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Posts posted by MAGNUMpi

  1. Mods should not get involved with posting there personal opions & only step in when things get out of hand...
    I dont agree with this at all.

    Over the years Blake and the other mods have given some great advice and helped many people with clarity and real knowledge of the ins and outs of getting a HT.

    Their comments have been helpful on countless threads in this forum.

    I also don't think it at all wrong to present a new idea if it could potentially help the industry move forward in even the smallest way.

    I think we all agree that this is in the beta stage and with more examples that will be coming in in the next months/year we will all have a better idea of the potential of mFUE. Time will tell. No reason to jump all over it and assume it won't.

    Again I think that if it has a possibility to help, it is worth exploring.


    See how the meds switch is for a year. Dont jump to it. Look at numerous body hair results. I see your from Norway. Europe and Turkey seems to be putting out some great FUE results and now some clinics are using body hairs effectively too. Have multiple consultations. See what each doc us able to offer. Plan it carefully, best of luck.
    ...and start saving your money. This journey is not going to be cheap. I would say wait for a year and then go for a good solid FUT. Dont plan for body hairs, that would be a last resort. See where your NW is going and dont waste any more donor hairs. Forget the peaks. Just get the frontal 3rd sorted out and looking good. Go FUT not FUE because you scar well, already have one, and dont want to possibly waste any in transection etc. Good luck.
  3. I don't know whether the see through look is because the density is missing or because my hair is naturally fine. Dr. Wong said that there is no more space to put more grafts in there so that probably means that I just have fine hair and that's why it seems a bit see through.

    I think HT hair is a generally a little "see though" in different lighting. Also having thin hair is going to make it even more so.

    I was watching a movie last night (Someone Marry Barry) on netflix and I swear the lead guy "Barry" had a HT because in the wedding outdoor scene his frontal 3rd looked complete but also was pretty see through.

    "see though?" might be a good new thread to start to have some feedback on the subject.

  4. good point and also look at 1978matt's results. Amazing. Seems its a gamble either way really. You MIGHT get a small scar and great yield with FUT. You also MIGHT get a great result with FUE and avoid the scar. It seems to depend on the individual's loss and physiology and the doctor's work.

    That being said I personally wouldnt take the chance on a having a stretched scar. Just not worth the risk (to me).

    Think about how the hair thins out in a man's 60-70's. That's when a scar could look really bad.

    ... still a great thread. :)

  5. 1. Doesn't Finasteride eventually lose it's efficacy? So conceivably 10 years down the line when you need it most it might stop working.

    The surgeon is making permanent marks on that person's head that he will have to live with the rest of his life.

    2. A lot of men seem to lose a good deal amount of hair in their 50-60's so they would be looking strange even if they got a HT at 40.

    Sorry to throw a couple of wrenches in, but what do you guys think about these 2 points?

  6. Frostyfreeway, Sorry about the scar. I hope you can get it sorted out. It's too bad that this kind of scarring is still happening. Hopefully one day there will be a perfect method that incorporates a great yield and no scar.

    That this kind of scar is even a remote possibility should be of concern to anyone looking for a FUT procedure.

    Again I hope you can get some good ideas for a fix and it all works out.

    Cheers, M.

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