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Everything posted by Coach

  1. I'm at 3 months and 2 weeks, and I have no growth at all ....
  2. So I am 3 months and 8 days and there is no growth what so ever. I know be patient, be patient, but most of the growth that I read about on here people start seeing some growth in as little as 2, 2 and half months, and 3 months. I have nothing, there is nothing to have a even little hope about right now ......
  3. Officially 2 days past the 3 month mark. Same update as a few weeks ago, the scar continues to heal amazingly, it's practically gone. However again, no growth as of yet.....
  4. Cool. I hope you're right. I am very anxiously waiting. Good, I would very much like to see your photos. I hope in the next month or 2 I share the same satisfaction you have.
  5. Ii am almost 3 months. Good news the scar is healing really well. The bad news is there us ZERO new growth .......
  6. I;m 3 days past the 2 months point and I don;t see a damn thing ....
  7. So it's been exactly 2 months today from my surgery. Nothing news worthy to date, but not problems and nothing unexpected. So I guess everything is going according to the plan ....
  8. Horses, I'm very encouraged and can not wait for the results . Dr. vogel is the best and from what ive seen from his patients , you're right it will be worth the wait. ELK are you going to Dr. vogel ?
  9. Are your results so far obviously noticeable ? Any photos?
  10. Well I am officially 1 month in. Obviously no changes, feel 100% though. Ready for some growth ! Lol
  11. I was worried too when a few pimples popped up but my doc assured me there's nothing to worry about. Plus i got a lot of info from this board which helped.
  12. Yes, they are starting off like pimples. My scabs were off between day 10 and day 14, and I haven't had any problems at all. So I know the grafts must be securely in there.
  13. Quick question: All of my scabs came off around 10 to 13 days post-op. However recently, I have had a few new scabs pop up in the last 3/4 days. I am 3 weeks post-op. Has anyone had similar experiences and should I be worried? I went in this week for my follow up and the Dr. said there is nothing to worry about.
  14. Can grafts come out after 2 weeks? I have still be sleeping on my back, would it be alright to sleep regularly? Just making sure
  15. I am officially 2 weeks post-op today. I could not feel anymore normal than I did before the surgery. Most of the scabs have fallen off. Any type of pain is almost none existent. Their is still some mild tightness around the donor area but nothing that affects any head movement. There has not been any shockloss as of yet, and there is hardly any redness on my head. Is it normal to feel this good 2 weeks out? And now I just have to pretty much be patient the next 5-8 months right?
  16. I am in Post-op day 9. I have been virtually pain free for the past 4/5 days aside from discomfort while sleeping from the scar area and a little tightness, which has really reduced over the past few days. I no longer feel pain or tight when I laugh or move my eye brows. I have not experienced any shock loss, but I still have most of my scabs on my head. I have showered regulary the past 3 days, use the aloe, and the saline every day. Typically, from what I read, usually 8-10 days for the scabs to fall off. They feel like they can come right off. Should I be more aggressive when shampooing ?
  17. Horses, Glad to hear you are starting to see noticeable results. I am very much looking foward to it. I am scheduled to go back for a check up and have the sutures removed in about 2 weeks. How long did the aloe and the saline solution last for you ?
  18. I am not a big online person with pics and detailed descriptions, but I had my procedure done by Dr. Vogel on Thursday. The procedure itself was virtually painless. I had a total of 1720 grafts done. The procedure went as smooth as it could have. Dr. Vogel said there no unexpected surprises, limited bleeded, ..... The experience with Dr. Vogel was first rate all the way I have had trouble sleeping at night, the pain in the donor area the night of and night after surgery was pretty bad. The percocets did not help at all, but the past 2 nights have not been bad. There is a lot of tightnest on my head but I guess that is to be expected. I have followed the post care directions meticulously. I have shampooed my head the past two days. I do not feel like I am doing it correctly or maybe I am being to careful, but I have been washing the donor area as instructed, then lightly padding the shampoo foam on the recipient area, before rinsing it off with a cup. I have also been spraying my head with the saline solution they give you and have used the aloe for the first time last night. At what point are the scabs supposed to begin falling off? When does your scalp loose that tightness feeling? And how can I start sleeping? I have been sleeping upright since I had the procedure.
  19. I just scheduled an appointment for 1500 grafts with Dr. Vogel in Baltimore in July. This is my first hair transplant. I am 28, and began loosing when I was 20. I have been on propecia since I was 22. I have done a ton of research over the past 8 years, and really feel like Dr. Vogel is the best option. I am way more anxious than nervous due to the great results that Dr. Vogel as performed over and over. Any comments from previous patients or advice on what to expect from anyone who has had a similar procedure?
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