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Everything posted by skepticalguy

  1. Also, i sometimes think it would be helpful to show more immediate post op, 1 week, and 2 week post op shaved down! THen you tend to notice just how small and clean his work really is, and how tight the closure is too!
  2. Thanks for posting this, Ive been looking up alot of dr hassons work lately more just to see if a wearable density can be attained in one session! It seems like most of his work is pretty full looking the first time out~! Good lighting and sharpness! Thanks joe!
  3. im glad for you aman, I was starting to sweat there for you, but i definitely see a good and worthwhile improvement! keep on keepin on!
  4. ya, i can understand amans mindset too, even if there were a hundred percent increase in growth, fear, panick, and thinking that for sure you should be seeing little bits of hair sticking through everywhere at six months, would lead you to believe that your grafts didnt take, scary, especially if you just chopped 6000 grafts worth of donor out of your head, then the fear of nothing in the world being able to save you if they dont grow sets in!
  5. For real that, Dr hasson's and dr wongs results are amazing! Ive looked at the immediate post op pics from many of their surgeries which are even more incredible, the graft placement and density are staggeringly perfect! You can clearly tell that there will be no density problems when they grow in! All i can say is IM A FAN~! Great job guys~!
  6. also agio, when you say that the images of people who have had hair transplants make more sense, Ive noticed this phonomenon of all the before and after pictures, the people always have their hair parted to the side, or combed straight back, This sets off red flags too, as most of us, at least under the age of 60, usually have it in our head, that getting our hair back, will bring us more styling options, Not less, and im sure not too many of us when imagining what we would look like with our hair back, imagined ourselves looking like a plastic policeman. If we did, alot of us would have probably just decided to just keep buzzing your heads down and resort to other means of looking more attractive, Like a new sportscar!
  7. So to be clear, what you guys are saying, is that a transplanted area will never be satisfactorily thick, I notice, that if you look real close at most hair transplant pics, you can see through them, Is this the case after multiple procedures. and Does anybody know if having your whole head buzzed to a 3 guard can camouflage the sparseness of transplanted areas.
  8. Its hard to tell who posted what but like the man said, when you shave your head bald, you dont really think about your hair at all. Out of sight out of mind, although I don't particularly like rocking the bald look, or being singled out as the bald guy, But with my remaining diffuse stubble, shaving down keeps me from having to deal with that dreaded bozo look and or just seeing the sides grow out and not the top, My dilemma is, Im a 5a with diffuse thinning, that brings my hairline up to about a nw 3 pattern. Ive been seriously researching and am planning on getting an ht, but when i hear all these density issues, and see all these pictures of grown out see through hair, I really start to think that this is not for me, I started buzzing my hair down to a 3 or 2 guard at 19 and seemingly got away with looking like a nw 3 with the diffuse thinning going up to a 2 or 1 pattern, but remembering high school, with all the combing and fussing, and parting, and obsessing, and the frizziness that takes place when trying to style the front part of your hair when it is has no density, it was horrible, I seemingly went from feeling like i was going bald at 17 buzzed my head down, and didnt feel like hair loss was an issue for about another 8 or nine years. My thin hairs up front just receded to a solid nw 3 and i was fine with it. But now my density up top is going, having a hard time deciding which way to go about it, I just dont want to have a scar on my head, and add to my thinning areas, only to shock loss the native hair, and thin out and be stuck, Does anyone with a strip scar rock the 3 guard buzz cut all over. because ive tended to notice the coarseness of my side hair makes me not want to grow it out past a buzzed look.
  9. Put that rogaine on that shit, and save your donor for the front! Thats all the rogaine does anyway, It sure as hell dont grow your hair back in the front.. Much to my dismay!
  10. Yeah, if you got scammed i would let as many people know as possible, but you already are on here, It seems like all these treatments are falling your hair out faster, Maybe id chill out with them, Dont take my advice for sure, Like i said, im not a doctor, Is your father bald, Or your grand father on your mothers side, I would find out, ask them what age they started losing their hair, and how fast it started happening, This will give you some insight as to what you can expect from a genetic perspective, Also, I would maybe try to get more protien in your diet, maybe some vegetables, Definitely Start taking B complex vitamins, and Exercising, Even if these things dont help your hair, they will help you to be healthy and feel better about yourself, Also, if you spend alot of time combing your hair trying to cover up your baldness, YOu might want to buzz your hair down, I myself had the front of my hairline do that see through bullshit at about age 17, i spent tons of hours brushing my hair, in between every class, and fussing with it till the point of wanting to kill myself. The good news is after i buzzed my head, It kind of hid the diffuse thinning, and the very front part of my hairline that was thin, just receded a little bit, and basically gave me a new hairline just a little farther back, and the rest of my hair seemed to stop thinning for about another ten years. EIther way buzzing your head hides the look of thinning somewhat so i would recommend doing that especially if you seem to be thinning all over. It also seems to make the hair seem thicker. So like i said im not a doctor, but all the advice ive given you isnt medical advice, and it should help in alot of ways other than your hair, Especially the B complex vitamins, They promote a vigorous energized feeling of wanting to exercise too, Great stuff. and if you buzz your hair down, you will definitely not be losing so much hair to the combing and fussing and obsessively trying to get your hair to sit straight.
  11. was that question meant for me or cotton. Im just using the minoxidil so far, I read horrific stories about the propecia, although a consultant told me that happens to only about 2 percent of people. mehhh, i dont know if i want to risk that since theyre pretty permanent.
  12. I'm thinking about goin with dr haber too. Your pics looked good but they weren't sharp enough when I blew them up. How are you liken your new hair. I have the same amount of loss you did and about the same pattern. I was just curious about the final result and density. I'm used to wearing my hair short like in your post op pic and was curious to know how well the new hair blends back into your original hairs. And also about the density and style ability. Or is it too early to tell?
  13. I agree with spanker, Go see dr haber, I did a consultation with him, and am currently in the process of scheduling a second consultation to further discuss some of the final details of a hair transplant, He's a straight shooter from all i gathered from my meeting with him, he's gonna tell you what you need to know, not what it takes to sell you something. In fact, judging from your picture, he might tell you that you are not a good candidate for a hair transplant because you are so young and have a seemingly very low degree of hair loss. At least you look young on your picture and i dont seem to see any hair loss, Either way im not a doctor, Ive just come to notice that good doctors on this site seem to avoid doing work on kids who are still losing thier hair and not done, i think as to avoid having you walking around with a mustache on the front of a bald head, and also if your hair loss is predictably going to be worse than a norwood 6 or seven! as there will not be enough donor hair to keep up with it and or finish the job. Either way, go see dr haber, He should be able to diagnose the problem and help you figure out the best course of action. Good luck
  14. the clicker is good for the patient and the doctor, i imagine it would be real easy to lose count at any time in counting out thousands of grafts, a simple interruption, or distraction could leave the doctor not knowing how many incisions he has done thus far, thus not knowing how many incisions have been made at the end of it all, which would make it hard to match up with the amount of grafts.
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