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Posts posted by agenteye

  1. Hi Jobegood-


    Welcome to the forum, and congrats on your recent transplant.


    You got your restoration done in Paris? Do you live in Paris, or are you just visiting? You mentioned that your friend had a "mega-session" of 1400 grafts, but you had even more grafts than he? I didn't know if the 1400 was a typo or not, as you made it sound as if he had more grafts than you did.


    Your hair/head looks to be great at 7 days....everything appears as normal. I haven't heard much about this surgeon or this clinic, so I will be curious to follow your progress and see how everything plays out for you.


    I wanted to say that from the first two photos you posted, you look really good with a shaved/bald head. If that were me, I would have just shaved my head and saved my money on the transplant. But when you don't have a great shaped head, the transplant is the better option!! =)


    Anyway, congrats again.....and please keep us all updated on your progress along the way!





  2. Dr Rahal is an excellent choice! He is amongst my favorite doctorrs on this forum as far as results go. Plus, he has a pretty decent travel package!


    As far as your question about shock loss, I'm not entirely sure I understand correctly. Could you please re word it?


    I think Ojpoj is asking if shock loss only affects the areas the transplant occurs (new hairs) or if you can have shock loss of the native hair as well.


    I didn't lose any of my native hair, but I have heard of it happening. The only place I had any shock loss was around my scar. And it has since grown back......

  3. Ojpoj-


    Welcome to the forums, buddy! You are making an EXCELLENT choice in going to Dr. Rahal for your procedure. He is an amazing physician, and cares a great deal about his patient's and producing some of the best results available today.


    I personally had 4737 grafts done with him in November, 2012....so I am just now 8 months post-op and thrilled with the results. You can have a look through my photo galleries on my profile to see where I started from and where I am today.


    When shock loss occurs (as it did in me), almost all of it will grow back. The only time it doesn't sometimes is if you have your native hair already miniaturized to a point where the follicle was going to die anyway, and then in some instances you will shed these hairs and it won't grow back. It isn't common to lose a lot of native hair during a transplant though.....and 3500 grafts for a NW III is going to give you GREAT coverage! You're going to look great when it's all said and done. Are you planning on FUE or a strip procedure? I was getting a large amount of grafts, so I decided to go strip.


    If you have any other questions for me (or for anyone else in the forums), don't hesitate to reach out. There is a lot of really great advice and information on this site.

  4. FUE-


    Looks AWESOME buddy! I agree with what Slickers says; the buzz cut looks very good on you! Dr. Rahal definitely created an excellent hairline design for you. Looking really forward to watching it grow in and mature over the next year! It's going to definitely make a huge difference in the way you look and feel!


    Congrats on your transplant!





  5. Yes, Dr De Reys uses only manual FUE, as he believes it is superior, although more time consuming.


    Here is a picture from 25th of July - 3 weeks and 2 days after the operation. The redness seems to have calmed down quite a lot in the last few days. I am just left with a few spots, phantom grafts, and a few hairs that have not shed.


    Looking good Edsarn, by the way! How are you feeling about it all so far, buddy? Looks like it will be an excellent result for you. 3000 grafts is going to be a great outcome.....and you had your first round on my mom's birthday.....so I'll definitely remember to check back next year when you post your 1 year update!!!!



  6. Thanks.


    There seems to be a lot of 'motorized fue is bad' commentary coming from some forum members. I'm not so convinced. I've read about Dr. Harris' SAFE tool and from what I've read it appears to be a safe method of extraction. I've seen lots of rahal results and also met an FUE patient in person who had 2000 FUE by this method ad was very impressed with the results. Mind you, this was live and up close with some harsh lighting from high hats.



    There is a lot of negative publicity from people on motorized punches because theoretically it provides a less tactile perception for the surgeon, which therefore (speculation) can cause a higher rate of follicular transection to occur.


    I think it ABSOLUTELY comes down to the skill of the surgeon, and not the tool he/she uses to harvest the grafts. Experience is 99% of the battle. One can chalk it up to the tool being used all they want.....but in the hands of a skilled physician, a motorized fue procedure can have an equally good outcome as one performed with a manual one!!!

  7. And I agree with David!! You should try Finasteride out. You will most likely be pleasantly surprised to find that you aren't one of the few whom experience any side-effects, whatsoever. However if you do find you are negatively affected by the drug, you can discontinue use altogether......and should still be back to normal in time for your honeymoon! ;)


    Congrats on your upcoming wedding by the way! That's something to celebrate! Best to you both! :cool:



  8. Finasteride is same as propecia right.


    That is essentially correct. Finasteride is the active ingredient (medicine) in Propecia. Propecia is a pill that is branded/manufactured by the pharma industry, and is measured with 1 mg of Finasteride (the daily recommended dose to combat hair loss). I believe Propecia is manufactured by Merck if memory serves correctly?!


    Finasteride is the ingredient in the drug that helps to block the DHT that miniaturizes the follicle, and ultimately leads to the permanent loss of your hair. So whether you take the branded form (Propecia) or the active ingredient Finasteride (generic; in the same 1 mg dose), you are essentially achieving the same benefits of the drug.

  9. We never spoke about it and I never asked. My hair's always been thin so I feel as if there's not enough donor for any future procedures but hopefully by then another option will exist.



    I'd say your in a great position with where you are already between the two procedures. Your hair looks really nice and you're not done growing/maturing yet from your most recent procedure with Dr. Umar. If you stay consistent with the medications, you won't need a third procedure any time (if ever) in the near future. I would also bet with only 3200 grafts harvested from your donor thus far, that you have a decent reserve for a rainy day......


    Congrats again buddy! :cool:

  10. You were taking Propecia at 15? I guess it's not entirely out of the question, but frankly I'm surprised a physician would start a patient on a serious hair loss drug so young. It's not too often that young men start losing hair so young, although I guess it happens in rare circumstances. I'm wondering if your hair loss was maybe due to a thyroid condition/deficiency when you were younger?


    At any rate.....the photos you post will help us give you a better assessment of where you stand. And you may not have had the best results with Propecia the first time around, but now that you are a bit older (and probably even more susceptible to DHT), it might have a more profound result this time around. Often times the drug causes an initial shed of your hair, but if you were on it for 2 years, then your hair loss shouldn't have gotten worse. The shed is only temporary while your body adjusts to the foreign medication....and then the positive effects are usually seen.

  11. There are several good restoration clinics in Belgium, and lots of EXCELLENT results coming out of them currently. I am personally a huge fan of Dr. Bisanga at BHR. He is producing some Grade-A work. Dr. Devroye is also in Brussels and has a great reputation for hair restoration. I'd check into both.

  12. Dr. Rahal uses a motorized tool for FUE. I believe the first ARTAS system transplant he used was on a patient by the nickname of "Adamo". He (Adamo) should be close to 9 months post-op by now if I remember correctly....as he had his procedure shortly before me. If memory serves me correctly, it was the first ARTAS transplant to be done in Canada. Maybe Matt will confirm that for me, and hopefully not make me look an idiot!! :rolleyes:

  13. I would not lower my hairline down, i would keep it atbthe same level to save the grafts for better density


    I definitely wouldn't lower the hairline either. I would use the grafts only for density into the current/existing hairline and back. Any reputable surgeon who saw a limited donor in the patient, wouldn't allow the patient to lower the hairline......or at least wouldn't if they didn't want to smear his/her good name!!!

  14. Daniel-


    At 19 years old, you are far too young for a hair transplant, in my honest opinion. I'm sure everyone else in these forums would tell you the same thing. The problem with getting a transplant so young, is that it is hard to predict what Norwood pattern your hair will progress to in the future, and so physicians need to be conservative in their approach to treating you. That is probably why Chad said you are not a good candidate, as most ethical clinics would NOT perform a procedure on someone of your age (unless it were a rare circumstance/medically necessary). I hate to be the bearer of bad news......but not all is lost.


    Are you currently on any of the medications (Rogaine, Finasteride (propecia), supplements) to help halt the progression of further loss?! If not, I would recommend/advise you to consider getting on these treatments. I wish I would have known about them at your age....I could have prevented A LOT of loss. I didn't have my hair restoration until I was 31......as it was important for me to wait to see where the loss was halting. Once my loss stabilized, it was obvious where I would need my grafts placed, and where I would need to save my grafts for future procedures.


    I would get on those medications as soon as you can (consult a physician) and continue to use Toppik. Concealers work great until you reach a place where you are ready to have a transplant!


    Please feel free to reach out to me or anyone else if you ever have questions. This place is a great space for advice and support, as this community really cares!





  15. Daniel-


    Tough to say buddy. I'm sure a physician or a patient advisor would chime in with a more "accurate" assessment. Looks to me like you have a good, dense/thick donor area.....however, photos are super hard to give an assessment. I know plenty of people who were expecting a great donor area, and then on the day of their procedures found out it wasn't as good as originally thought. Same goes for the other way around too. Scalp laxity will also play a role in what the physician will be able to harvest.


    But speaking as an outside perspective, your hair characteristics look very similar to mine, and I had above average laxity and donor supply/density!


    If you don't mind me asking, what nationality are you? Some of us Italians and Spaniards luck out in that department.....and are ideal hair transplant candidates. Just curious and not trying to be rude....so please don't feel as if you have to answer that question! =)





  16. I hadn't heard of this clinic. I checked out several videos on YouTube, and I must admit....they seem to produce some really excellent results. I was actually surprised to see they do some Mega-sessions too. One video showcased a one-day, 6100+ FUSS clip, and the guy looks great now.


    At the same time, I hate getting onto a hair clinics actual website and not being able to find a Bio on each surgeon and team member. I don't want to have to "contact us" for that sort of information.....I want "in your face" information about how long the physician has been performing procedures, etc.


    That, and I frankly wouldn't trust my head with anyone who isn't a HTN recommended physician....especially now that I'm an educated consumer. I would agree that there are plenty of other more affordable AND reputable clinics nearby.......

  17. Clemens weber who has been emailing me about Demisroy said that he only does one patient a day to maximise concentration etc with a max of 3500 grafts. I think that is a good trait


    To be honest with you, I think this should be the standard for all hair restoration surgeons, and should be a criteria for a patient to choose their physician on these grounds. I personally wouldn't want to go to an "assembly line" clinic! I think that since we as patients are paying good money for an (expected) outstanding result, the physician should give us the time (that we spent said money for) to focus just on us, for a more precise result/outcome! The only exception to this rule, in my honest opinion, would be if the physician were doing a couple 1500 or less graft procedures in a day.....as I think this (at least with FUSS) could be done in two, half-day sessions!! Just my .02........

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