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Everything posted by greatjob

  1. You stated that the first two pictures (posted below) were prior to any corrective work or laser treatment and were taken at about 6 months post op. However I can't see any way that is possible because the hair in the transplanted region in the two pictures looks completely different. The only reason I'm harping on the issue of when corrective work was taken in regards to the pictures is because for me that is the only piece of evidence that we can evaluate. Everything else about when medication was administered and agreement on hairline placement and design is something the community can never come to a reasonable conclusion about because it is your word against Dr. Umar and no definitive evidence can be presented on those topics. Now maybe I'm wrong and the angle and lighting are play tricks here, but in the first picure there are very pronounced little hairs at the hairline, and in the second picture there is not. Also I'm not defending Dr. Umar or trying to attack you, I'm just trying to figure this all out.
  2. Dr. Gho is splitting hairs. The benefit of his treatment is for people who care more about their donor region than their recipient region since to date it is the least scarring technique out there. If he was truly getting 85% regeneration like he claims, as in 85% of 3 hair grafts regrew 3 hair grafts in the donor and recipient, then they wouldn't be telling people to stop having procedures after there third hst treatment of around 1200 grafts each time. If you were getting 85% regeneration and a patient had say 5,000 grafts available via traditional fue that would mean that you could transplant around 33,000 grafts before you lost 5,000 grafts like you would from traditional fue. This would essentially be a working cure for baldness, however since they are telling people to stop treatment after receiving less than 4,000 grafts I believe their regeneration claims are bogus. Also all of the work from Dr. Gho is performed by techs and I have seen cases coming from them of forum members that looked really bad, with the hair coming out in all different directions and angles. I don't understand the crazy high price if the doctor is really not even involved in the procedure. Here is a picture from a member on the bald truth who had a transplant from Gho, http://s18.postimg.org/id7uxl32x/20130524_195535.jpg he no longer believes you get much if any regeneration with the procedure. If you look at the transplanted hair in the temples it is in all diferent directions and very obviously different from his native hair. I would not pay the amount of money Gho charges for results like these.
  3. This is a great result for sure! However, as cart2 stated, my only critique of Dr.Erdogan's presentations is all of his pre-op pictures are taken with wet hair. His work is great, but wet pre-op pictures don't give a full honest comparison of the transformation.
  4. I did read every post from beginning to end as they were posted. With all due respect, your account of when the pics were taken has flipped flopped. Multiple times in this thread you stated that all the pics were prior to any corrective work, however now you are stating that some pics were post corrective work. I have no agenda and I really don't care if Dr. Umar is found to be in the wrong. I also disagree with some former patients of Dr. Umar's using the flawed logic that since their experience was great then your experience would also have to have been great, however there are some inconsistencies in your story. I was going to go back and quote the multiple times you stated that all of the pics were pre-corrective work, which you are now saying is incorrect, however I don't have that much free time. Also if the first and second pics were pre any corrective work I see no way that is possible. The difference in the hair caliber and skin condition could never be achieved by simple changing the length of the hair. I genuinely feel you are an unsatisfied patient which is terrible, but I do not think you are being 100% genuine in your account of the timeline and the facts.
  5. I have used concealers for about 3 years or so and I hate them. Right now I still use them a little on the back half of my head. I did cut my whole head down to about a 6 guard to try and find the best length and it looked worse shorter. I'm letting it grow out and the I'm going to go to a really good stylist and let them use every trick they have to make my hair look as thick as possible. The work Dr. Rahal did is perfect and if I had close to that density on my whole head I would be set forever. The problem is the pics I have posted don't really show the reality of my hair behind the transplanted area. It's pretty thin. I knew I was going to want to get in the chair again, now I just have to figure out how to pay for it, lol. Oh and thanks for the compliment
  6. Ahhh gotta love the forums. I could post a thread with a 3 word title and a 3 word post and it would turn into a 15 page pissing match
  7. Took a couple of shots today of the hairline. No product, out of the shower with dry hair. I cut it down short a little while ago to let it grow out and find the sweet spot. I'm going to let it grow out and then go get a good hair cut. I included a pre-op shot for reference.
  8. Glad this was brought back up. It is such a great result for only 3,600 grafts, well done doc!!
  9. HAHA!! I used to watch those with my grandpa, they're so awful they're amazing, lol!! Hope you heal and grow well, Dr. Charles seems like a solid guy! Your post reminded me of a recent meme I came across so I thought I would post it:
  10. First of all I didn't say "the doctors who designed it are all hacks" I said the doctor who designed it is a hack, referring to Larry Shapiro. And to be honest I lost a lot of respect for Dr. Cooley and Dr. Mwamba when I saw they were endorsing the shake. It's a gimmick pure and simple. You could take a whey protein supplement along with a multiviatim and achieve the same results for a fraction of the cost. Anyone who thinks that the shake can have any effect on hairloss either has an agenda or is extremely foolish. Seriously go to the website and look at the before and after pictures and tell me if you really believe those results are achievable by drinking a shake. If those results where true this would be as close to a cure for baldness as you could currently get. It is clearly a snake oil. I don't mean to be harsh, however we get a lot of company shills and people pushing an agenda on this site every day and their typical m.o. is to join and immediately push a certain doctor or product and their posts are usually filled with inconsistencies, and you seem to fit this model.
  11. I'll try and take a pic tomorrow and post it up for you.
  12. Yeah and I ride a flying unicorn to work everyday... I'm curious in your previous post you state: However on your profile you state that you have had a hair transplant with Dr Jennifer Martinick. So which is it, have you had a transplant or not? I really don't like to see new members pushing products especially when they are caught in blatant contradictions or lies.
  13. Yeah I would love to see that! I think between you and Spex no one has documented their transplant more thoroughly, so anyone who gives you grief over your result not being purely surgical were looking for a reason to criticize you anyways. I mean you have to think about your personal appearance above all else, but if you want to undergo the procedure I would love to see it. As I think most people trust you more than most it would be great to see what smp can do in-conjunction with surgery. I think the only case Ive see using smp to enhance a transplant was from Dr. Rassman and the presentation of the results was horrid.
  14. I don't have a ton of faith in Dr. Nigam's doubling technique, although I hope I'm wrong. I really think Dr. Cotsarelis and Follica are going to come out of nowhere in the next few years with a treatment that will be a working cure. I mean basically every single future treatment/cure currently in trials or under study is based off of his research, so I would put my money on him and Follica cracking the code before anyone else.
  15. You look fantastic!! Truly life changing result!! Also as an American and a grad student who teaches at a well respected university, you have a better grasp of the English language then most of the young people in my country!
  16. Joe I would also be very curious to see SMP work other than the shaved effect. I understand the SMP shaved head look, it has just never been something that has applied or appealed to me. However, if I could see some patients using it in more of a concealer replacement successfully, it could be something that I would consider to hold me over until I could afford to go under the knife again. I look forward to the website update and hope you will let us know when it is up and running.
  17. Thanks guys!! Yeah I can't say I've seen huge gains after 6 months, but I think I was also an early grower. I can say that when I feel around with my hands I feel some spikes which could just be hair cycling or growth, who knows. I am really happy with the results, I don't think I could have asked for more in my case. I really hope to max out my donor in the future, but I'm just going to have to figure out the money situation.
  18. So I'm somewhere around 9 months post-op now, to be honest I've kind of been slacking on my documentation, but I thought I would post a pic that was at about 8 months post op. I am super happy with the work, now I'm just trying to figure out how I can scrape up the money for another round to get me closer to my final goals.
  19. He would have experienced the same thing if he didn't use the shake. The help hair shake is a waste of money and the doctor behind it is a hack.
  20. Also Bill, this post is not in any way to suggest that you or the network are biased or disingenuous at all, because that is not what I believe in the slightest. However, I don't see the reasoning in always locking negative threads from work of recommended or coalition doctors. If a thread is out of control I understand, but I don't think that is the case with this thread. All other threads on this site are allowed to naturally run their course and fade away as interest wains, and if a poster later comes across the thread and has something relevant to add they can do so. I don't understand why all negative threads are treated different and locked instead of being allowed to naturally run their course.
  21. For me the issues of when the drugs were administered and how the hairline design went down is pretty much impossible for us to determine the truth because it is a case of he said he said. The other problem is hairguy shot himself in the foot by seeking repair work at 6 months. If the results were truly as bad as he claims, his unwillingness to wait until the hair transplant matured and instead seek corrective work pretty much renders his claims of poor work meaningless and impossible to prove. The reason I say it is impossible to prove is because no one can be sure if the 6 month pics were taken before or after corrective work. All of the photos hairguy posted of himself at 6 months look to me like corrective work had already begun. Also I'm posting all of his 6 month photos below. Hairguy claims they are all at 6 months and all prior to corrective work being performed, however in each pic the condition of his hairline looks significantly different, which if they were all taken at 6 months would only be possible if he had already undergone some corrective work in between taking those photos. Now you can see that in these 4 photos which hairguy claims to be at 6 months and prior to any repair work, that the condition of his skin and hair at the hairline looks different in each photo, which would indicate that corrective work had already begun and hairguy's account of the facts and timeline may not be 100% genuine. I could however be completely wrong, but I am just trying to decipher the facts of this case as best I can.
  22. You should post some pictures so we can better help you. Also what is your age and are you currently or willing to get on meds like finasteride and minoxidil?
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