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Everything posted by Hairgoesnothing

  1. NEWHAIRPLEASE, I hope your 8 nights in Ottawa are wonderful. If you get a chance, you must try to take in a couple of the sites. That is of course, once you are feeling a bit better after your procedure. Also, it does not surprise me to hear that you have received great service from Tara in preparing for your procedure. I found her to be an integral part of Dr. Rahal’s practice and also a professional, compassionate and a very helpful patient coordinator who strives to ensure that your visit to Dr Rahal’s office is as good as it can be. All the best, Hairgoesnothing
  2. john2009, Glad to hear your getting your stitches out tomorrow. Has it been two weeks already? Wish I was back at the Foxbar with all of you. Thanks for helping make this whole experience wonderful. It was great hanging out with all my new hair transplant buds and just sitting around talking about how terrific our new Rahal hairlines look. Do keep me up to date on your progress please. Hairgoesnothing orlhair1, Thank you for your reply. Things are going well with the healing and I really could not be happier with how the whole experience unfolded. I will do my best to keep everyone here on the HTN updated on my progress. My regards, Hairgoesnothing
  3. TakingThePlunge, Thank you for your words of encouragement. I look foward to contributing as best I can to these forums and also posting the various stages of my progress as they unfold over the course of the next year. Regards Hairgoesnothing
  4. Thank you aaron1234. I will definitely keep you all posted on my progress.
  5. Thank you Cant decide for your words of encouragement. I do not know how many grafts I have left in my donor area. I actually never asked. But I do know that I do have very good density, albeit you would never know it from the pictures that I have posted. Dr Rahal did mention that I would need about 2500-3000 grafts more to complete the crown. He also seemed quite confident that this is in fact a number that is possible to obtain. So to answer your question, yes, I do plan to go back, hopefully before the end of my year one to finish the crown. Regards Hairgoesnothing
  6. My 5604 grafts HT with Dr. Rahal (day 18 update) I am now 18 days post-op from my hair transplant surgery with Dr. Rahal and I thought I would offer you all an update on my progress. For those who have read my previous post, you are already aware that I was extremely pleased with every aspect of the surgery. I am also happy to report that for the two weeks following the surgery (I remained in Ottawa for this period of time), Dr. Rahal and his team offered me an incredibly high level of post-op care and attention. I was seen on a daily basis by Dr. Rahal and his crew saw to it that my grafts and donor area were properly cleaned and cared for every day. I am now back at home and things are progressing nicely. I could not be happier. I am including in this post a couple of pictures that show my progress (pictures are from day 15). I will do my best to keep you all informed of the improvements over time and of the growth.
  7. My 5604 grafts HT with Dr. Rahal (day 18 update) I am now 18 days post-op from my hair transplant surgery with Dr. Rahal and I thought I would offer you all an update on my progress. For those who have read my previous post, you are already aware that I was extremely pleased with every aspect of the surgery. I am also happy to report that for the two weeks following the surgery (I remained in Ottawa for this period of time), Dr. Rahal and his team offered me an incredibly high level of post-op care and attention. I was seen on a daily basis by Dr. Rahal and his crew saw to it that my grafts and donor area were properly cleaned and cared for every day. I am now back at home and things are progressing nicely. I could not be happier. I am including in this blog a couple of pictures that show my progress ( pictures are from day 15). I will do my best to keep you all informed of the improvements over time and of the growth.
  8. I met both Filipinoboy and john2009 at the Foxbar durring their recovery and I have to say that the work performed by Dr. Rahal on both their hairlines looks fantastic. And Filipinoboy, (just for the record)we did not get lost on the way back from visiting the Parliament, we just took the scenic route back that's all. At least that the story I am sticking too!
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