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Everything posted by johnny2000

  1. Then it is my forehead people tend to stare at. But i dont Think it looks fine without toppik, it is very thin and my hairline is not good. Thats why im going to lorenzo in october for 1500 grafts Pls god, make it good this time! ?
  2. Mike, i am from Denmark too Can you please tell me. Where did you order the hair system from and how Will you attach it? Who in Denmark did your surgery? Maybe you Can private message me or something in danish? My e-mail is dk1984@outlook.dk Pls. I am VERY interesting in This. Hope to hear back from you
  3. Thank you Pete. Looking at my picture here, do you Think he Can make a good result in my thinning areas without causing shockloss on my native hair?
  4. 1 more when i had a bit longer hair than the buzz cut and This is without toppik
  5. This is with toppik, thats how my hair allways look when i Walk out off the door
  6. Also since i began loosing my hair and getting wrinkles 5-6 yrs ago i notice people tend to stare/look at me more when i Walk in the street or something Here is some pictures
  7. Thats Nice. ? Maybe it is my deep forehead wrinkles at the age of 30 wich makes me look like im 50 ? LOL
  8. I Think the growth is good. Offcourse it was impossible to achieve thick density with you intense hairloss. But i Think the best approach is like you did. 2 or 3 sessions where you each time add density. I want to ask something though. Do people look at your hair instead of your eyes when talking to you? Because obviesly even though it looks good, if i saw you in the street or something, i Think i would know you had a HT. Im asking because people tend to look up at my forehead/hairline and i dont know if it is the hair or my damn forehead wrinkles they find Odd ?
  9. I hope. I Also contacted feriduni. But his waiting list is like 9-10 Month or something ? Crazy
  10. Im 30. Taken fin for the past 4-5 years and Will continue. I have stabilized but after my first HT 16 Month ago i have thinned out i little more ? I just pray to god lorenzo Can make a perfect result on me, thats why i am paying top Price This time, but now im becoming nervous because you suddenly thinks bad about him in all threads lately ?
  11. Why do you have so much hate at dr lorenzos results ? Im getting nervous about my upcoming HT with him
  12. Dont you Think he Can provide me with a good result?
  13. Hey, why do you say that? I am booked with him in 3 Month for my repair HT That makes me nervous. Can you link Any of these results you talk about???
  14. Not the best quality but yes it looks like the donor is not strong ? Have you considered a hair piece?
  15. I felt very sad by Reading your story ? Could you pls post some pictures of your donor area? Would like to see how it is, since the doc turned you Down
  16. Found him. Looks good. But i would Also like to hear about his reputation from Many otters spanish patients. I just cannot handle another failed HT. That would bring me in a very Black hole ?
  17. I cant find him on youtube. Do you know what to search for on youtube?
  18. Cool. I need to know what people Think about their results from dr. Lorenzo. I know he is consideed as one of the best in the World, and i am booked with him in about 4 Month. But i need to be 110 % sure This time with my HT so it want be a failed like my first. Www. foro.recuperarelpelo.com This is the forum where Many of his results are. Plss ?
  19. I need som help to translate something from a spanish hairloss forum, i dont want to use a translate app or something, i want someone who understand it very good. Plss anyone?
  20. Anyone here uses RU? If so, what kind of results are you getting? And how would it be possible for me to get hands on when im from Denmark?
  21. I Think i Will keep it buzzed Down until my HT with lorenzo in october And i hope he Can Add density in the hairline so i dont have to use toppik ?
  22. I buzzed my hair a coupleof days ago, and used a little toppik on the short hair. I must say that nobody is looking strangely at me anymore So i Think that you guys are Right about it was the excessive amount of toppik that was the reason. ? But i still hope lorenzo Will give me a straight hairline, because it does not suit me with receded temples/cornors and Also with my HT from dr. Hakan, he transplanted my temples/cornors lower, so if lorenzo wants to make my hairline kind of receeding, Then he needs to remove grafts that dr. Hakan put in.
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