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Posts posted by MAGNUMpi

  1. Originally Posted by stairstre viewpost.gif

    It's great to see docs jumping on the fue bandwagon but i just can't get into this result, sorry. I tried.

    I'm my opinion it's an average result. Growth is good. But the hairline seems pluggy to me You can clearly see doubles. Compare this hairline to the likes of Feriduni or Konior. It's not in the same league.

    Hi Busa!

    The guy is allowed his opinion. No reason to jump on him.

  2. magnumpi-

    I have been in contact with the doc and voicing my questions. My sides are pretty depleted in my opinion as well as my wife's and a few of my friends. I have had a few people who I work with joke and ask if I received a bad haircut on my sides only. I asked the doc about this and he responded with all the measures he takes to prevent it. I asked the question again and am waiting for his response. He had two of his veteran tecs doing the extractions he said as well. My worry is truthfully I can't see how I can have many more donor grafts on my sides. What's the point of making one area bald only to cover another?!? Again he has offered to perform the entire surgery himself which I am considering but I have many questions that need to be answered before I move forward. With the result that I achieved and the moth eaten appearance on the sides a part of me thinks maybe my body just wasn't a good candidate. He believes that I had about 50-60 percent growth. Seems kind of high as people have said in this thread that they can't really tell much difference at all between the before and after. Lots of questions and lots of uncertainty remain. Fun fun!!!

    Sorry to hear about the tricky situation. Maybe something like mFUE would be a option to look into. They could take the punches from places that look the fullest and avoid the sides (?). Please do keep us posted. And let us know when you hear back from the Dr. Good luck.

  3. While I agree with chrisdav and 1978matt that these things can sometimes happen, I also think this is a slippery slope. A patient blaming themselves before the doctor seems an unusual approach. I would think more about the fact that the techs did almost all of your work. Was there a tech that was not as talented as the others? Were they training someone new? Do you have this info?

    Poor result and depleted donor is not something to just brush off so lightly IMHO. A poor result in the front sometimes does happen but the donor (sides) shouldn't be looking that bad. That, I think, was controllable.

    Dr. Feriduni is an excellent doctor and obviously sees that this situation is in need of repair. It would be great if you could get him do the procedure himself if that is possible as you said. Also I agree that speaking with some other doctors at this point is a good idea too.

    Good luck. Keep us posted.

  4. Here is an awesome FUE result from a recent post:




    Here is an awesome FUT result from a recent post:




    Both guys chose well IMHO. I think so much has to do with the persons donor/age/doctor of choice/NW level/and a healthy sprinkling of good luck. It seems that sometimes there are great FUT results with almost nonexistent scars and sometimes there are great FUE results that rival FUT results. Its almost impossible to determine that one is better than the other. It all depends on so much.

  5. This is something I have wondered about for a while and asked a few people with "salt and pepper" hair about. They all said the doctor took the color into consideration when implanting. Usually it was the other way around though. The hair from the donor was darker than the hair up front.

    It is an interesting topic. Hope some more people chime in with their experiences.

  6. Dr U uses a test he calls a "Shave Test" before performing FUE. In this test shaving the donor area reveals distinctly contrasting densities between the so called safe donor areas and the non safe donor areas. In patients destined for NW 7 especially, a line of demarcation is often visible by the mid 20s. Dr U's study on this subject is about to be published in a major plastic surgery journal.

    Very interesting. Thanks Abbie

  7. Back into the fray. ;) I was just on an international flight at 3 different airports and realized they are a great place to look at peoples heads. So much spare time and nothing else to do. What I noticed is that 9 out of 10 men have their hair short in the back. Maybe its the fashion of the moment but both older business men and young hipsters have pretty close cropped hair back there.

    While on the flights I realized that as men age the donor area really does thin out also. Again a great place to check NW levels. Basically I realized that a FUT scar would be detectable on most of these men. They would essentially have to wear their hair longer than the social norm, this would also make their recipient areas look thinner in comparison.


    I am hoping that mFUE might be the magic bullet. I hope it works out.

  8. Hi Daltex,

    I've been using finasteride for around 10 years now and don't have any issues with side effects. I would say talk to your doctor and keep trying it if possible. It really did help me slow the MPB and also filled in my crown.

    I would also try shaving your head one time before getting a HT. Who knows it might look fine and you would be out of the weeds. If you do eventually go for a HT please be sure to read up on this forum for a while first so you fully understand all aspects before committing. Take your time and research.

  9. loss interest in sex or problem having an orgasm is normal for patients taking this drug.

    Nope. It's a "possible" side effect, meaning a person may or may not experience it.


    These side effects are temporary, will gone after stop taking drug.

    Not necessarily true.

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