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Everything posted by hoydoy

  1. Nice job Dr Keene, filled in the recession perfectly, very natural appearance!
  2. 55, What a great way to start the New Year out, you're just a few months away from fresh growth and a whole new appearance. I had some work done in my late 20's and am a couple years out from a 3,000 graft FUT updating in my early 50's to hairline and crown, grateful every day to Dr Keene of Tucson and her staff. Wishing you an excellent experience and result on your HT!
  3. I'm a dentist who also is taking the generic form of Proscar, Finasteride, that I get from Walmart, cut into quarters. It's the exact same medicine and chemical, so I wouldn't worry that the generic may not work as well. I've been on for nearly one year with no side effects, thanks goodness, and plan on continuing finasteride therapy in the future. Good growing!
  4. I would 100% also, did couple of the early plug transplants and a scalp reduction when in my late 20's by some Baby Bosley's back in the 80's. Now I'm 18 months out from a 3000 graft FUT and I'm 53, took about 24 years to thin some more and decided to fill in the gaps and do my crown with Dr Keene in Tucson. Very happy with the results back then and now, I'm sure you'll make the best call for yourself.
  5. I had 3000 FUT grafts over 2 days, the day after the 2nd I felt perfect. Walked around a trade show all day while wearing a ball cap. I just loosened the strap in back, made sure to gently place it, it didn't touch the grafts from crown to hairline, and the strip was snugly stitched up on the sides and back. I would be careful that it's not pinching anywhere or tight, ask your surgeon too. Do you go back to your surgeon the next day for a post op washing of area and check? You'll be wanting to sleep upright for several nights, regular icing and saline misting of areas too. Wouldn't want to be in airports too much of the following day letting the grafts dry out or swelling to take hold. Best of luck to you, you'll do fine!
  6. Sugar, I started around that same time with American Crew Fiber. Kind of a dull shine, adds body, good hold, get mine in 3 oz sizes off ebay for about $10 with free ship. They have another called Pomade, more shiny and wet, not good with my curly hair. Happy growing, Hoy Doy.
  7. Oh yeah, had that, and the location would vary daily. Feels like a single hair just vibrating or something. Should settle down and go away in few weeks, numbness in recipient area will take longer to go.
  8. Yep that's pretty normal, you're only 5 days out and have a pretty large incision. I bought one of those neck pillows post surgery that helped keep my head elevated so I wouldn't feel pressure on the area. The swelling and tenderness should decrease with each passing day, just be sure to keep eye on area for any seeping/pus, or if you run a fever check in with the Doc. I put neosporin ointment on mine for the first 7-10 days, think it helped area to heal faster, check your post op instructions. But my donor area was much more painful that the recipient area, they take a pretty big flap of tissue out back there. Good luck, now the waiting game!
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