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Posts posted by Slickers

  1. Then keep using it. I don't care to debate about it and don't feel like finding the original references. Everyone can do their own research and come to their own conclusions. It may have been hairlosshelp or somewhere else. You do see the irony in people saying a product that hides their hair loss is causing more hairloss.


    Oh come on, if you're going to dish out product advice, particularly alleging that several well known products so commonly used by hairloss sufferers for years ACTUALLY causes hairloss you've gotta expect someone to query your sources?


    And I dont see any irony. I don't believe for a minute that if guys thought it was indeed worsening the problem they wouldn't say so. I know I bloody would. Plenty do about every other hairloss product... minox, fin shedding posts are a dime a dozen. And plenty of guys try concealers and post about how they're not for them, they make their hair look chalky etc etc but I have yet to see one saying that they actually thought they lost more hair because of them.


    Like I said it's a pretty big statement to make. Was it a study you saw or someones experience?

  2. I don't have the link offhand but there is a certain ingredient that is popularly used. Toppix uses the ingredient and I believe cabooki but I don't remember for sure on that one. I would definitely be careful with any concealer right after a procedure, but in any case I would not use anything but Nanogen personally. It also looks best from everything I've read.


    This is a huge statement to just casually make given the number of people that have used Toppik for years and more recently Caboki. What ingredient in these hair fibres could just cause your hair to fall out? Don't you think there would be more cases of people reporting this as a side effect? I can't find a single one, a quick search of the thousands of pages on this forum and I can't find any reference to what you're talking about.......

  3. I know Mickey loves to evangelize FUE, but keep in mind, he's really trying to convince surgeons to adopt FUE - to simply show them that it can be done.


    I see his point, especially when there are so many mediocre strip procedures from well known surgeons.


    There are just as many performing mediocre/ poor FUE.


    There is a fine line between encouraging the industry to embrace advancements and challenge some of the lazy attitudes towards FUE (for which Mickey has rightly been given plenty of credit for on here), and pushing an agenda in an over-zealous way - which is basically where the criticism comes in.


    It's difficult to comment further without re-igniting the debate. We simply have a difference of opinion. I don't think people should be pushed away from strip just because it's strip. There are too many excellent clinics changing peoples lives for the better for that. My preference as I've said before is to focus on the Docs doing outstanding work whatever the procedure.

  4. Yes, listen to Spanker. Recent transplantees can guide and encourage you. Especially the ones that are just a few months ahead of you. I'm behind you, but know the crappy times as I am in one right now but on my second HT with a great doc. 6 weeks out, nothing goin on

    , just itch and dead time. Use these guys and there words if they say wait then wait, if they say this is when the fun times start put a :-) on and enjoy my friend. In all the turmoils of slowly losing hair and going through the BS forr years..these are your months to watch it all go in the opposite direction you have suffered for so long. Enjoy, document, start to look at new hairstyles that fit your hair type, just have fun with it. Its been way to long since you and your hair have had a good time


    From someone who's also in the doldrums, 2 months, amen to that.


    I really like Dr Cooley's work. You should be a very happy camper in a few months time.

  5. I've not known any cases where the majority of transplant hair hasn't shed. That said there have been references to it so maybe others can direct to some. I'm 2 months post op myself and I'm sure there are tiny hairs in my hairline that simply haven't shed but in the grand scheme of things they are minimal. I wouldn't be counting it on lets just say that.


    Please keep posting. I've seen your clinic make great strides in rebuilding its reputation in recent years and the results they're posting on other forums look very promising. Best of luck with the healing and growing.

  6. Slicker, stop with the fabrications, those links were from this from April onwards. They were shown to prove that you stated a bunch of lies and to discredit you. You made false statements and I have proved they were totally conjured up by you. Of course I recognize that I am pro-FUE, I blatantly admit that! But you specifically said:


    The only FUT threads you reply to is when there is a hint of a concern, you duly express your 'concern' and yet you ignore all the success stories. Conversely you refrain from expressing any such concerns where the procedure was FUE, at least not without qualification.


    This is obviously untrue. I do not refrain from expressing concern over FUE. I do not ignore the great strip results. Just because I am pro-FUE does not mean I ignore strip results.


    and directed me to a handful of comments


    A handful? More like 16 buddy. That is more than 3 handfuls. Again with the lies.


    That you sugar-coat some FUE results as "stellar", "mind-blowing" 'oh stop you're killing me with these FUE results" just cos they're FUE and in the main overlook strip results?


    Ummmm I am pro-FUE, I look at way more FUE results than strip. FUE is a hard method to perfect so I am genuinely impressed when I see a great FUE case compared to the barrage of 1,500 graft strip cases.


    Perhaps you didn't go over those links where I called certain strip results "Stellar:




    Or "Hot damn!"




    Or "Holy $h!+!"




    Must be painful to be caught out huh?


    I'm not sure what you are saying here by loosely quoting questions back to me?


    I'm stating those quotations back at you because you used them on me and I proved you dead wrong.

    As you've said it's a discussion forum and if you post you're going to get feedback.


    Where did I ever say to stop giving feedback on my postings? Where did I complain? I proudly said "Call me out all you want". Bring it on buddy. Don't threaten me with action when it doesn't bother me one iota. I'm all for it.


    It's paranoid.


    Thanks Mr armchair psychologist for your analysis.


    But I and others are free to object and take issue with them as well.


    Object all you want pal, why should I care? Who am I to deny you the right to do so? But I will respond back in kind.


    Mickey the only one you’re discrediting here is yourself. Posting a couple of exceptions to the “broad sentiment” and tendency of your posting doesn’t make it any less true. It’s clutching at straws mate. Say you posted 100 times, 200 times even, where you credited a strip result or other, big deal. Out of 1,900? The point is a simple one……… the VAST majority of your posts are prejudiced towards elevating FUE and undermining Strip. There is a generality that is irrefutable. To deny it, and call me a liar because of an overly literal illustration of my take on what you do is a poor attempt to deflect the blindly obvious. In the very same post you even acknowledge and defend why you do it. Seriously. Can’t you understand why this doesn’t make sense?



    As for the other quotes, in-between laughing I can’t reply seriously. “Bring it on buddy” “Don’t threaten me with action……”. What?! What is wrong with you?


    Look Mickey for last time I’m not on here to waste my time arguing semantics with you. I’m on here to keep abreast of the Docs doing good work, FUE or FUT, to see peoples success stories and give a little back by sharing my own story. If you want to immerse yourself in a crusade and throw petulant insults at anyone who disagrees with you then that’s up to you champ’. Knock yourself out. Clearly no amount of reasoning with you will make a blind bit of difference. Adios.

  7. Please. You omit vital factors that would otherwise diminish your objective. Did you not see where I expressed my concern on the NeoGraft device? Which is used for FUE? Here it is for you:




    Did you miss where I asked sl about Dr Bisanga's opinion on sutures and staples for strip donor closure mere days ago? Here it is for you:




    Did you miss when I praised Dr Bisanga's strip work he did on a female earlier this month? Here it is for you:




    Did you miss when I praised Dr. Maras's strip result? Here it is for you:




    Or how about Dr Hasson's excellent 9,168 graft megasession? Here it is for you:




    Or when I praised yet another Dr Hasson strip result? Here it is for you:




    Oh wait, another post from me praising Dr Hasson's work. Oh my! Here it is for you:




    Here is another one just for you too:




    Praising Dr Nakatsui's strip result. Here it is just for you:




    Me being vocally against Dr Diep's(FUE/strip 50/50) induction onto this forum:




    Praising Bisanga's strip suture work, just for you:




    Praising Feriduni's 4,500 strip result on Cueball35, again, just for you:




    Frothing over a Bisanga strip result. Here it is for you:




    Calling out Dr Vories(FUE exclusive surgeon) for an inaccurate statement on FUE:




    Praising Spanker's strip result:




    Here's one more just for the road:





    So you've gone through your 1,900 plus posts and directed me to a handful of comments as if to disprove the central theme of what I'm saying?? Seriously Mickey. Do me a favour. If I had the time and inclination I could create PAGES and PAGES of links which demonstrate that the broad sentiment of your posts is as I've described. But I don't have the time and I really can't be bothered. I don't even know why you're disputing it in fact, do you not recognise your impartiality? Are you simply unaware of the fact that you cheer FUE to the rafters? That you sugar-coat some FUE results as "stellar", "mind-blowing" 'oh stop you're killing me with these FUE results" just cos they're FUE and in the main overlook strip results? Come on. You know exactly what you do for crying out loud. Don't try to argue the obvious, no one here is an idiot.




    Same banal message? Ignoring strip results? Only expressing my concern and ignoring the successful results? How does it feel to be caught out as a liar? Next time you state things in a dogmatic manner, make sure they are correct. LOL





    I'm not sure what you are saying here by loosely quoting questions back to me? Again is it that you disagree with these things or you don't care that I and others think them? If it's the former then I'm utterly confused and you have the worst self awareness of any poster I've come across… but as I've said above I don't believe that's the case, I think you're fully aware of your preferences/ prejudices in the way that you post. If you're saying you don't care what I and others think then that's fine, it's petulant but it's fine. But then ask yourself why should anyone care what anybody says on forums, about the things that you say and the advice and opinions you give people? As you've said it's a discussion forum and if you post you're going to get feedback.



    Call it a crusade, call it whatever you want. Call me out all you want. Why would I care what some anonymous internet individuals think about me?. Don't like my posts? I'm sure there is a ignore option. I haven't broken any forum rules and this is a DISCUSSION forum. Have a great day.



    Look I am NOT AGAINST YOU per se. This is the problem, you're the one creating divisions. It appears that you have this perception that there is some oppressive ' FUT brigade' on here and you are some noble bastion of resistance. It's paranoid. As I've said before, I for one could not care less if a successful result is FUT or FUE….. I, like the VAST majority of guys on here, just want to get my f'king hair back. Whatever the procedure. And I've even had FUE. I also went to Bisanga back in 2008 to consult on further FUE but he advised me of it's limitations (in my case) and to go strip for my 2nd procedure.


    My problem with your posting is that it is way more than expressing an opinion, it amounts to trying brow-beat people into conforming to your views. FUE fanboyism. That strip is obsolete yada yada yada. FINE if you think this just please stop hijacking so many threads with this repetitive message. We know what your opinions are. Yes it is a discussion forum. And yes you are free to make these comments. But I and others are free to object and take issue with them as well.

  8. My sentiments exactly.


    To the rest of you guys, it's nothing personal but im not going to censor myself just to appease you. Dont like my posts? Ignore it. It's not my responsibility to ensure you guys dont get upset by a post on the internet.


    "a post"??? It's incessant, 'everywhere you look' type posting. The same banal message is plastered over every successful FUE result. The only FUT threads you reply to is when there is a hint of a concern, you duly express your 'concern' and yet you ignore all the success stories. Conversely you refrain from expressing any such concerns where the procedure was FUE, at least not without qualification.


    This is of course your prerogative, but the intention and in the way in which you peddle your message is more than just a few posts. It's a crusade. It's tactical and orchestrated in a way that is intended to undermine one procedure and elevate another. This is what people on this forum have a problem with and have rightly called you out on it.

  9. Thanks Nick. It's good to hear from someone who's already had it done with Shapiro Medical. Can I ask, have you had the hair shaved back with only the hair at the back kept long? If so, I assume you're anxious to even it all around as soon as possible. As you had the op. in May, I'd have thought you could now even things up pretty much - the average hair grows 1/2" per month, so wouldn't an inch of reasonable density be enough at the back to cover things? You say that SMG don't take pictures at 2,3 and 3 months because "nothing much happens", but untransplanted hair will continue to grow and prospective patients will naturally want to see the aesthetic effect of this, to ascertain how much of an "ugly duckling" they are likely to become. If you have to wait until your hair grows to 2 inches to even it up it will take 4 months on average - a very long time! I'm anxious to know this as I'm a teacher who has to return to school in 8 weeks. As you imagine, kids can be pretty merciless in their comments and I won't be able to wear a hat in class! I'm already trying to think of plausible excuses and half wondering if I shouldn't temporarily become a Sikh and wear a turban until my recovery is complete! I'll keep you all informed of my ongoing experieneces.


    Bertie I'm going through the same thing. I had surgery 7 weeks ago and return to work in 2. The answer to your question is, unsurprisingly, it depends. It depends on the number of grafts you get, how much existing hair you have and therefore whether concealers will be useful. Your skin type, how quickly you heal, the surgeon etc etc.


    You really need to post a pic to be able to get more specific opinions/ suggestions as to how you will look and ways you could cover it up.


    On the plus side SMG post ops always really impress me. Very neat with minimal trauma to the recipient.... needless to say, an excellent starting point.

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