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Posts posted by TommyLucchese

  1. Ok... Here is are plugs By Dr. Joseph Gallager from The Gallagher Medical Institute in Philadelphia, Pa.. This was enough to really make me look unnatural! There are 3,4,5 hair grafts on the hairline.. Also there are large grafts behind the hairline.. This was done in 2004 and 2007.. How do you explain this to a paitient when then look like this after paying $7,000 for follicular unit transplantion?! This is hack work! He claims that he was the best around?? This is complete shit work.. I went back to him "DR Gallagher and said want did you do to my head.. He said I wasn't done my treatment! He just put outdated plugs on my head.. WTF



    One of these days I hope a Tony Soprano ends up being the victim of a doctor like this....just for the deserved outcome. I feel so bad for you, how could someone do that knowing that the technique is wrong?

  2. have a general anaesthetic that lasts around 18 months, go to sleep now and wake up with the full HT results?


    I'm almost 8 weeks post op, the 8 weeks have gone quickly but each individual day seems long. I know it's a marathon and not a sprint, I was fully prepared for this downtime and it's all going well - but I'd love to skip it! I wish I could sleep longer than 8 hours :mad:

  3. I was at a point where I was so desperate about my hair I didn't even care when warned of the potential side effects of propecia, I went straight on it when I had the chance. If I'd researched, maybe some of the negative views would have put me off. I've recently learned not to read too much into everything - everything can have an alternate theory. Even something as sure as the fact that Xavi is an incredible footballer, you get MANY people questioning if he is really any good or not. So of course there will be differing views on hair loss stuff in abundance.


    Best thing to do is to try it out yourself. The side effects are rare, I haven't heard of it frying temple hair and I've seen people with improvement with their hair at the front.


    I had no sides and as I said, along with minoxidil, my hair improved a lot all over.


    There's not much else I can say really. I'm not a doctor or a propecia salesman, it's up to you to research and decide for yourself. All I can speak for is my own experiences with the meds, travelling and surgery, so far it's been incredibly positive.


    Good luck!

  4. I was told when prescribed it that propecia wont reopen dead follicles (hence the need for surgery) but it thickens up hair where you have it. I noticed significant improvement all over, including hairline.


    I don't know if a doctor would recommend it but as you describe your hair as thin, maybe propecia would help to thicken it up, then maybe a transplant would sort out the part of the hairline that is too far gone for medication to save. This is just me speculating, you should really get in touch with some of the top doctors to find out :)


    Contacting some clinics should be much easier for you now you've had the courage to talk to your girlfriend about it. If you look around enough you'll find the same names cropping up of doctors/representatives who you can contact to assess your situation. Don't be scared to get in touch, you're under no obligation ... I even had a consultation in person with my doctor and still was able to walk away and think it over.

  5. I am 23 and from the UK. In July I travelled to Heathrow and then to New York for 4 days all on my own for my surgery. It isn't as bad as you think, personally I found it quite exciting! Lots of people travel and from my experiences it's not a problem.....so personally I don't think you should be concerned about that!


    Your girlfriend, well, only way to find out isn't there! Have you mentioned to her your hair loss concerns? It's not something you'll be able to hide from her if you do it, so really you should talk to her about it ... if you show her some of the results on here I'm sure she wouldn't be negative!


    Regarding being a coward contacting a clinic - you can do online consultations via email and send your photos and get feedback. There are representatives on the forum who can help you - Spex helped me so much and made the whole thing much much easier for me. You shouldn't be scared to contact the clinics, they see and hear from people like us all the time - nothing to be concerned about!


    Have you tried taking propecia and minoxidil to see how that helps your hair?

  6. Tomorrow I will be 7 weeks post op on 2000 hairline grafts.


    The native hair that was shaven at the front is growing back but still very very short. I still have some redness because of how fair skinned I am, there is also some sparse new hair too.


    Overall I've looked awful but at week 5 I decided to just take my hat off and resume normal life. Yeah, I get some of the classic looks up to my hairline from people but it's okay really. I told my best friends what was going on so I haven't had to stop having a social life, which I'd recommend to anyone!


    Overall I'd say the ugly duckling phase hasn't been TOO bad. Don't get me wrong, I wish I could go to sleep and wake up in 8 months, but the last 7 weeks have gone quick. The sooner you decide to do away with the hat the better - I absolutely hated it. Better to go free and embrace it ... it's only temporary :)

  7. I can't speak for my results yet but on Friday it will be 7 weeks since my FUT with Dr. Feller and I can't speak highly enough of him and his team. It's too early for my results but based on the positive experience I'd recommend him completely.


    Dr. Charles has posted some nice results and seems to have a good reputation too.


    I haven't heard of the other two so I can't make any comment there.


    Just research doctors and read theeads on here, you've found the right place to help you make an informed decision...good luck with whatever you do.

  8. There's a difference between:


    signing up and posting an insightful hairloss story and photos/summary of your recent procedure


    signing up and your first post is backing a certain doctor unequivocally with no photos and making very brash statements.


    I don't think this poster gives the warning signs of a "shill". Anyway...


    Nice write up and photos! I wish I had discovered fin when my hairloss started, I know you've had some loss now but you've done really well to keep the loss to a minimum. Hope it all works out well for ya!

  9. Blatant concealer from the start. He looked better early last season though when he had it shorter, it looks a bit 'off' when it's longer. It's a shame he didn't go to a more reputable surgeon, he's our poster boy currently and I don't think his result does the reputation of the procedure much good.


    His hair is still a million times better than it was so I'm sure he's happy, but you know, I think it could have been a lot better...

  10. I'm from the UK and we have a poor reputation for HT's, it seems Australia does too.


    This forum had overwhelming evidence to suggest that going abroad would be in my best interests for surgery. It seems to be that this is also the case for you.


    It is risky to go against the advice of the masses. You have one person in your threads advocating Australian doctors, whilst the rest advise you to look elsewhere. Google the name of your doctor and put "reviews" at the end and see what comes up. Not much? Bad? Good? Then research the top doctors recommended here and decide for yourself.


    Don't let travelling put you off. I flew from UK to USA in July and it was a great experience and I anticipate getting a much better result than I could have hoped for here. It was only 800 more for the flight and hotel too, so worth saving extra for.

  11. It's okay thank you very much for the response, I didn't know which specific exercises like that to avoid so thank you.


    My surgery was with Dr. Feller so I have no concerns with regards to the surgery itself. I will try another light jog but if it continues I'll stop just incase. Spex has also said it shouldn't be related to the HT so I'm sure it's fine, I just got curious that's all. Not gonna push it if it persists though.


    Gotta say though, it's weird. Never heard anything like it!

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