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Posts posted by RecedingTide

  1. Absolutely mindblowing. I love Doctors that actually liaison with their potential patients personally. Dr. Lorenzo has answered my emails personally and in depth, which bowled me over but a 30 minute Skype conversion is in another ballpark!


    The one moment which struck me was when Dr. Feriduni posted a stellar result of a female who had a high hairline but revealed that she had some excess scabbing a few weeks after the surgery which resulted in a small touch up as she was not content with that. We would have been none the wiser but Feriduni still mentioned it. That is absolute honesty and it was not provoked by anyone but Dr. Feriduni. That made me notice him BIG TIME. I have noticed that he does work with patients in hairlines that they like and not just a "Oh that won't look right" etc. Kudos good Doctor!


    He's a true gent and great guy by all accounts. I too was impressed when he decided to mention that the young woman required a small touch up.


    He also feels morally obliged to take on a pro bono case every month so you know he's in the industry for the right reasons. A proper doctor.


    Agree with Hariri also about the trifecta of Lorenzo, Bisanga and Feriduni and FUE.

  2. KO it's not very hard to find out. I don't speak Italian but if you google the two terms together you can find them mentioned in some Italian hairloss forums. As I don't know what they're saying maybe they're just suggesting he was treated by Dr. Hasson but I doubt that's what they're saying.


    I'm almost positive he went to Dr. Hasson for about 4700 FU if I remember correctly. I believe he also had a procedure with Dr. Rosati before which was not great which isn't surprising since he also did Berlusconi and we all know how that one turned out.


    Antonio's hair quality reminds me of Shuffle's. Shuffle's is another mega Dr. Hasson result.


    Edit: I see someone mentioned the same as the before expect that the procedure was for 4477 FU. Lorenzo is friends with Antonio and Jotronic knows who Antonio is and the football scandals in Italy. So yeah I'd say he went to Dr. Hasson alright. :)

  3. For my second surgery, doc Rahal managed to get 2970 grafts. He finished the crown area. Quite frankly, I never asked Dr. Rahal if I have any left for transplant in the future. But, If all goes well, I will never need another one!



    True. You're complete now. :D Just a guess but I'd imagine if you ever needed more you'd get some laxity back for a last strip of 1500-2000. Plus I'd say you'd then have 1500FU by FUE. 3000ish by all methods should ever need them may be possible. Your first HT has continued to thicken over the last few months. You may still have another 10% to go on that one. Must be nice to forget about hair worries now. Great stuff. Thanks for the reply.

  4. Nice reply Joe. I was thinking even on an extensively bald scalp there is a coverage vs. volume battle going on with angle of placement. If you go flatter you can get better coverage and block more light but if it's more like what the native hair was like you'll get a more voluminous appearance from the front and sides but may let a little more light through when looking top down.

  5. Well this gent may have the option of another strip of 1500 if he did want to address the hairline. Even if he had no more by strip he could always tap into another 1500-2000 FUE for the hairline if that was his desire.


    It's important not to go to low with the hairline initially. You need to get the coverage up to a level the patient is happy with and make sure there is enough left for the end stage of baldness. Once that is achieved then you can look at what's left donor wise if you did want to lower the hairline. However if you did it the other way around and went with the low hairline at the beginning you could run out of hair and be trouble when it comes to the crown.


    Would be great if Joe could discuss the angle of the hair placement and what Dr. Rahal sees as a stylistic difference between himself and Dr. Hasson and Dr. Wong. It's an interesting topic for sure.


    Anyways you really couldn't go wrong with any of those docs. I am interested about the issue of overhead lights and the angle of placement. I always thought that H&W achieved the best coverage. If someone wanted the best of both worlds they could go to H&W for their coverage and once stripped out could avail of the 1500-2000 left by FUE with Dr. Rahal for the dense hairline. Seems like a good approach to me.


    Lastly just to prove Hasson and Wong do awesome hairlines when the patient can afford the high densities donor wise.




    And also Dr. Rahal can do awesome megasessions for great coverage.




    If I didn't give the docs names you might guess the hairline one was Dr. Rahal and the megasession was H&W. Both outfits are tops.

  6. Density would probably be around 105FU/cm2 on average I'd guess. Maybe 120 in the back where the best density is and then about 90 on the sides. Just throwing an estimate out there.


    Looks to me like a combo of 3 things, long strip, great laxity which allows a wide strip and very nice donor density. Also looks to have great wirey donor hairs. Will look amazing grown out.

  7. Finasteride is a specific hormone inhibitor and do not believe that it lowers DHT so much as it inhibits it.


    I assure you it does. By about 60% or so. It inhibits 5 alpha reductase which is an enzyme that converts some T to DHT. It's the lock and key idea. If you block the receptor or binding site on 5 alpha reductase you physically stop it interacting with T and therefore reduce the amount of DHT. It inhibits the action of 5 alpha reductase not DHT. It is correct to say it reduces DHT and it does so substantially.


    It is quite unlikely that DHT in the scalp is the final step. It would be far better to intervene further down the cascade insitu but no one has figured it out yet. It is looking increasingly likely that stopping the inflammatory action at the follicles is closer to the ultimate solution. It can be done in the short term with injections but these will cause scarring over time and is not an option.


    Anecdotally I can tell you that this has been done in a case where a balding man was also losing his eyebrows. A European surgeon managed to get eyebrow regrowth for 6 months for the man's wedding but of course it was only done a couple of times as it would cause severe scarring over time. Eyebrows disappeared a year later.

  8. Looks good. Simply styling your hair straight down and flat to the scalp will make a massive difference re the lighting. With your current hairstyle there is no shingling going on. Anyways you have a healthy amount of donor for the future should you need it. I guess if you ever go back to the well for more and you put some in the crown you could always considering another 700-1000 in the front. Kind of like Dazza has done. Maybe the finishing touches for a few thinner spots might be something for FUE after stripping out down the road. You've certainly planned well for the future with Dr. Shapiro.

  9. A common thing in puberty, and something that I suffered with.

    I didnt take any drugs to stop it, my hormones just balanced themselves out, much like yours did by the sounds of it.

    DHT does keep oestrogen at bay in men, so if you lower it, then you do have more chance of experiencing oestrogenic effects such as this.


    Wonder if it makes us more susceptible to sides like this? Seems like DHT is important for the hormonal balance for us. I know DHT is an antagonist to E, and T can either undergo changes to E or DHT. I'd like to take it but damn it's not worth it for me anyway.

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