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Posts posted by TommyLucchese

  1. I am 5 weeks and 2 days post up of FUT 2000 grafts. I started back jogging this week and all has been fine but on my run today I began noticing a clicking type noise coming from the back of my heard. It came half way through my run and was there around 75% of the time after I first heard it.


    It seemed like it was coming from the donor area but I don't know for sure. It all feels fine back there. I have no idea what this was or if it was related to my transplant.


    Is it a sign I should stop jogging for a while? Could it be to do with the scar? Has anyone experienced this?


    I thought by now I would be fine to exercise and I'm hardly Mo Farrah so I wasn't going nuts, just steady jogging. Any thoughts?

  2. I've read people on here who have gone from very balding to a nice head of hair saying how people say things to them like the classic "have you lost weight?" kind of thing. Like Bonkerstonker says, it is so gradual that those who see you will just think it's all normal and not question it. Of course, old photos can give you away but you can get away with that by saying you're on medication or that it was temporary alopecia or something (if that even exists)...

  3. Are you concerned with that may happen in the future, i.e if propecia stops working and you lose all your native hair. Or if the transplanted hair thins or falls out?


    These thoughts didn't stop me going ahead with my procedure 5 weeks ago, but it does cross my mind what the future may hold.


    I suppose I'm aiming at those with half a head of native hair (that they've kept on to with medication) and transplanted hair. I'd obviously love to think that between medication and my HT then I will be set for life but I'm aware of the fact this may not be the case. What's your views?

  4. Before I knew a HT was an option for me (student, wasn't aware parents were saving up for over 2 years for me! lucky I know), I was constantly on these forums looking at 'systems'. I loved the idea of having the perfect looking head of hair again, but I didn't like the idea of knowing what was on my head and being constantly paranoid that other people knew too. I used to watch videos on youtube and some people pull it off really well, but the upkeep put me off too.


    I'm 5 weeks post op and constantly wearing a hat, which is absolutely horrible. If this is how a 'system' feels every day then I think I'd rather be bald. Though lets hope the HT and the meds keep that option at bay.


    I admire the bravery of those who wear though, more cannolis than me.

  5. Always be sceptical when someone's first 3 posts on the forum are speaking in such high regard of a doctor people don't seem to have heard of.


    Check the recommended surgeons page on this forum and look around doing your research, people post results from doctors all over the world. Don't be rushed into one clinic, take your time and find the doctor based on your own research. Always be weary of a first time poster steering you to a clinic.

  6. You don't need him to name his doctor, it can be found if you know where to look.


    Having just checked his name to the list of recommended doctors on this site, it seems that the doctor is NOT recommended on here. There is very little information on him via the search feature on this forum. A post where his name crops up, people say they haven't heard of him.


    Means nothing of course, could still be a great doctor. I hope your issue gets resolved Benjamin, but I must say I have an ear to ear scar for 2000 grafts...seems to me from looking at photos that everyone ends up with the same kind of scar, don't they?

  7. Good luck!


    I was in exactly the same position as you this time last month, leaving the UK on Thursday. It all goes so much easier than you can imagine, you'll be fine I'm sure.


    If you're staying in The Andrew then you're in for a treat. When I got to my room I felt like Kevin McCallister in Home Alone when he gets the hotel on his Dads' credit card. It was huge, I felt like a king :D

  8. Seriously just tell your best friends about it, the ones you see most of the time. I wouldn't tell the people I see once a week for football or people I see down the pub, but for the true best friends it is much better getting it off your chest. The good thing about men is that we really don't give a - ... they had a quick look when I took my hat off the first time and haven't looked since. Freedom :)

  9. In 3 days it will be one month since my surgery with Dr. Feller. I had 2000 grafts on the hairline which is absolutely impossible to conceal. Obviously like everyone else who goes through it, I wear a hat when I absolutely HAVE to go out. This living under a hat I find very claustrophobic and I hate having to go anywhere.


    Fortunately I have 5 or 6 friends that I trust and I didn't want to just slip off the radar with them or suddenly start wearing hats every time I saw them. So I told them and it's liberating to be able to keep up a social life with them in these early post HT days. I take the hat off freely around them, they didn't even care the first time and still don't even batter an eye lid. Obviously clubbing and sports are out of the equation but we go out to quiet pubs (or someone's house for beers etc) where I'm not likely to see anyone else I know, and I take the hat off when we get to quieter places. It's great. I couldn't imagine going crazy inside not seeing anyone or having that hat on permanently around EVERYONE.


    I suppose the best advice would be to make no secret to anyone and go out freely without a hat, but for most of us that's definitely not an option! But telling close friends has certainly worked out great for me...I'd definitely recommend it :)

  10. Like you I have read nothing but horrendous reviews of Bosley, if I were you I'd cancel it as it doesn't seem a risk worth taking to me!


    I flew from UK to NY and had surgery with Dr. Feller 3 weeks ago today infact! Highly recommended, especially since you're in the area. Check the list of recommended surgeons on this site and read around to learn some stuff.


    Good luck with whatever ya do!

  11. Honestly, if I were in your shoes I would cancel it. No-one has ever heard of this clinic, if there is only one review (and it's bad) then I wouldn't go near the place. You could end up being one of these people who ends up looking far worse and spends thousands and thousands getting repaired at a reputable clinic.


    Dr. Farjo is the only one recommended here in UK however for my procedure 19 days ago I flew to New York to a reputable doctor (Feller) ... it just isn't worth the risk doing it here when abroad you can get much better results.


    I've seen and read of sooo many terrible procedures done in UK and I fear for you that you'll be one of these cases.

  12. The medication should make you see SOME improvement on the front I think, a bit thicker and maybe bring it forward a little...it did that for me and I've seen pictures on here where it does help the front. It wont bring those temples right down to where they were when you were 16 though, but I'm sure there will improve.


    You definitely don't and wont need surgery though so don't worry about that! Take the medication and stop worrying - you have caught it very early and found the right information at a good early stage. I wish I'd found this site years ago.

  13. I had read some of these sort of negative comments before I met him so I had no idea what to expect, but he was great both times I met him. He was very informative and helpful in both the consultation and the surgery. I can't speak for my results yet but I'm very happy with everything.

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