website, some results seems really impressive ,especially the ones that are done in Dubai.


    anyone experienced from armani clinics but not armani?

  11. yes, i'm hearing more and more about Bisanga since i've eliminated my search to FUE and buzz cut.


    I do respect everyone in this forum about their opinions and i'd like everyone to respect mine. I may have a "different " opinion and want to go down to a different route because my main motto is to be able to buzz my hair and do not look weird if everything goes bad. And some of you may think I'm crazy but to create a good well defined hairline with 1.5-2 cm wide(think as a strip scar) and have a 35-40 fu/cm2 density that combines with your sides in a nw6 case is essential for me. Since I buzz my hair , thinning look at the crown and top is ok.


    There is a thread by feelzgood (http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/157624-my-fue-2-years-after-scars-1-buzz.html). He was my ideal picture of what I want so I was planning on going with Armani route. I've been on this site for 2 years now and yes I know some poor results and I'll be very sceptical even if I choose him but my request is a bit different so maybe his clinic can offer me some help.Because a main view of a "bad ht" may be what I want in some cases. I just don't want to be weird and able to buzz my head.


    Also about hasci, I've talked with them and they told me that I can keep my hair as low as possible, without scar detection. However ,they still did not inform me about the re-usage of the donor and if there is a big cases like more than 5000 fue grafted. Also anyone experienced with hasci or have a other language than english that can find some european forum pictures will be highly appreciated.


    My ideal hair is Josep Guardiola look ,head coach of Barcelona FC. Many US guys do not like "soccer" but I'm from Turkey and I love it! I attached a picture of him and this is really would satisfy me.


  12. Hello everyone,


    I may be young but I'm 2 years veteran on this forum. Nowadays, my hairloss has completely taken over my life. I quit my job , do not talk with my gf ,dont talk to anyone really and i can't live. And i really appreciate some help.


    I'm nw5-6 ,but no loss in crown. This is the thing in my family men, they dont even shed a bit until they're 40. I'm using propecia for nearly 2 years and and minoxidil for a year now. Propecia seem to stop a bit but gained no help from minox. Also in my examination I've a 76 fu/cm2 donor hair.


    I've been on this forum for 2 years now and researched nearly everything about ht , so I'm not a rookie:) I just need some opinions regarding to my expectations.


    1-I buzz cut my hair at the lowest clipper: And i like it really. To be honest , if i've had hair i wouldn't do it but now for a year it's my looks. So strip is no option for me.


    2- I want a hairline: I have the "island" at the very beginning of my "old" hairline and thinning all over and I HATE it. That type was my worst fear when my hair started to recedee and now i'm living the nightmare. So good hairline is what I'm seeking most.


    3- Top and Crown is not important: Of course everyone of us is hair greedy but believe me, after 2 years of research all I really want is a good looking hairline and thinning all over look. For example : Check out Josep Guardiola, head coach of FC Barcelona.


    4-I'm not scared of baldness: I'm not since i get along with the lowest cut but this hairline I think i cannot live with.


    Many of you see this stupid and non-sense but please put some emphaty to me and try to understand me. I want something that i can use my hair lowest and natural, without any scars and abnormalities since I won't tell anyone if I'm gonna have a HT.


    I've eliminated my options and come to 2 clinics ; Alvi Armani and Hasci in Netherlands. I know some of you are still very sceptical about armani (I still do) but i think he has great hairlines. Also Hasci in Netherlands seem to offer something new and when I talked with them they told me that i can wear my hair as low as possible. However, they still do not inform me about fue megasessions and their results in their site seems normal in order to what they offerings.



    So guys, please i'm literally begging for some help. I'm basically in need of a FUE megassession. Any advice based on that would be extremely helpful. thanks.

  13. I know I'm too young for an HT and really don't know the future loss, believe me I've been reading forum for the past 3 years.


    There is a guy in our work who has a well defined hairline (he's 40 by the way) in an interesting way.If to say his donor is 70 fu/cm2 , he has a 1 cm wide hairline with 30 fu/cm2 and the top and crown is nearly empty, like 10 fu/cm2. However when he buzzes his head, he had the image that he do it with a good hair and I really want to achieve someting like that.

  14. Hello everyone,


    I'm not very new to this forum ,some of you can remember me (maybe Bill as we talked in PM ).


    As you can see from the pictures, I'm a definite nw 5 heading towards 6. I use the big three(propecia, minoxidil, nizoral). Also from the pictures everyone can see I'm buzzing my hair as lowest as possible.


    This may sound ridicilous and funny to some but I think i have very different expectations for some. I really like my buzz look. I keep it at the clippers lowest and shave in 7-10 days. I'm not going to keep my hair long but my main goal is to have a nice hairline.Eventhough I may be super donor (which I'm not) and maximum scalp laxity (which is not) I wont be able to achieve what I want for long hair.


    So my goal is to have a good hairline drawed an really give less attention to middle and crown. I mean to be a NW 1-2 and thinning look is more attractive for me than being nw3 with high hairline and longer hair.I've been researching but couldn't decice what I'll be doing. I've also looked in hair tattoos and other things etc..



    So please guys give some opinions about this.Last week I contacted with hasci in Nederlands and they told me that I can keep my hair as low as possible. FUT is not an option for me. So any ideas and plans will be very helpful , thank you.




  15. Hi,


    You may want to check on prices for generic version of Proscar - Finasteride 5mg. It's much more economical than Propecia. Check with your physician if he/she feels comfortable prescribing it to you.


    As for shockloss due to anti-depressents, you'll have to read each medicatio to its side effect and possibly switch if you can. Have you gone over this with your doctor doing the prescribing?


    No I haven't because I am too embarred to talk about it. I read that Anafranil and Ludiomil are nearly 20 year-old drugs so the side effects can be seen more often. So I switched to cymbalta.


    My main concern is to gain what i have before this shock loss and i really don't know whether it has caused by quitting propecia (i started again by the way), SSRI, seasonal shedding or non stable use of minoxidil.


    I am saying to everyone on this forum,please i am very desperate. I feel like I lost my everything, my self confidence is down right now. I would appriciate everyone with honest and encouraging answers, please.

  16. hello everyone,


    I've been using propecia for 1.5 years and minoxidil for 10 month until 2 weeks ago. I stopped using propecia (for economical issues) but continiued on minoxidil(but not regularly) and I am only using minoxidil in my temples. The thing is I started loosing all I have in temples in two weeks like crazy. I don't have any pictures but I know that my temples are significantly shed.(I am buzzing my hair so I can clearly see the difference).So I started using propecia immidiately.


    Also I started taking some SSRI 's a month ago. I used Anafranil and Ludiomil for 2 weeks, then cymbalta now for a week. I read that Anafranil and Ludiomil causes hairloss as a side effect. Now I'm still using cymbalta.


    My questions are;

    -Is this could be seasonal shedding or from the SSRI?

    -Has anyone else experienced hair loss from antidepressants or anyone experienced this kind of "shock loss"?

    -When I started using minoxidil unregularly, may I be interrupted all the treatment and started the growth cycle all over again? Or is there anyone who experienced a loss between 10-12 months??

    -I have anxiety disorder and highly agoraphopia and these symtoms started last year because of my obsession about my hairloss. Now I'm in a nightmare and I can't go out. I thought I won but now I'm at the deep bottom.


    Please, I'm begging you guys someone please encourage me or tell me something to get my hair back because it all happened in 2 weeks and I can't believe it. Please.

  17. Hi everyone,


    I've been using minoxidil ( i live in turkey, there's no rogaine here but a drug called "minoxil", only approved one) for 2 weeks on my temples and I started to loose the ones i had. In some places i've read about it and it's normal but it's really freaking me out right now. Anyone experienced similar things and is it good or bad??


    And also anyone here in Turkey uses this???


    Any response highly appreciated.

  18. Hi everyone,

    I'm seriously thinking about it. I like my hair style as #1 cut but hate the temples so it sounds reasonable to me.I found HIS Hair Clinic in Britain and eventhough some results seem unnatural, i believe i can achieve my desired result. Any ideas /advices? Anyone who has it? Best docs who does this?


    Please it's very important to me.

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