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Posts posted by agenteye

  1. Silica is a trace mineral which supposedly has a healthy effect on hair, skin, and nails; however, I think your biotin and saw palmetto extract pills will do the trick. I am also taking MSM (often paired with glucosamine as a supplement) and a B-complex vitamin, both of which I feel has made a positive difference in my growth and texture. But again.....the biotin alone seems to be one of the supplements with the most positive correlation for hair growth. As long as Ebay has that for you, you are good to go!!


    Israel huh? Awesome! Tel Aviv is on my short list of places I want to see in the VERY near future!





  2. Hi Daniel-


    Excellent choice in considering Dr. Rahal for your transplant. You will be in excellent hands.


    I just recently started on Saw Palmetto and Biotin myself. I don't take silica personally, but know others who do. Do you live in the United States? If so, I personally buy ALL of my multi-vitamins (including my hair loss regimen) through Amazon. I find that they usually have the best prices, they ship directly to my house, and they have a "subscribe and save" option that allows you to sign up for monthly (or less) recurring deliveries. When I utilize this feature on the website, they discount your order an extra 5%. I am certain you could pick these up at any local grocery store or pharmacy in your city, but this is the most convenient option for me personally! Likewise, Amazon allows people to review different brands...so I can see which manufacturers are more highly rated. I find that when I shop in a store your options are more limited, as the store often only carries one or two manufacturer brands!


    Hope this information helps!





  3. Not a very drastic transformation for this patient; especially given that his 2829 grafts gave him 5700+ hairs for coverage! I'm definitely glad that the patient is satisfied, as that is the most important thing at the end of the day; but hoping that next 2000 grafts makes an overall better cosmetic improvement for him! Just out of curiosity Dr. Quatela.....when you repeatedly use the words "the team" in reference to involvement of your employees in the various stages of this patient's procedure, what is your involvement with the procedure? I'm assuming you do the strip extraction and then your "team" ( I imagine a nurse/surgical techs) does the graft harvesting and placement?


    Not being accusatory in any way at all......I am just always curious what physician involvement each clinic employs, as it seems to differ so much from practice to practice.


    Thanks for sharing these results!!





  4. Since I last posted, the number of people I've told about my procedure has increased even further and the number of "wow!'s" and "I would never have known!'s" have become impossible to count. :)


    Well, no big surprise there considering you were in some of the most capable hands in the industry!!! WELCOME BACK Matt! Sorry for the speed-bump in your life.....hope all is well mate and that everything is okay now! Missed seeing you around.


    I'm with Spanker.....let's see those photos soon!!! I was dying to PM you to see what was going on and when we'd be seeing an update from you. No pressure, I'm sure you'll do it when you are able again!!

  5. Hi Wolfsatplay-


    I agree with Lorenzo and Matt's advice, and understand you have a tough decision ahead of you in terms of graft placement! The great news is, you don't have to bare the decision alone, as Dr. Rahal is phenomenal at designing a hair "map" that looks totally natural and appropriate for the specific patient.

    If it were me personally, I'd want to go with more hair to restore my hairline and mid scalp, and anything left after decent coverage in those areas would go into my crown!!! As Lorenzo said, you might be a candidate for more grafts if you are diligent with your scalp laxity exercises between now and your procedure. Likewise, Rogaine Foam personally worked wonders on my crown, so I think (if you're anything like me), you could get even more natural growth back in your crown from Fin/Rogaine. Personally, my reasoning for doing this hair design (again if it were me) is that the hairline and the mid-scalp are the areas that people see when they are looking at you.......not the crown. Furthermore, I think concealers are much easier to use in the crown than they are in the hairline. This would at least be an option for you until there are other hair loss options in the future (come on already hair cloning) to finish up your crown. But again, this is a decision you and Dr. Rahal will figure out together. In the meantime, Lorenzo provides excellent advice with the medication and the scalp laxity exercises.


    Best of luck to you Wolfs, and keep us posted on what you choose to do!





  6. Mick-


    Looks like another excellent result from Dr. Lorenzo!! How long after the procedure were these photos shot? Just trying to gauge if this result is completely matured yet?


    I had no idea until just now that Drs. Farjo and Dr. Lorenzo are merging for a joint venture. I explored the write-up on the website, and think this will be a very positive move for the business!! Should be an unstoppable trio! Congrats on that!!





  7. It doesn't sound to me like Bazancourt is unwilling to take preventative medication, so much as he is "put off" by the thought of it. In his original post, he later asks:


    "Furthermore, should I take propecia or rogaine now for example, despite their side affects? Should I take it after my FUE surgery? Or should I leave those products alone as I have decided to have FUE done and that should be sufficient?"


    In answer to your question asked as the title of your thread, Bazancourt, NO! I don't think it is ok for you to get FUE just yet. I think you are still a bit too young to have a restoration procedure; until you begin preventative meds and see how you respond to them. I do think you will be a good candidate for a restoration later on down the road to address the recession in your temples, however.

    In answer to your question that I reposted up above, Bazancourt, YES, I think you should get started on Propecia (Finasteride) and Rogaine (maybe), and stick with them for a full year before you consider a restoration. I think there are so many people who naturally worry about side effects that may or may not even affect him/her. I was very worried to start the medications because of said side-effects, but fortunately I have had zero issues. If you decide that you are having negative effects from the drugs....you can get off of them and your side effects will dissipate.

    Keep in mind that Rogaine is most effective in the crown area, and not the temples where you are experiencing loss! Being as you didn't shoot the top of your head in your photos, I can't tell if this is an area of concern for you, but I'm guessing not. You may be able to skip the Rogaine altogether for the time being. I would just start out with 1mg of Propecia/Fin daily, and see how you respond to it for starters.


    I think any ethical surgeon would help you (honestly) decide if you are a good candidate for a restoration, but again.....try the Propecia for a year before you spend the money on a transplant.


    As far as FUE goes, you said that you quite like Dr. Rahal, but you are put-off because he doesn't use a manual punch?! He does amazing FUE work.....and in all honestly.....it is the physician performing the FUE that gets a great result with the tool they choose to use, NOT the tool itself. I know people are consistently concerned with a higher rate of transection with a motorized tool, but only if the doctor performs the punch incorrectly. Therefore, I wouldn't cross Dr. Rahal off your list just yet.


    At any rate, you listed some excellent physicians.....and there will certainly be some good options available to you when you are ready to have your procedure. Good luck, and keep us posted.

  8. Hi mate. Were all or the majority of your hairs hook hairs? I had quite a few hook looking ones but a lot were just normal hairs, others with bulbs at the end. All sorts really. I didn't really analyse it at the time but now wondering if there should've been more hook/ transplant ones on my pillow! .... I'm prob also just having one of those doldrums moments where you worry about everything... :eek: ha



    Haha!! NO NO, don't do that pal! I certainly don't think that there is any "set pattern" for it.....and I have heard of plenty of other people who shed without their hairs "hooking". I think it is just very different for every patient! Plus, I am Italian and have a very strong (stubborn) head! I'm sure Dr. Rahal had to just push a little bit harder to get those suckers in my dome! LOL!!! :rolleyes::D

  9. P.S.- I do think your decision to steer clear of the UK clinic was a good choice!! I'm sure Spex (The Hair Master/Guru of these forums) would have steered you in the right direction; but as a whole, it seems like some of the most unhappy patients are the ones who chose the "wrong" clinic in the UK!! There are so many other available resources for you in your part of the World.......and some of the best results are coming out of Europe and the Middle East right now! You'll find the right fit for you!!

  10. Hi Jon-


    Welcome to the forums buddy, and nice words from you for the members and the forum in general. Thanks for that.....you are definitely correct in saying that this site is a bit of a brotherhood (and sisterhood) for most of us.....and we do all recognize that "we are in this together"!!


    I can't say that I know too much about Dr. Demisroy....but maybe someone else with some experience with this physician will chime in?! As far as Dr. Doganay goes.....I am a HUGE fan of his work....and would absolutely recommend him if I were having a procedure done in Turkey!! You can browse these forums and find many posts of satisfied patients.....and his "after" results definitely back up the accolades.


    Also, just because Dr. Doganay is suggesting 2500 grafts, doesn't mean he can't (or won't) try to obtain more. It is really difficult to assess the state of loss via an online consultation.....so I'm sure if you were wanting to shoot for more (provided you have an appropriate donor/laxity) it could certainly be an option for you.


    As far as the price is concerned, 2 Euros is a BARGAIN for the work Dr. Doganay produces. So don't fret too much about price. A lot of cases of "Bad Transplants" have surfaced because of people who assigned too much value to the "price". Again, I'm not saying anything negative about the other physician (I don't know anything about him).......just make sure you do your research thoroughly before you make the leap. That is the most sound advice anyone on these forums could give you!!


    With that said, excited for you that you are ready to make a positive difference. I am 8 months post-op myself, and feel like I was given a second lease on life! I feel like a new man!! It sounds like your intuition is good, and I'm sure that "gut feeling" of yours will help steer you in the right direction.


    And as you mentioned yourself, this forum is an excellent resource for support/advice....so definitely reach out to any of us at anytime; and keep us informed of whatever it is you choose to do. Looking forward to seeing more posts from you in the future, as you continue on your restoration journey!





  11. Hahaha for sure. Although my experience with hair restoration......considering it IS a gradual change......is that people don't seem to notice what it is about you that's actually changing. You wouldn't believe how many people still don't notice it's my hair that's different......and I was pretty advanced in my loss!!! I still get the "have you been working out?" or the "what are you using on your skin?", before I ever get hair recognition! Which is A-OKAY with me!! Guess it just goes to show you, that a lot of people (at least close friends and family) don't let hair loss dictate how they see you as a person. We are the ones who really let it affect us negatively!! At any rate, when you get back from Europe, you (and your family) will have something to celebrate!!


    Congrats again!!

  12. Glad to know that you're in Europe and that the room in your photos isn't your bedroom! I would insist that I help you out with your decorating if it was! Hahahaha, I tease, I tease!


    Looking awesome so far buddy. At least you're to the point where there is no evidence that you had a procedure done, and once it starts growing you are going to be one VERY happy camper! WOOHOO! You're going to come back from Europe and your friends and family aren't going to quite recognize you and the new hair you're sporting. You went to Dr. Shapiro.....so you are not going to be one of those "odd guys" that you mentioned. Enjoy your vacation and stop panicking! =)


    Glad to see you hit your 2 month today. "Hairnaversary"? I LIKE IT!! Can't wait to see your 3 month update. 2 1/2 months is when things first started to get going for me......so wishing the same for you, and hoping you are enjoying your time abroad!


    Thanks for the update pal!


    Happy growing!



  13. Looks like you are right where you should be buddy! The ugly duckling phase SUCKS, but know that it is well worth it in the end.....and the redness should be pretty short lived. Congratulations on your procedure. Who was your physician if you don't mind me asking?! You have come to a great place for support/advice.





  14. Bmasum-


    Welcome to the forums, and congrats on your decision to have a hair restoration procedure. That cost seems absolutely justified, and is pretty standard for MOST clinics for FUSS procedures. Before I encourage you too much though, I am curious to know whether or not this "known clinic" is in fact a surgeon that is recommended on these forums. If this is a Hair Transplant Network recommended or Coalition member physician, then you are undoubtedly in great hands. If not, I would highly encourage you to do some more research and choose a physician who can be found here.


    Quality Physicians


    It is always a good idea to have a couple of physicians in mind, and possibly getting a couple of online consults. I had a list of 6 physicians to start, and slowly narrowed my list down over the course of a year until I made my final decision. Choosing a doctor from the link I provided will HIGHLY increase your odds of a very successful procedure/outcome. Anyone here would tell you to definitely do your research!


    Where abouts in the US are you located? Any photos of your current state of loss for the members here to see?!


    Anyhow, welcome to the forums again.....and whatever you decide, we'll all look forward to following you on your journey!





  15. Hey Rob-


    Sorry, I know I sent you a PM regarding information, but then I realized that there were others here who were interested in the procedure besides me. I was wondering though if there was a different link to the Health Travel International website....because when I go to their site, it is all information only on hair restoration. I can't find where they do any other procedures (lipo), so didn't know if I read your post incorrectly or if I was wrong in understanding that you went to their clinic for your recent body work too?!


    Thanks for your time!

  16. What's more, we did our best to investigate the issue and make sure both sides of the incident had the opportunity to present their case and also reach a level of resolution. We can't please 100% of members and physicians all the time, but we do our best to keep the community fair, balanced, and honest. I can attest that this issue was investigated thoroughly, but if any members had ongoing concerns, please feel free to share them in a private message exchange with me.


    I can probably speak for the majority of the members here when I say that we appreciate what you (the mod's) do for us, and the members of this community who have a sub-par result! Thanks Blake/Bill/David for trying to shed some light on this particular case!! :D

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