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Posts posted by MAGNUMpi

  1. I think only doctors that perform extractions should be recommended. This reduces the variable of new/inexperienced techs who don't have their name in the door doing a poor job. Technician extraction is just too big of variable.

    Excellent point, Spanker, and seconded.


    At the very least, if technicians are doing the extractions, then I think the doc should identify the extracting technician(s) for each published case and should permit patients to book their procedures with those techs specified as the extracting techs.

    This would be nice.

  2. If FUE was really better than FUT, and they were verified by independent research, the influx of business FUE doctors would gain would be staggering.
    It seems like that has been starting to happen in the last few years. There are FUE doctors popping up all over the place. (I'm not implying FUE is "better" here)


    Thank you to whoever posted the Beehner data. I haven't seen any work since then. Until something better comes along, that is the closest thing to evidence that we have.

    Everything else is just marketing.

    But we have lots of people giving their own personal experiences here, good, and bad (with photos). So it's not all just marketing. Some doctor results sometime seem a bit tilted but usually a forum member will call it out.
  3. Good post. Lots of interesting questions.

    are conclusive studies why is this still hotly debated ?

    Because there are so many variables. Everything has to do with:

    Your personal hair loss

    Your personal hair characteristics

    The doctor you visit

    The day the doctor/techs are having

    Pure luck

    Yes the FUT vs FUE debate is a funny one, and it exists because there is no definitive answer on the subject. There are good and bad results coming from every single doctor, regardless of whether he is considered a "top Doc". But the more you learn about the different procedures the better you can potentially address your personal situation.

    If you are a NW 5+ you might want to look at FUT if you are okay with the scar and all its issues.

    If you are a NW 2/3 and your hair loss is stable you might want to look at FUE.

    Sorry you got shut down about your past results. You should re-post and give it another shot. There are good people here on the forum who can help access your situation and give you some good feedback that might help.

    I didnt answer all your questions. Hope some more people will jump in and get to some I missed.

  4. Hi Mike37,

    Hmmmm...well the problem is that without Propecia you are going to lose all that hair up front and the top sides eventually and be somewhere around a NW6. That would really make it hard to fill in and look natural. It would be a somewhat sparse coverage at best.

    1. Have you tried shaving your head to see how it looks? maybe you can pull it off.

    2. They say you need roughly 1000 hairs per NW level so you are looking at around 6000+ (thinking long term) so you might want to look at FUT if you are SURE you want to go down the HT route.

    3. Do a search for a bunch of NW5-6's on this site and see if you could deal with a little less than they have.

    4. You look like you have med-fine hair (?) so you are really looking at a possible see through result in the long run. That might be okay for you, and it might not.

    5. see #1. If you can rock it shaved all your problems are solved.

    Good luck.

  5. As we all know the best in one field cannot be compared with the worst in another.

    Traction, torsion and compression does not happen in my practice but Dr Feller will not understand.

    Scars of FUE are minimally apparent when compared to the best strip scars.

    For instance see this FUE case I am doing today. He underwent an FUE procedure around 2800 grafts 11 months back. He is a young Caucasian male who has come for some addition of density (500 grafts only) in the midscalp area where he has started to bald.

    His result after one year of FUE is at-

    Dr. Bhatti- 2889 FUE grafts for hairline, midscalp and temples - Forum By and for Hair Loss Patients


    I show his scars clicked today. And he is just a random case from today's surgeries (the newspaper proves that) and not picked from my large storehouse collection of FUE/FUT scars.


    You can also see the other patient I did a few weeks back. We posted his pictures yesterday-


    Comparisons are odious you would say !


    Attached Thumbnails attachment.php?attachmentid=82833&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1439790367 attachment.php?attachmentid=82834&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1439790460 attachment.php?attachmentid=82848&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1439793728 attachment.php?attachmentid=82849&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1439794010


    These are bad scars, but the fact that even the best doctor can not predict that this kind of outcome is off the table I would sacrifice the possible 25% yield difference, go to a top FUE doctor, be conservative with the planning and not risk being scarred like this if I could get away with it NW-wise.
  6. thanks for the reply man. honestly my doctor was going to prescribe it to me but he read the possible side effects and it was just a big turn off for me. ontop of that I've done some research on propecia and a lot of law suits filed against the pharmaceutical company that makes it over here in Canada. people losing impotency even after they've stopped using it etc etc. thats a risk I'm not willing to take

    That, of course is your choice. Please do read up a bunch here on the forum for a while before you consider a HT. No need to rush.

    If you post some photos the people here will gladly help you determine what stage your hair loss is at and where it might be going in the future.

  7. I've found this whole thread fascinating and I've learnt a lot, still a little confused but ive always been a bit slow. I have only been really considering fue, but what this thread has taught me is to still way up all the options, and strip is not dying out or for yesterday. At first I thought Dr Feller and Dr Bloxham were trying push it on us as it's what they practice, but I know now that's not the case. It's just to make us think, and to educate us. So big thanks to them.

    This has been a good read.

    Yes, but at this point we are sort of at square one again. One doctor says FUT is better and one says FUE is better, 10 forum members say FUE, and another 10 say FUT. I'm basically just as confused now as I was before I read this crazy thread.

    This thread makes me want to buy a wig.


  8. Hi Iven,

    It's good that you are here. If you are noticing your top thinning at 23 there is a good chance you will end up losing a lot of hair down the line (sorry about that). Really the BEST thing you can do right now is start taking propecia. It will slow your loss almost to halt. It will give you years longer with your hair. As for side effects, as you know all drugs have possible side effects. It would be worth your while to give it a try and see if it works for you. The chances are that you will not have any negative reaction to it and you will keep your hair.

    In my (and most peoples) opinion you are far too young to be getting a hair transplant. There is just no way to know how much you will lose in the future.

    About propecia and a HT. Yes it is advised to be on the medication for the rest of your life, or basically you will lose all the hair around the transplanted hairs and look very strange.

    So my advise to you is:

    1. Go to your doctor and ask to try propecia.

    2. Spend a good amount of time on this forum reading threads so until you really understand what a HT can do and what it can't.

    3. Wait a while before considering a HT. Do not rush this.


    Welcome to the forum and keep asking questions.

    Good luck, M.

  9. I have been taking propecia on and off for at least 15 years. When I take it I definitely have side effects such as loss of libido, mild erectile dysfunction and no morning wood. This happens even at the dosage of 0.25 gram every other day. I guess I am just super sensitive to the drug. I am 66 now and I had most of my hair transplants done in my early 40's. My hair is thinning out all over my scalp ( age thing, i guess ) and the really sad thing is that I have been losing transplanted hair for years. I know that propecia helps to retain transplanted hair ( that was supposed to last a lifetime !! ) but I cannot tolerate longterm use of propecia and I worry that I may find that I may not recover the next time I stop taking it. I am basically growing bald all over again, and the transplanted hair is falling out first. Yesterday a friend who does not know that I have had extensive hair transplants made a joke about the bald spot on the crown of my head. That area looked great after i had two scalp reductions and two major hair transplant sessions as well as two later "touch-ups" in that area. Not any more. I would shave it all off if I didn't have so many scars due to the hair transplants.
    Wow. You should really start a thread and detail your story. You have some interesting things happening that might be helpful to this community.

    Have you tried Rogaine since the propecia doesn't work for you?

  10. I don't see dermmatch, he may have thickening gel though, but regardless, the man was a norwood 7 with a limited donor area and it was compromised from a bad surgery, this result is honestly the best result given the situation, it's pointless to say shouldn't have done the first surgery, yea I think he knows that, the point of the result is to show case even in the worst situations your results can be repaired and look descent.

    You don't see dermatch? look again at his hair line. It is in a perfect line with blue/black undertone. If it isn't dermatch its something similar. This is an amazing result given his situation I agree 100% but I dont think it's inappropriate to mention that a person would have been better off walking away when we come across a really terrible HT. It is important to keep that option in mind, not for this patient, but for the people researching HT's.

    Again this is an amazing repair job.

  11. I feel bad for this guy. The repair is an amazing attempt at making him look half normal again. I can see the dermatch on all his post-op pics and the kinky hair is better than before but he'll never look normal in natural lighting on the street. Man, He should not have gotten that first HT. He would be 100 times better off if he never got into it in the first place. damn.

  12. Nice work Blake! This guy is going to be a happy camper. His scar looks like it will be invisible.


    So, what do you think? Would a donor scar like this bother you? Is this what you think of when you hear "FUT scar" or do you envision the other end of the spectrum?


    A donor scar like this would not bother me. It still has the potential to stretch in the next few months but hopefully that wont happen. Man, If there was just some way to be sure a scar would look like this one I would go FUSS in a heartbeat.

    Good work Dr. Bloxham.

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