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Posts posted by MyNameIsRich

  1. Your hairloss is some what apparent, I'll admit but if what you're saying about your fathers side of the family is true - It's very likely that in the big picture, you'll still be a dude with a 'head of hair' and not the text book bald guy.

    How is male pattern baldness on your mothers side of the tree?


    My advice is to stay on Rogaine, you can get 3 month supplies cheap if you use online sources, even if its just ebay...and give Finasteride another shot. I've recently started taking Finpecia (Generic propecia) and they advice you to start with just one pill in the first week, upping your dosage over 7 weeks before you are on a daily dosage of 1mg (one pill) a day.

    I'm on my 4th week now and have had no side effects what so ever, and after a lot of research and questioning people who are on the drugs; I really don't think theres much to worry about. Side effects ARE rare, they aren't permanent and there are people out there on the net who will speak negatively about things because they are either uninformed, or just trying to scare people.



    Try the drugs and see how it goes over the next year or so... before you know it, you'll be in your late 20s, no doubt there will be advances in hair restoration, drugs and transplantations and you will be able to make a much more informed decision.

  2. (My previous threads, for picture references (read this one first) ) -





    Hey there - I posted a somewhat panicy thread just over a month ago, I'd been in Australia for a few weeks and had noticed my scalp through my hair after washing it.. be it the new bathroom's lighting, or hairloss; I was not used to seeing it like that and it freaked me the hell out. (Note that I've always had average calibre hair, and low to average density throughout the sides and top)


    I'd been observing my hair for sometime anyway, and the only hair loss that seemed evident was a very slightly thinned hairline and temples (adult hairline?), right in the corners (particularly on my right side).


    I started taking Rogaine on the 16th October, which is just over a month ago now, and I have started wearing my hair differently...

    I apply rogaine only ONCE a day, usually around 4pm or so, and I apply it on the hairline, the temples, throughout the vertex and crown, basically all over the top.

    I also started taking Finpecia (Generic propecia) a few weeks ago, but am still working my way up to daily dosage - I've only taken 6 or so tablets so far, definitely not enough to gain any sort of benefits.


    Here is the current situation - my hair seems as thick as ever, and I think I have new hairs growing along the hairline :S, especially in the corners. They are short sprouting hairs but they appear to be as thick as any other hair on my head. Do you think I could have just had a shedding cycle and that freaked me out...is it possible to get results this fast?


    I'm still skeptical as to if my hairloss is a reality or not, and I was too scared to go to see a hair clinic.

    my hair is still thin when wet, and if i comb it, and in that new bathrooms lighting, you can see my scalp still...but when dryed and combed its as thick as ever.


    Sorry if im rambling, I'll upload some pictures in a minute to show you what I mean.

  3. On the bright side it is probably not as thin as it looks as it will be soaking after getting out of the shower. Will look far better when dry and styled.


    Yeah, definitely not, and i use dermmatch if im really insecure about it on the day, but theres not really an upside to 'hmm, i think my hairs thinning out all over on the top?' is there.

    Yeah, I'm just gonna see what friday brings but im not gonna lose against this. propecia and rogaine, and HT as soon as needed. hopefully my hairloss wont be too awful as my dads generally isnt, just thinned out on top.


    And I'll get that crown photo up later

  4. Ill take one tomorrow after i shower as i have dermmatch in my hair...


    could dermmatch be causing hair to shed also? i guess friday at the clinic will give me the answers but, im just trying to get a bit of vision at this stage.

    i really do appreciate your responses in this thread, btw

  5. thats good then. ive shown my dad the photos and he says my hair has never looked any different, and that is his honest opinion.

    i dont know if i should believe him or not.


    what is in those pictures, is surely MPB? could it be anything else?

  6. ive ordered Rogaine (3 months worth) and am consulting a hair clinic in 7 days time... ill be getting propecia then, and will take both hoping that there are no side effects.


    supposing i stay on the drug, is it likely that it will thicken out the thinning all over and restore my hair (not including hairline) to its previous thicker state?

  7. Hey again.I posted a thread around a month ago,

    can be viewed here: ......




    ....Since then I have moved from the UK to Australia (no idea how long I will be here for/when and if i'll return to the UK)

    however, I seem to have lost a shit ton of hair since then, or maybe its just that i never noticed before? The place where I'm staying has pretty revealing lighting in the bathroom, lights on or off the room radiates light.. id never seen my hair look this thin before.


    anyways, heres some pictures, direct from showering and ive used a hair brush to demonstrate what i mean... my hair seems to be completely thinning out all over the top, which is a terrifying worry going from what i thought was just a slowly receding hairline...











    And a view from the top, with my hair resting in all directions...










    now my hair is longer that it usually is, and ive always had thin crappy hair but, it shouldnt be looking like this should it? its funny how in my last thread people were laughing at me and my 'hair loss' but now in just under a month later its a completely different picture, or am i just going insane? please gimme your views

  8. So I'm a UK resident but I have just moved to Australia and shall be here for upwards of a year (possibly forever). I wont be a resident or citizen anytime soon though,

    I wanted to order Finpecia from the </title> <style type="text/css"> </style> <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-23559085-1']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/java website, but it states in the terms that you need to be a resident of the country you state as your home, which is probably something to do with the prescription? I did email asking my few questions but have waited a week and no response… just mailed them again but I'm growing impatient as I just want to get on the drug.


    Does anybody know if this site will ship to Australia? or anywhere out of the UK?

    And if not, are there any Australians who know where I can get a reliable source of Finpecia?


    Thanks guys

  9. Also, to be honest I don't believe the images in the original post fully display my concerns with my hair, as it seems to blend in with itself when combed back like that.

    I took some photos directly after showering earlier, check these pictures and the annotations:


    I've let my hair rest by pushing it wet to the left, clumping it and then on the side of the hairline it's coming down, notice how where the arrow points it seems to be a lot thicker and almost has it's own edge, or is that just me?





    Some pictures of the same from the front






    A close up







    Finally, I brushed my hair back in the same fashion as in the original post's pictures, and I was surprised to see how it pretty much disguises my worries from the previous pictures moments before.


    Does this help indicate my worries now, to those of you who are saying there's nothing wrong? Or is there really little wrong, at this stage?



  10. I don't really see anything wrong with your hair. I would hold off and at most get on propecia.


    I think your hair is just fine. Even though you have a high forehead, lots of people have a high forehead, it's genetic. Your hairline looks good. If anything just take Finasteride. How much hair do you shed daily?


    I also don't see the need for HT. It's a pretty serious process--at MOST I think you could go on finasteride.


    There is definitely not a need for a HT at this point for you. Since you are so young and have a good amount of hair (sure perhaps your hairline can be beefed up and/or straightened but it is too early in your hair loss for that)...I recommend as everyone did, to get on Propecia to stop any further loss. Give it at least 1 year to see if your hair loss has stabilized. Re-visit this in 1 year after meds and go from there. Good Luck!


    I've been reading up a little on Propecia from Spexhair website, and he does state that branded Propecia is very very expensive, and suggests using this product:

    Finpecia (Finasteride 1mg) Generic Finasteride - Hair Pharmacy (UK)


    Does anybody have anything to say about Finpecia as a form of Finasteride? how good are these generic propecias?

  11. I wouldn't wait considering many consultations are free. It can't hurt to see a Dr. and see what he says about your hair loss. Because in all honesty, I only thought I was a hairline case but upon consulting with various doctors I realized I have a little thinning in other parts...so it was beneficial for me to see this because I went on Propecia immediately instead of say doing what you said you want to do and waiting a few months. The goal is to get on meds ASAP if you feel you are losing your hair. It unfortunately is the only way (or I should say one of the best ways) to hold onto the hair you have. Hope this helps.


    Do they give you the feedback there and then, or is it based on the differences seen from the first and second consultation?

    Can they also figure out how much hair you will lose at the end of it all?

  12. Cost is always a barrier when it comes to maintaining and/or having a HT. But if you want to keep your hair and are truly serious about it, you will find a way to pay for it. Propecia is not cheap but you can get generic FIN for very cheap and cut the pill into 1/4's. I have spent a lot of monies thus far on concealers and propecia and now my upcoming HT but in reality I say to myself and now you...what is the cost/expense of losing your hair worth to you? To me...it is priceless to hold onto and have a good head of hair so I am willing to pay for it. You need to see what means the most to you and you will be able to pay for it accordingly. Hope this helps.


    True, I will look into the best possible treatment for myself, I guess the first thing is to be assessed by a true hair specialist in person, but I'm going to put that off for a few more months to see if I notice any difference myself in photos and such...

    Sounds smart?

  13. Thanks a lot for the responses so far, guys. I just want to clarify that I am definitely not considering getting a HT at this stage, I am however researching and learning as much as I can about hair loss reversal and HTs so I can attack the future as it comes... Do you believe I should start taking meds/rogaine? Or do I hold off and just keep monitoring my hairline every few months as I have been doing?

    And to answer the question about how many hairs I shed daily, I really wouldn't know. I'd say from my daily morning shower I lose a handful of hairs but it doesn't bother me as about 4 years ago I used to lose about 4 times as many, and they were coming out just by running my hand through the wet hair... This is no longer the case

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