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Posts posted by ArochaInfo

  1. Good afternoon Inneedsomehair, Petefromfarjo, Mickey85, Chrisdav and LondonHT,


    Thank you for taking the time to post your comments. We really appreciate the fact that you enjoyed our results. I am always very excited and happy when I see our patient’s "After" results. It really means a lot to see that such educated and well informed members of this community take time to view our work. We truly have a passion for hair restoration at Arocha Hair Restoration. We take our business very seriously. Our only goal is to help to improve the lives of our patients. We are not in the business of deception. We have results that speak for themselves. I make sure every photo is documented and zoomed in for you the viewer to make a complete assessment of our work.


    Mickey85- I encourage you to click on the hyperlink at the top of this post. That link will take you to an album with the additional views that you were looking for. Also feel free to visit our Google+ page at:google.com/+ArochaHairRestorationHouston for additional views.


    I hope this clears up any confusion gentleman. Have a nice weekend.



  2. 35 year old man with AGA desiring to start hair restoration of the hairline and frontal area. He underwent a 3100+ FUT procedure and the after photos are taken at over 2 years post hair transplant. Patient's crown also seems to be responding to medical regiment.


    For more Photos Please visit : http://www.arochahairrestoration.com/en/photos/albums/v/114


























  3. LOL petersj!


    My bad, I got pulled away from my desk before finishing my note, and just inadvertently send the message without completing to all of you that have taken the time to comment. I really means a lot to Dr. Arocha and I that people take the time to post comments for our post. Please don't ever feel that we do not see or appreciate your kind words about our post.


    A very heartfelt thank you for taking the time to view Arocha Hair Restoration patient results and for all your kind words to:LondonHT;Future_HT_Doc ;Pete-from-Farjo;

    johnboy71 and of course petersj .

  4. I joined this site due to needing answers about my upcoming FUE.

    The amount and quality of information here is superb. Kudos to all who make this happen.


    It's amazing to me seeing the 'just after surgery' pic here on this patient. While looking at it, it appears that nearly every possible hair was taken for donating.

    However, even at the 5 day post-op pic, you can see the growth filling it in.

    Then after everything grew out, the reverse comb exam reveals the remaining density and it looks like it was never done!

    Absolutely fantastic results!

    I almost went through with a HT 15 years ago, but the rep I met with had slit-grafting done and he couldn't stop looking at himself in the mirror behind me during our conversation.

    I didn't hear a word he said because it looked absolutely horrible and scared me away.

    This is a great time to have a HT due to the advances made in the past 10 years.

    I'm sure that in the next decade, you'll be able to donate a single hair, have 10,000 clones made in a week and stop by to have them inserted.

    Until then, at least we can enjoy the successes we all are sharing!

    Thanks everyone




    Dear OneMoreToGo,


    It is very nice to read your comment. Thank you for taking the time to view our video. This patient represent the truly amazing results that can be achieved with FUE surgery. He also represents the reason that I decided to work in the hair restoration industry. I really love to see the transformation that good hair transplant surgery makes in someone's life. I am certain the the future holds more groundbreaking innovations for our industry. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance or answer any of your questions or concerns regarding hair restoration. Again, thank you for taking the time to view and comment on our results. Best of luck with your future hair endeavors!

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