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Everything posted by jobber1900

  1. looks fine for now. but keep an eye over next several weeks and if you see any further thinning then at this stage meds should work well for you
  2. hi tommy, i have used rogaine foam only. sorry not able to help you. but i will be keen to see if any fellow members can provide some useful feedback as this of interest to me as well.
  3. Dr Charles, thanks. I have always wondered why this was the case. Interesting to read that nothing has been proven on that yet.
  4. i am not aware if being being right or left handed has to do with which side you recede more. Is there such a thing? I am curious.
  5. Hi, I certainly havent heard about him. Wait for a while and see if someone who knows might give you some feedback. BTW, are you considering a HT with this doctor?
  6. Thanks for the update. You can see the hairline that you will have in a few weeks still looking good bro. happy growing from here on and keep us updated.
  7. check a user gabrieljose43 on this forum, he underwent a 5000 FUE megasession over two days with Dr Prabdeep Sohi and I think his results are pretty good.
  8. Sorry to read that mate. Have you tried tried contacting the doctor lately. I suggest you do that and see if he can give you some refund? I know refund doesnt help as much as your lost donor hair, but atleast you can then get it fixed elsewhere depending on your donor density or BHT. His website says he is recommended on this forum and also a coalition member, but I could not find him on the list of doctors. Maybe the moderators of this forum need to investigate that.
  9. shedding is common at first. but dont let that make you not try it. i did shed as well when i first started using minoxidil, but it wasnt very noticeable. i dont think anyone would have noticed anything, i could hardly see it but that was only because i would observe very carefully and closely. keep in mind that everyone sheds differently. when i first used it, i used it only on the temples and it did work (not to a geat extent, but it did) - i wasnt losing hair / thinning in the crown at that time, so did not have to use it in crown initially. using it with finasteride would work better then on its own. i would say small new hairs starting sprouting in about 6-8 weeks. again everyone responds differently. good luck buddy.
  10. in my opinion if this doesnt affect your personal, social life then you shouldnt go for HT, but if it does and you are keen, feel free to. if i had hair like you, i wouldnt be doing a HT
  11. David and Bill, whats your advice on the best course of HT for a diffused thinner? I have read so many things and am still confused. i.e. to start with dense packing frontal areas in one session and then target crown subsequently? or to cover all areas in the first session since there would already be hair all over the thinning area which would make the density look fine. i know it depends on the number of hairs in thinning area, but if there is good amount of hair all over thinning area, what is the best course of action?
  12. great results, I wonder how many people out there can afford a HT surgery of that sort
  13. Amazing !!! I agree with Hariri 100%. Great work and great results.
  14. unk, does that mean 1 mg every three days or 1 mg every two days?
  15. hi, not talking from personal experience, but i have read few guys using concealers post HT, so i would assume its safe. however i guess its best to wait few days just after a HT.
  16. My advice and choice - go with Dr Radha Rani in India for FUT or Dr Tejinder Bhatti in India for FUE. From what I have read, Dr Radha Rani is probably the best choice if you consider in India or SE Asia for FUT in my opinion. But if you are keen for FUE procedure larger than 1000 grafts she doesnt do them. I am keenly considering Dr Tejinder Bhatti at Darling Buds for FUE - I am quite impressed by his work and in fact the moderators of this forum are considering him for recommendation here. I would prefer procedure in India rather than Thailand. Bangkok can be fun as commented by few people in various threads, but I just wouldn't trust enough in doing it there (I wont be getting into more details on this, but to put it in summary - I know quite a few people who have been to Thailand for work / holiday and the experiences has been on extreme scales - some very great vs some very crap) - and this is not towards Dr Path's credibility or quality of work - I read just amazing reviews about him and respect his high quality work. In fact Dr Radha Rani had trained under Dr Path. All the best...
  17. which doctor did you choose? also how many grafts did you get and was it FUE or FUT? all the best.
  18. i agree with this. however if you are keen to use some concealer, dermmatch would be best in your case i feel. Again, you will have to try it out and get used to using it in right amount to make sure it doesnt look too artificial. All the best.
  19. These are my thoughts, If you are happy having FUT procedure, then go with Dr Radha, you will be in best hands. Many are not too keen on linear scar with FUT. If that is the case with you, you will be considering FUE (I am inclined towards FUE heavily). In that case Dr Bhatti in Chandigarh or Dr ******
  20. Have you been using any medications - finasteride, minoxidil? any special shampoo or anything else?
  21. jayukdht I think he does BHT, I probably saw a video he posted on youtube about body to head hair transplant. You might want to try and search. If you cant find, send me a PM, I will try to find the link.
  22. Your donor area looks pretty good considering its only 7 days
  23. For FUE in India, I would consider - Dr Tejinder Bhatti - Darling Buds, Chandigarh Dr Prabdeep Sohi - Reviva Clinic, Chandigarh Dr A - New Delhi. Dr Tejinder Bhatti - Quite a few happy patients on this forum and also google for many more examples. Respected and well regarded in the FUE community of doctors in India and around the world. Member of many hair restoration socities and president of some etc etc. He does FUE MOSTLY unless there is a specific patient asking for FUT or if a patient doesnt have good enough donor for FUE. He does seminars and teaching to upcoming doctors in FUE. Have a look on his website. He is extremely passionate about FUE hair restoration too. Personally he would be my number 1 choice for FUE in India. Dr Prabdeep Sohi - There is a member on this website - gabrieljose43 - quite happy with a megasession FUE 5000 grafts in 2 days and results were quite nice. There isnt much else about him on this forum that I know of. However, he has treated several Punjabi singers as per his website. I did a google search and had a look on his Facebook page and thats true by the photos. Also these singers seem to be popular back in that city from checking on the internet. The doctor seems quite confident and produces good results from what I see on his website, but there isnt much I could find about him anywhere else. He does FUE ONLY. Couldnt even see him as member of any HT socities etc. Doesnt mean he isnt good, but that would drop my preference for him slightly conidering he wouldnt benefit from the latest knowledge shared at the conferences and up to date information, news etc. Also anything he learns and discovers, wouldnt be shared with anyone else. Dr A - you will not find much about on this forum for some specific reasons, Check out a member - 'Sakukada' who went with a procedure with him about a year ago. Also there are a few older posts (most will now have either reference as Dr A or ****** ****** dont know the reason for ***** him, check with the moderators of this forum. But if you wish to know more about him, google him and you will find tonnes of examples. Dr Radha Rani, wouldnt do more than 500 FUE a day. From what I read, know and hear about Dr Radha, she is the best doctor in my opinion in India for FUT. In my preference for FUT in India, Dr Radha would be my number 1 choice. All the best with your research.
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