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Posts posted by TommyLucchese

  1. Just an update, I am almost certainly going to stop paying the inflated prices at Belgravia and get the same products from the recommended places on here at a MUCH cheaper price. 3 months at Belgravia is the same price as 12-13 months from the sources here, so it's a no brainer really. The only slight concern is whether the 5% rogaine foam isn't as good as the alleged 12.5% minoxidil from Belgravia, but I guess time will tell on that.


    I think to summarise best would be that Belgravia sell the correct products that should reverse your hairloss, but they quadruple the price.

  2. I haven't undergone yet (consultation with Dr Feller next week) but I hope to undergo it because I gradually lost so much hair from 16 to 21 that my appearance, confidence and general happiness levels plummeted. Thankfully meds have resorted a LOT of my hair but I could do with a tiny bit of work on the crown and (self assessment based on other cases I've seen on here) around maybe 1600 grafts on the hairline to make me look similar to what I used to.

  3. I'm no expert on the matter but does the fact you did not go to a reputable clinic explain for the unsatisfactory results? I saw on another forum this clinic was mentioned as having a "winter discount", which they said was the warning sign right there. Again, no expert, but I've read here countless times about not letting cost make you settle for a lesser clinic.


    Sad to hear about your situation anyway, good luck.

  4. Hair Restoration Site for Johnny B


    That result looks amazing to me and is the result I dream about if I do have a procedure. Here are my questions:


    Is this an unusually great result? Or does it look "better" because he has grown it long so it appears thicker?


    I have read that the hair can look too thin if it grows out long, but this result looks great long. Is it typical or a special case?


    I think I'm wording this poorly, but hopefully you get what I mean.


    Essentially, I'm wondering the chances of me having a procedure done and wielding the same kind of result. I know it depends on number of grafts, surgeon, my hair characteristics but taking all those aside - I just want to know if this result would be achieved by most people if they grew their hair out?

  5. Most of the agents/advisors around football players are not the sharpest tools in the box if I am honest.


    That's funny, because I did actually type "Rooney isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the draw" but then erased it. Good to see we're all on the same wavelength though ;)

  6. I have baldness in my family (on my dads side it is just my uncle, but on my mums side all of them are bald) but after 2 years and a month on propecia and minoxidil my hairloss has stabilised and I've had incredible regrowth. It's a scary thought to hear the meds could suddenly stop working for me! How common is it? What is the likelyhood of the medication suddenly not working? I thought I was home and dry with hair loss now, just ideally having a transplant to recover parts of the hair line that was too far gone. But this notion of the body rejecting propecia is a little concerning.


    I'm 23 btw.

  7. I noticed a bald patch visible a few weeks ago, but you know what? He still looks a million times better than he did a year ago. It was obvious he was wearing concealer when he went from bald in pre-season against Barcelona to a much looking fuller head of hair a week later in the Community Shield, whoever is doubting that must be crazy!


    I feel for the man, all the scrutiny about his hair that he gets. I saw an interview from 2007 with him and Ronaldo where Ronaldo kept touching his hair and laughing, all that money is little comfort for all the hair worries I bet.

  8. Anyone considering these or AHS should scroll up and look at the transplant website of the original poster of this thread. I clicked the link because I gathered that he made this post before his transplant, so I wanted to see how he turned out. WOW. If ever there was an advert for having a transplant and a great head of your OWN hair! Absolutely incredible results.

  9. WOW I am so jealous of Johnny B! That's how I want my hair. I'm virtually there now thanks to propecia and minox, but the hairline and a bit of crown needs doing. This makes me very excited to see a HT produce the long hair results that I've been dreaming of - hopefully one day I'll be back to a Kurt Cobain-esque look lol!


    Hopefully Dr Feller can give me good news in May. I'm thoroughly blown away by Johnny B's result, he must be so happy.

  10. Wow I nearly fell for this in some desperate times nearly 3 years ago due to the advertisements in the UK papers about Shane Warne. Thank God I found Belgravia, sure I have paid well over the odds for 2 years for propecia and minoxidil (only just found this out now) but at least I'm delighted with the results.


    It's criminal that a company that has 17 pages of negative talk (just in one thread on one forum) can continue to trade and seemingly rip so many people.


    For the price this company charges you for these "hair systems", is it worth considering a transplant? It'd be cheaper in the long run, a lot less hassle and actually be your own hair?


    I hope you all get your money back and find better solutions. This industry can be very brutal it seems.

  11. I too was surprised by Rooney's choice. It didn't take me long researching online to find the best ones are abroad and that UK isn't really upto much, even Farjo's results to me seem to be behind America/Canada. Rooney's thinning could be the "seasonal shedding" though, perhaps? Either way he looks so much better than he did a year ago, but I think he'd have been better off abroad.

  12. It seems that propecia is available much cheaper elsewhere. I've read that 12.5% minoxidil used to be available much cheaper but I can't find anywhere that does it now. I read someone on thebaldtalk forum say they switched from 12.5% to 5% and there is no difference as mainly the propecia is what works most. It is food for thought, but right now I don't want to break what is working well.


    I have a consultation with Dr Feller in May to hopefully fix the hairline.


    Sorry everyone I'm not comfortable with the photo's, I took some to send Spex and it is very obvious it is me even with the face edited and stuff.


    I wont vouch for the belgravia to say that it will bring all your hair back and that the prices are cheap, but I will say it has worked very well for me and allowed me to take the hat off that I was living in for months. I wish I'd found the place sooner so that my whole hairline could have been restored, but hopefully in May I'll have good news on that front.


    I will say though, just as to not mislead in anyway, I use fat shampoo from superdrug and hair straighteners because my hair in the last 4 years has gone naturally quite kinky/wavy. And I also use a bit of concealer at the front and at the back. However, the different is amazing and I can't speak highly enough of the results Belgravia has given me.


    They may rightly or wrongly have a bad reputation among people here, but for me they have done wonders. I will be looking into trying to get the same products cheaper elsewhere though, but like I said - I'm very happy with Belgravia.


    (Sorry for the rambling, trying to give as honest and detailed post as possible)

  13. I have been a patient of Belgravia for 2 years and a month and I am incredibly satisfied. ?250 every 3 or so months for their 12.5% minoxidil and propecia, but the results have been great and they have been a life saver.


    Unless someone tells me that 12.5% cream is available much cheaper elsewhere, then I will remain a very happy customer of theirs. I was nearly bald and now have regained most of my hair thanks to Belgravia. Sadly parts of my hairline was too far gone (which they told me on my first consultation) but they said it would thicken and improve everywhere else and they were right.


    Everyone is entitled to their opinion but to call them con artists isn't fair. I wont publish photos online (I'm 22 and find it embarrassing) but me in March 2010 to now is incomparable. Maybe the propecia and 12.5% minoxidil is available for cheaper elsewhere (I'll look into that based on some of these replies) but I can honestly say they have helped me so much and I've regained about 75%-80% of my lost hair.

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