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Posts posted by cueball35

  1. Hey Cueball. Thanks for sharing. Does that place your donor density at around 75 fu/cm2? Sorry to hear about your experience with Propecia. I am very impressed by your result. It looks amazing. I am taking Propecia, too, with some minor sides, the only one being no erection in the morning. I am hoping this will go away.


    May I ask you a question? Are there any Norwood 7s in your family? I am having this dilemma myself, which is why I ask. My dad is a Norwood 6, very similar to my hair loss. My maternal grandfather, however, who had a full head of hair throughout his 20s and 30s, perhaps even in his 40s, became a Norwood 6,7 hybrid later on in life. Jus the possibility of Norwood 7 scares me. I never thought I would be so excited and hopeful to inherit my dad's NW 6 pattern. lol


    Thanks mate!


    My donor density was between 70-80 , pretty average really but id above average laxity which allowed me to get 2 decent strip procedures.


    Yes mate i had that side effect too with propecia and it just got worse as time went on so i dumped it, thankfully everything returned to normal but it did take some time, possibly 2/3 months after discontinuation before i felt a proper man again, the missus is delighted too lol :D


    There are no norwood 7s in my family, mostly 5s and 6s,this was a concern for me too, my loss did stabilise and even though the crown loss was extensive i kept strong high sides and they are showing no signs of miniaturisation.

  2. Thank you lads


    Ive just had HT number 2, 2350 grafts so thats 6860 in total, ive 2000 odd grafts left by FUE should i require more work done in the future.


    According to the doc ive got fine hair, not ideal but i had decent laxity.


    My experience with propecia is a bad one, i was on it for 18 months, the sides just wouldnt go away, i tried lowering the dose to 1mg MWF and 0.5mg daily but to no avail, im off it 6 months now and finally feel like a MAN again!! Im not even sure it made any difference to my hair, 90% of what i got on top is transplanted hair, im never touching the stuff again thats for sure.:eek:

    • Thanks 1
  3. I am at 4 months and 1 week. I am very happy with my growth so far. Conventional thinking is that I should be at about 25% but I think I am somewhat ahead of that. I have not cut my hair since my surgery and my wife keeps calling me "Mountain man" and tells me I have a full head if hair. I know I do not technically but it's good to know that to the casual observer, it looks basically full and pretty darn good; especially for a 41 year old guy who came from NW 6 territory :).


    Anyway, so far so good and I am not looking at it until the 6 month point so as not to obsess so much. I just thought I would check in.


    For those who have had crown work done, can you comment on the difference you saw between 4 and 8 months? After my first op, it was dramatic so I am expecting the same this round.


    Im just 2 weeks out from a second op to concentrate on the crown region and am following your updates closely, you've got great numbers mate and im looking forward to seeing your final result, all the early signs are great for you :cool:

  4. Looking good mate. You'll have to change your name to HairyBall35 though! :)


    Out of interest, have you maxed out FUT now, or could you go again? Did you discuss with the doc about what options are there if you were to ever go for more, eg FUE etc?


    lol Johnny I cant believe how time has flown by, i remember been totally depressed about my hair around 2011 and started seriously considering a HT, nearly made the cardinal error of rushing into an op with an Irish surgeon who has since gone AWOL!! Luckily i found this site! I had an idea that id need a minimum of 7000 grafts over 2 sessions to get a decent result, so fast forward 2 years and ive got 6860 of them transplanted, happy days.


    Doc said id have a conservative 2000 FUE grafts left, ive maxed out FUT, he did advise maybe doing 1000 FUE at a time if i wanted more work done rather than doing 2000 more in the one op.


    I see your coming on to 4 months now, hows your hair now for d xmas party season? This will be my 2nd xmas without being able to socialise, on the flip side im hoping to enjoy my hair in the summer months just like i did this year :D

  5. Thanks Lads!


    10 Days post op now and wanted to add these 2 pics ( before the hairs fall out) to show the making of the whorl pattern and the different angles of the transplanted hairs in the crown. Dr Feriduni mentioned that he enjoys doing crown work as it requires a bit or artistic work when he's doing the incisions! :cool:



  6. Hi Guys, Im a week out from HT number 2, im attaching some pics of the work done on my crown and also a 12 month update from the first one. Not much of a writer so i'll leave the pics tell the story so far. I intend to update monthly to hopefully give some guys who want crown work done an idea of what to expect. I understand its a tough area to cover but im hoping the 2350 transplanted will give a nice cosmetic improvement in 12 months time :D










  7. 10 months update, havnt been on in a while, time is flying by!


    Nick im not too sure how much donor ive left, my laxity still feels good, will find out for sure in December when i hit the crown for HT number 2! Booked in for 1500-2000.


    Im a touch weak on the left side but have made huge strides from my pre op stage and im happy with the progress, im basically half way there now, always knew id need 2 HTs at a minimum, looking forward to getting back in the chair again :D





  8. thanks mickey, slickers and alix


    @ slickers: only close family who knew i got this done have commented, they have noticed a massive change in the last 2 months. Nobody else has said anything, its quite weird really considering where ive come from pre op! ive even put some pics up on facebook recently and nobodys said anything, im sure some have noticed the change but either they just havnt figured it out or are too shy to say anything about it! :)

  9. Here i am at 8 months, ive had a few requests for a crown pic so will include this, the crown will hopefully be sorted in a second procedure, im also including a scar pic in my recipient area that some guys might find interesting, the transplanted hair has grown through this which im delighted about. This was a concern of mine at the start but is a non issue now :D









  10. prices range from the sublime to the ridiculous, in Ireland Hair Restoration Blackrock charges €10 per graft and thats FUT Strip, absolutely crazy, i guess when your clients are famous like James Nesbitt and Louis Walsh you can get away with that but its certainly not within the range of what the ordinary man on the street can afford.


    In Wayne Rooneys case the accuracy of the media reportage in the UK has been very poor, from the knowledge shown about the procedure itself to the huge differences in prices being bandied about, its quite embarassing really.


    I guess the old adage of ' never believe what you read in the papers' comes to mind so i wouldnt get too caught up in it dude, the best way to find out would be to email harley street with some pics and see what they come back with in terms of cost, number of grafts needed etc

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