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Posts posted by MyNameIsRich

  1. In my experience, I still think about hair constantly. That doesn't go away, even after a successful hair transplant. It's part of balding man's psyche I'm afraid to say.


    Have you tried shaving it off to see if you like that look? You're 25 which is quite young to start this journey if you're not financially and psychologically prepared to undergo multiple hair transplants.


    Pictures? :)


    Yeah I figured that would be the case, but I was worried 5 years ago too. the only difference now, is that i look worse, and feel worse because of it.


    I'll never shave my head, i'm far too stubborn, same as I'll never accept the option of just going bald, even though i've come to accept that it is slowly happening.


    I am psychologically prepared, I think. I Just think life is too short to be wasting my 20s, i can afford to justify the cost of transplants, i've been telling myself that they will pay for themselves, with the confidence that will come with it, allowing me to work and earn more money

  2. I was 25 in March, I've been fighting this battle since I first really accepted that I was thinning back in oct 2011, jumped onto minoxidil, propecia, and tried everything else. After fighting side effects for years, i finally managed to get past the stigma and now that i now longer suffer with any side effects, ive been on the full 1mg (proscar cut) daily dosage. yet, im still thinning.

    It isn't just thinning for me though, I have naturally wavey/curly hair, but because of this, the hair on the top of my head is now a different texture to the sides and the back,

    I also straighten my hair (with heat irons, not chemical stuff), but it's just becoming impossible to even style it anymore, but still looks even worse if i leave it natural. I know some people are gonna tell me that the straightners are causing hair loss, but if that was the case, why do i have no loss on the sides or back.


    I saw one of the worlds top hair transplant doctors a few months ago, I won't say who because I suppose it isn't really important and I don't want to imply anything negative here, and he said I would be ok to go ahead and have 2000-2200 grafts in the front and some in the crown, but i was trying to play it cautious as I feel that ive definitely thinned more over the last 12 months, since my initial consultation.


    The bigger issue though, is my state of mind. I'm a pretty confident guy, on the surface. I don't struggle to talk to people, but I've lost all self esteem, when it comes to how I look. I think about hair constantly, I realise that I look way worse than most guys even 5 years older than me, hair wise, which I believe is hands down the most important physical attribute for a male. It's taking up way too much time in my day, and it's even gotten to the point now where I won't get out of the shower until the mirror is completely steamed up, because i'm scared to see my hair wet. I don't think it's healthy to carry on like this, yes hair transplants are really expensive which was a big part of why i was going to put it off a while longer, but i'm losing the best years of my life here.


    Another question is should I consider jumping on to dutasteride instead, or is that just gonna possibly make things worse? I just want this shit to stop.



    In terms of family history, my grandpa (moms side) is 86 and has only really started to thin in the last few years, up until then i would say he had a full head of hair. he still does, just started to thin on the top, but hell, for his age, hes lucky to still be alive i guess. his hair at 80 was more than most could hope for. My Dad is a 58 year old NW5A, I suppose. hes definitely not nw6, because he still has hair all throughout the top, and his sides dont go as far down as a true cueball head guy. i guess if my dad was to have 2 sessions, hed get full coverage, and a decent looking hairline.

  3. It's not important in regards to MPB in my opinion. If your hair is 3 feet long and you want it to be silky, maybe. But in terms of patterned loss, I'm not a believer. You'll see alcoholics, crach heads, 600 pound men, coal miners (toxic breathing), smokers, baseball and football players (hats all of the time), Presidents (stress), all with thick heads of hair. IMO, it's only about genetics and dht blockers.


    Hmm thats what I also believe. but i just wonder if there is some ground inbetween the two beliefs, and that if you feed your body a lot of certain things, it can drastically help the situation, beyond the DHT blockers.


    Edit, especially with things like nettle root (supposed DHT blocking supplment) and more recently, reading that seaweed can greatly help with stopping patterned balding, in the same way that lots of protein, eggs etc will.

  4. I've used some of the generic big bag stuff from ebay, but it's like putting wool in your hair. granted, it's not terrible in the back, but i definitely feel that toppik is a lot better, being more refined and smaller in fibres.


    Is there any other cheap stuff out there that is passable? I kind of accept that I'm not gonna get the same quality as Toppik without the price tag, but hairloss medication is expensive enough without adding in the cost factor of dermmatch and toppik.



  5. Dude your hairline looks awesome. granted, you've had 2 HTs but even then, I think you're a bit overly conscious of the situation. judging by how short you wear your hair, maybe its worth considering getting some SMP (hair tattoo) in the front? it could really help thicken and level out a nice hairline for you

  6. There was a kid in my year at school who was wearing hats a LOT around 15 and at college (16 and 17 in the uk) you would never see him without a hat. i remember seeing he was going towards NW6 around the age of 20, when i saw some hatless pictures. So yeah, it can happen in early teen years. Must really fucking suck for you, bro. Hang in there. Best of luck, whatever you decide to do.


    Edit: Damn, sorry. just noticed the thread is 10 years old T_T my bad hahahah

  7. Rich,


    Are you referring to the Hair Loss Websites?


    I maintain one myself and also review others regularly. I've seen only one case where a member's photos were not displaying. Have you seen more?


    I also had some technical issues with photos a while back that I reported and they were fixed.


    I like the new layout because you can add multiple procedures and doctors and that was not possible under the old format.


    Please do provide your specific feedback. We are always open to suggestions.


    Hey David,


    I don't really keep a track of blogs that aren't showing images, but a recent example would be:

    Hair Restoration Websites


    Fair enough, It's still good, but I just preferred the old one, haha. The only reason why I felt I should make a thread is because I've noticed more than a handful of blogs not showing images, especially with newbie posters, or people returning years later.

  8. Not sure where to post this, but I've noticed that ever since the blog interface was updated, it seems a bit more clunky and harder to use. the original system was pretty much perfect, but oh well. the only real issue worth making a thread about, it seems that a lot of newer entries from people don't display the images they are supposedly uploading.

    I'm not sure why this would be, but it really sucks when somebody comes back and uploads a 4 years later entry, and you can only read the text :/


  9. What side effects did you experience?


    Everything. But I honestly believe a lot of it is psychological. It's easy to think your dick doesnt work when you're single and force yourself into a low state of self confidence, and some bad experiences with girls since starting the drug (you can work it out surely) will only make you even more sure, but honestly, it all worked out fine.


    I found it really helped by opening up about it for a change, and with my now girlfriend, I wanted her to know everything about me, hair loss medication included. she supported my fear of having sexual problems, but honestly, its a thing of the past now, neither of us even think about that.

  10. Don't worry about side effects, that's more than half the problem dude.

    How old are you anyway? I suffered with side effects, but I fought the war, and after trying many different things, I'm now on 1mg branded daily and have no side effects. Keep taking photos, I believe it's a very useful tool to have in the long run.

  11. Possibly I'm not a long term user (about 4 months) but can say that I haven't had any sides. Have you started taking fin?


    lol, 4 months isn't long time.


    I've been on and off since late 2011. I suffered massively with side effects, everything you could think of. I stopped taking the generic stuff, and after a few months deciding, i jumped on to the branded stuff (Proscar, cut in 5ths to 1mg). I slowly built up my dosage over a few months, but I'm now on 1mg a day, and I can safely say I have no noticeable side effects.

    For what it's worth, if you're sceptical (Hell, I've always been sceptical!) I got my girlfriend pregnant a month ago, even though she had some sort of contraceptive implant.


    If anybody who is suffering wants to ask me some questions, feel free to email me. I've been there myself and have nothing but sympathy and support for you

  12. Hey guys,


    Been away from the forums for a while, but this is something I wanted to get a little insight on before I go ahead.


    I've been considering using azelaic acid again, however I don't want to pay a massive surcharge to a dodgy company who are bottling it (it is against FDA regulations) with minoxidil. This is technically illegal, as it isnt FDA approved to be sold for hair loss, i'll always be looking for the next supplier, as the companies tend to discontinue the products within months.


    I buy Kirkland Minoxidil, and based on how hugely popular it is, along with the cheap price tag, I don't want to change. I have been considering buying Azelaic acid flakes/crystals though, as they are relatively inexpensive ( Home Made Hair Loss Formulas ).


    Just wondering what everybody thought about adding it to my minoxidil, I'm sure this is no different to what companies bottling the stuff do, but could this cause a chemical imbalance with my minoxidil itself, and render it an ineffective solution for my hair?


    I'm on the fence right now, but i do believe azelaic is good for hairloss, I just dont want to go back to having to apply it as cream to my hairline every night again, it's messy and expensive.



  13. Congrats MyNameisRich, glad it worked out for you! What was your recovery like?


    Hey, thank you. Well I since also had a eyelid corrective surgery, for both eyelids, to make my face symmetrical, I had a really annoying lazy eyelid. Both surgeries went very smoothly, very fast recovery. It seems I don't scar too much, which is good news If I eventually end up needing a HT in later years. I'd definitely recommend these to anybody, after doing plenty research.

    They seem like trivial, vain things to do, but ultimately, I have never been happier with my face, and I don't see them as an issue anymore.

  14. Basically I'm a Ketoconazole expert. All what I can say is that it cleans scalp, fight DHT if 2% is used but kills hair texture if used twice a week as it makes it brittle and could change its color somehow and eliminates its shine. I strongly advice NIZORAL brand which has some additional ingredients to smoothen the hair and use it once a week for 5 minutes. Recently I found a way to get rid of the brittle hair issue by oiling my hair with coconut oil and leave it for 30min then wash it and apply Nizoral 2% for 5 minutes then rise once a week only during my day off. Hope this helps and I strongly believe that Nizoral 2% and oral standardized Saw Palmetto extract are a must for DHT blocking if Finasteride not used due to sexual sides like my case.


    What's exactly is a Ketoconazole expert? Dead serious!

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