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Everything posted by LondonHTseeker

  1. Dr Youngblood mFUE scarring is FUE-like scarring! That's not to say it's the same as FUE scarring, just similar. I'm not being disingenuous, I wouldn't do that! I care passionately about ethics and the last thing I'm going to do is mislead anyone! I think this is a really exciting development which, together with our Strip-out philosophy, will have a synergistic effect on driving up our reputation and forum presence! Just um... don't cut your hair as short as you would expect to with FUE or the mFUE scars could show more easily.
  2. Dr StridentViews FUE is a useful ADJUNCT that only METICULOUS GENIUSES like me use AFTER going fully STRIPPED OUT. FUE is BRUTAL. Strip is the GOLD STANDARD. I'm the master. You're my slave, I mean customer. I know best and I NEVER lie. FACT. P.S. Did I tell you how very very intelligent I am? I invent stuff too!!!
  3. We know you'd fuck you (and doubtless often do). Violence of the Hams.
  4. I'm going to see if Hacer Yuce will do an FUE w/o shaving down the recipient. If so, I'm going for it.
  5. Chinese man lifts and swings three boxes of beer with penis | Daily Mail Online Someone should tell him size isn't everything, poor guy.
  6. That could have been partly why he refused, who knows. Whatever, I'm over it. I'm looking good for now anyway: thick head of hair. *pats HTsoon's head condescendingly* It'll work out buddy, don't worry.
  7. That's a wig! Someone should tell him he has a great beard donor supply...
  8. A pretty vicious little response, not that it concerns me that you apparently can't be bothered to read and comprehend the nuances of my position properly. However, I've seen you doling out the viciousness with enough frequency not to be surprised. Your "hand out" phrase is a very pejorative and tabloid way of denigrating the free offer I was given. Doubtless you're far too much of a man of principle to accept free offers. Well, actually I believe Dr Feller and team would have done a great job of the hair transplant so I was prepared to accept it. I've already paid in the region of 25000 dollars for HTs with Dr Feller, so to try to make me out to be some kind of freebie-grabbing freewheeler is ridiculous. I've been extremely proactive with my 4 HTs in the US and Turkey, and SMP in London. I'm certainly not desperate, mate. You seem it it though. An unusually nasty edge. Try therapy before you get another HT. I've been honest throughout. I simply chose not to get into arguments with my HT surgeon, and only a fool would. As I've already explained in detail, I am somewhat relieved they aren't doing the operation as I don't want to shave down. I'm just not convinced Dr feller hadn't made his mind up about not operating before he saw me. I was at the consultation. You weren't. Get back in your rancid box.
  9. BTW I don't accept the 6 month vs 8 month thing was nonsense, if you mean it was a trivial point. I may elaborate on that again later.
  10. No, no time for raking over old ground. It was strictly business i.e. him trying to gently break to me the news he wasn't going to be giving me a free op after quickly giving me a not very convincing impression of evaluating my viability for it first. In other words, I think he had his mind made up before he saw me. The thing with strip is I hate the whole scar healing rigmarole. I've already had 3 with Dr Feller, and then 1 FUE in Turkey. My next FUE will target the grafts not touched in the previous one. Then if need be I can grab some of the already FUE harvested ground with strip.
  11. OK well I don't follow cricket either TBH! I thought I'd heard it. Skiing is my favourite sport but only as a participator. At school they called me the Kamikaze Kid due to my reckless skiing. It was a great way to learn though: fearless naivety of youth. Anyway, where were we...
  12. I accept it was an unnecessarily cheap shot. It was just how I felt about the maturity level of his arguments. After reading a few of his other posts it seems he's my age or older! Go figure.
  13. We invented football, you invented the phony name for it! Still waiting for those quotes to prove your 'argument'... I could easily quote a few instances of his intellectual dishonesty.
  14. The thing about mFUE is that it does seem to thin the donor area at shorter lengths more visibly than judiciously placed FUE, due to the punches being bigger. I was prepared to accept that because I already have too much scarring for shorter lengths. I'm fairly sure I have at least 1000 FUE grafts left, in fact a London HT surgeon told me I do. I simply don't believe Dr Feller. I also have around 1500 grafts via strip if I choose that route, while perhaps improving the strip scar at the same time. But I don't want another strip, not before I've done another FUE anyway. So I may have a few thousand grafts left.
  15. We gave you it out of sympathy after beating you at the cricket!
  16. Quote one example of this "licking". I suggested he had been dishonest and he offered me a free op. The offer was hardly obtained through backside smooching!
  17. It's called politics. That's life. Maybe when you venture permanently out of Mommy's basement you'll understand. But show me where I kissed arse.
  18. No need for your phony apologies, cheers, I'm unfazed by your immature trolling. I was never gunning for Dr Feller's blood nor kissing his arse. He's helped me get a decent hair transplant, which was the job I paid him to do. I'm grateful to him for it. Despite your weak attempts to assert otherwise, I'm capable of having contrasting opinions about him without being overwhelmed by confusion at the cognitive dissonance. Now that I'll never have him operate on me again (which I thought was the case til he offered the free op) I can be completely upfront about what those opinions are. As for his withdrawal of the free op being the ethical thing, I'm unconvinced ethics were the reason for it. However, please show me where I've outright stated he has lied. Quote me. Intellectual dishonesty isn't necessarily manifested through an outright lie.
  19. P.S. I'm not into rugby since it screwed my neck up as a kid and I've had to sleep without a pillow since.
  20. Nice trollish comments there Mr Stig, however I'm not bitter. Like I said (try rereading, more slowly this time, maybe ask Mommy to read it to you over din dins before another night in with your Top Gear box set) I tend to agree with them that it's not worth the effort of another operation. But whether I can do another operation in future without shaving down the recipient, I don't know. It wasn't worth jumping on a plane for the decision and Dr Feller didn't seem to want me to do that either. The wait didn't bother me because I got it fixed with the SMP. Unlike you I was relaxed about it, not hyper neurotic and blowing cash on a flight for immediate gratification. Sure, it seemed a nice offer. How genuine it was I'll never know. Dr Feller has shown himself to be less than honest at times in this thread. If you can't see that you're even more of an idiot that you've already proved yourself to be.
  21. OK. Assuming the meds do halt my loss, I'll always be pleased with the hairline Dr Feller gave me. It frames my face. Most surgeons would have refused to go that low. I got lucky choosing Dr Feller in that regard.
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