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Everything posted by ljpcarrera

  1. Wow, that’s a great improvement. I just started 2.5mg like 2 months ago.
  2. Yep, started Proscar in 1996 cut into 4 pieces then switched over to Avodart in 2001. I started loosing hair at 17 I am 50 now. It’s definitely helped me keep my hair. Most of my childhood friends went completely bald except for the lucky ones that never had hair loss. I have some age related thinning but nothing major. Just started oral minoxidil 2.5 tablets once a day. My blood pressure was always a bit on the high range so I get the benefit of it lowering it. I noticed after 45 your body starts really degrading joint,muscle wise. I have always been very active since I was 14, martial arts, weights, etc. No major side effects. I do yearly blood tests and my PSA is really low. My dad pasted away from prostrate cancer in his early 60s.
  3. I have been on it since 2001 so twenty years. Yep, my DHT is super low on my last blood test.
  4. Anyone experience a face rash when first starting. I started with 5mg and got a rash not even an hour later. I might try again next week with 2.5. Could be my body is not use to it or it’s just a high dosage in my case.
  5. I liked the product just a pain to get if you live in the USA. I am using the Strut version now. It seems to flake my scalp, prefer the Fue clinic.
  6. Mustang, I believe you used both the Strut version and Fue clinic. I like the Fue clinic but being in the US it’s such a pain to get. What did you think of the Strut version? I ran out of my Fue clinic and need to reorder. Thanks
  7. Gatsby, I just turned 50. I did full blood work and my T was in the low range. Also, estrogen was a little high. I have a hard time keeping weight off and find myself being tired all the time. I did a lot of research online and YouTube about HRT. If you do it correctly, getting bloodwork every six months and going to a reputable clinic, it really can really make a difference in your quality of life. I think the stigma behind taking testosterone goes back to imagining a bodybuilder, but they take boat loads of various drugs. The people who all did a safe protocol seem to be very happy with there outcome. They are not representing any clinic so no financial gains. There’s a lot of great stuff on youtube.
  8. Sorry duta is Dutasteride. That's a pretty low dose of test. I was planning to start the exact therapy your on but 150mg of test a week. I have been on Dutasteride since 2002. I still have pretty much all my hair, I am 50 now. I recently added topical Dutasteride like 3 weeks ago as I want to stop the pill form. It seems like the topical is allready improving the look of my hair. It might be an illusion. There is so many unknowns on how T not DHT effects hair growth. You are on FIN so maybe your DHT spiked with the 100mg of test and 80mg made that slight difference. I have not started the TRT regimen but plan too in about two weeks. I will start a post on it. How do you feel on Trt compared to before you started. I am on the low range of the scale, just looking to optimize it. 50 is no fun, lol.
  9. That looks great for your age as they did not lower the hairline. You should be real happy.
  10. What weekly dosage off testosterone were you on? Any other drugs like HCG or Estrogen blockers. Also are you on Fin or duta?
  11. Mine took about 3 weeks. Seems like it will last applying it twice weekly. You get pretty good coverage from using a small amount.
  12. Thanks good point about family history. I guess it's one of those things that is hard to determine.
  13. I have a question, not sure if this was the best area to post, but I see a lot of doctors respond in this topic section. If you have been on the pill form of dutasteride for many years and suddenly switch to the topical how would that effect the donor region hair. The topical is usually applied only to the top of the scalp. Donor area thinning is a reality as we age. Just curious to get some others input.
  14. Thanks guys, interesting topic. I do yearly blood test and my testosterone levels are mid range for my age.
  15. My psa level is really low on my yearly blood tests. I would assume this is from taking avodart so long. My dad passed away from prostate cancer at 66. Might be time to speak to a urologist if I were to come off it. It might be worth staying on it to keep the psa level down.
  16. Not bad, really no major side effects. Just reaching 50 now so my body is slowing down, just wondering how my body would feel if I stop taking it. Thanks
  17. This is an interesting topic about donor thinning. If you look at older men some do have general donor thinning, probably age related. I have been taking avodart since it was released I believe in late 2001, I switched to that after being on proscar in 1996. I am 49 had 2 transplants back in the 90s basically for my hairline. I have been able to keep most of my hair on the crown and midsection since starting the drugs. I was thinking of switching to topical avodart but wondered how that would effect my donor region. It is very thick still along with my temple points. Since the topical would only be applied to the top of the scalp what would happen to the donor region once the pill form is stopped. I have noticed some thinning the last five years maybe it's just genetics taking over. Thanks
  18. I had the old style plugs back in the 90's, had some cover up graphs years after(2 sessions) but the hairline was not natural. Had a plug reduction in 2007 by a well known doctor. I still have some plugs on each side that are noticable that i would like reduced as well to add some fues. Here is the issue, all the grafts that were taken from the reduced plugs did not grow in all the area where the plugs were broken down, the general hairline area on the sides. I did notice some grew in the virgin parts of the scalp. Also, when looking at some old pics, i could swear that i lost some of the other single double hair transplants in the area. So i am wondering if the trauma to the scalp caused the old transplants to fall out as well as the new ones not to grow. Lack of blood flow??? I have maybe 4 plugs to reduce on the left and maybe 5 on the right to reduce still. I am scared to have them reduced while adding new FUEs in the same session. I maybe need 500 new grafts. This reduction will be small compared to the prior, but am scared of wasting the new FUES. any thoughts would greatly be appreciated currently on avodart since 2003 that has stabalized hairloos
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