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Everything posted by GotHairInFront

  1. Yes I am 58 yo. Here are some pics taken just before my first HT on January 21, 2011; you can see the diffuse thinning & receding hairline as well as the thinning out & receding of the temple peaks; in addition both outer portions of my eyebrows had pretty much disappeared, along with thinning of the inner eyebrow as well. The very last pic was how I appeared during the worst of the swelling phase :eek:
  2. DAY 1 POST-OP PICS: Hoping to avoid the dreaded facial swelling this time :mad: I've been massaging my forehead to the sides of my face, icing forehead, taking the prednisone they gave me & been on Arnica Montana for 3 days BEFORE the HT itself; I did NONE of these things last HT until the swelling actually manifested itself but by then its too late:eek: Really hoping to avoid the scary vampire-alien look that hung around my face for two days last time...we'll see what happens! If anybody has any nifty suggestions to prevent/reduce post-HT swelling I'd be quite grateful to hear them;)
  3. Hello fellow transplantees, yesterday I had my second HT (4/11/12) because I was desiring a more pronounced hairline & additional density as well as better defined temple peaks & even 'fuller' eyebrows. The following are pics taken the day before my 2nd HT: I am quite happy with the results of my 1st HT (2367 grafts) spread between my temples, eyebrows & front & side hairline; however more density was in order IMO so I took the plunge...again. I almost forgot how much fun (?) an HT procedure really is....8 straight hours in the chair having a strip excised that yielded 1767 grafts (the goal was 1800, so close enough for me). Dr. Pauls wanted 500 singles for my eyebrows, temple peaks & very front of hairline so that all worked out; the remaining grafts (1267) were multiples so I'm hopeful they will really 'fill in' my front hairline. The doc is fairly certain that I pry won't be needing a 3rd HT for potential crown loss down the road as my balding pattern is Norwood 3 & has remained so 15 months after my 1st HT. Just like last time my donor region is sore as hell, even prevented me from sleeping much last night (the pain meds didn't do much to alleviate the suffering...aaaarrrghhh...but today they are working great so I'm hoping for a better nights sleep tonight;) Doc said my first scar was virtually undetectable & was quite astonished at "how great a healer you are" but I know my anti-aging administration of HGH had everything to do with that result When I got back home, fully traumatized and in need of a high protein meal, I ate & injected 2 IU HGH instead of my usual 1 IU with the intention of kick starting the healing process. I plan to administer 2IU for the first critical week of healing & then resume my usual 1IU dosage thereafter. I have also begun my usual daily oral nutriceuticals so my body can utilize their healing properties in conjunction with the GH administration. I intend to do a better job of posting timely pics this go round since I have a much better idea of what is interesting & at what times post-HT to post the pics. Looking forward to contributing my experiences to the forum since I have gained so much knowledge & support from the wonderful members of this Forum...truly a unique bunch, aren't we?
  4. :confused: I already know from experience with my original HT that I suffered some shock loss of native, weakened follicles after my HT procedure (with a lot of regrowth as the months went by), but since the transplanted hairs are presumably strong & not "on their way out", should I expect some shock loss as a consequence of enduring the trauma of my pending second HT mid-April? If so, is it safe to conclude that these transplanted hairs would grow back as my scalp recovers? I know a lot of you have had multiple HT's & I would appreciate hearing your experiences Thanks!
  5. For any one interested there is an excellent article on hormone replacement to treat andropause in men in the current April 2012 U.S. edition of Esquire magazine, beginning on page 106. Various doctors with varying opinions on the subject of male hormone replacement (utilizing bioidentical testosterone & HGH) are intelligently presented in what I regard as an honest, factually presented piece. The benefits of testosterone & HGH as wound healing agents & growth factors for muscle, bone, hair & protein synthesis are spelled out quite clearly. This is a must read for anyone curious about this somewhat controversial medical topic; the article also discusses the abuse of these hormones by pro athletes who are NOT using test/HGH for replacement purposes but rather as performance enhancing substances. I'm sure the fine minds on this site will enjoy reading this fascinating article. Hope your respective days are filled with happiness, healing & hope!
  6. That was a very interesting article & certainly worth further clinical studies to determine efficacy & safety in HT's, but I don't see a downside with the info presented. Most of us take certain supplements before & after HT procedure to enhance our body's natural wound healing capabilities & to encourage rapid growth of the transplanted hairs anyway, so this new PRP might indeed be an excellent addition in the arsenal of tools to promote HT healing & success. I for one would volunteer to be a trial member.
  7. Today I had a consultation with the doc who performed my 1st HT last January, 2011 (2367 grafts) & we discussed what I wanted to achieve this second go round: - The surgeon will now add 75 singles to left eyebrow, 50 singles to right eyebrow (I want full look), no unibrow however LOL -150 singles per temple peak (for a nice pronounced effect) - 1375 grafts to pack density into front hairline & behind as well to compensate for eventual hair loss further back on top of head, though doc doesn't feel I'll lose much more hair going forward, I'm pretty much stabilizing as a Norwood 3A (whew!) This is a total of 1800 grafts. My donor site is sufficient for this second HT & doc feels this should be last HT I will ever need due to my type of balding pattern (again Norwood 3A). Put my deposit down & am scheduled for Friday April 13th. I will begin my supplements schedule immediately to prepare my scalp for the trauma to come & to ensure rapid healing & growth of transplanted hairs. Yippee, here we go again!!
  8. Could be a hair raising experience...jk Might want to stick with the percs the doc provides for pain relief, just saying.
  9. Hello, I had mine done last January 2011 at same time as my HT & YES, the angle is critical. If done properly the results are awesome & really roll the clock back at least a decade (youthful faces sport full healthy eyebrows). These transplanted hairs really do grow FAST :eek: & I find myself trimming them every third day....just a gentle reminder of the great work I had done. Find the right doc & you will not regret your decision. Best wishes as you go forward.
  10. Your outcome looks fantastic! You must be thrilled We're both about the same age & having that more youthful hairline really helps the over-all look & self esteem as well:) Your hairline looks amazing, great work by surgeon and great healing by you! What supplements/vits do you routinely take?
  11. It looks like you had an awesome surgeon! Who did your HT & How many grafts over how many sessions?
  12. Found a pic that gives a mirror reflection of the back/side view...this is also right at 1 year post HT. I want to thicken the hairline at the front & also add some more temple "peaks"; there may be some wisdom in "filling-in" on the top of my head behind my hairline in the event of more gradual hair loss; I may also add just a few more eyebrow grafts to achieve "perfection". At my 1 year visit to Doc she suggested that 1200 more FUT's would achieve optimal results w/out needing to come back again later for more; Doc also stated I had plenty of donor site for as much as I would ever need (Thank God). Seriously considering this 2nd HT end of this March... I would appreciate input/feedback from anyone who has had a 2nd HT as to their level of satisfaction after the 2nd HT procedure...Thanks!
  13. I wanted to provide a better pic of the front hairline, so here we go Obviously a BIG difference from what I was sporting on my dome just a year ago! Factually I pretty much had this hairline after 7 months (in August 2011) which was great for swimming in the ocean in Mexico...getting out & combing my hair...a great feeling, right?
  14. Hello, its been a while since I last posted (March 2011 to be exact), but I wanted to post the results of my HT performed on January 21, 2011. I am VERY PLEASED with the 2300 grafts transplanted between my eyebrows, temples & hairline. As you can see, my usage of HGH did not negatively affect the outcome of the HT; I observed that the transplanted hairs came in QUICKER & FULLER than the norm. I basically had this same hairline at 7 months, however there was some additional new growth & thickening of hair shafts up until the one year mark as these photos attest. I am especially pleased with my new, thicker eyebrows
  15. DAY 57 POST HT UPDATE: Finally bought a camera with a "macro" setting & want to give my wife a shout out for reading the manual and taking the following pics: The frontal pic really shows the new HT hairs growing on the FRONT RIGHT SIDE the best; they appear darker than the native hairs. The sparse area in the very middle is filling in now as the shock loss native hairs are starting to regrow again (in addition to some HT young hairs), but the RIGHT SIDE is growing faster than the LEFT SIDE as the side profile pics reveal. You can see the discoloration from the popped pimples on both sides of the side profile pics. The new HT hairs appear to be the thickest around the pre-HT hairline , though many lighter , shorter blonde hairs are appearing throughout the recipient areas. I have experienced amazing growth this week on my left temple where a cluster of FOUR swollen pimples appeared for several days then popped all on one day, revealing many new shorter blonde hairs on my left temple area; my left temple is growing faster than my right temple - unlike my hairline! EYEBROWS - still growing inside and outside on both eyebrows. I'll post photos very soon with my wife's new found photographic abilities. Basically you can see fuller eyebrows with the naked eye now...my wife confirms this as well (she's basically the only other person who knows I have underwent this HT procedure). Thanks & Praises to one & all!
  16. First off I want to give a "Happy Healing" shout out to our friend Troy Polamu who is at Day 3 post HT and is looking like a bitchin rock star from Mars already! Hey buddy!...WINNING:D Looking forward to your progress reports killer! Stay positive & in the happy mind set zone and watch those frisky fuzzies begin to sprout before your freakin eyes! DAY 51 POST HT: This past Monday I resumed my 1 iu HGH injections/day every morning and Ageless secretagogues at bedtime after a two week resting phase, 5 days "on" and this weekend "off". I also began taking 5000 mcg of biotin on Monday as well after a 30 day rest from taking it due to running out and forgetting to buy some more. My recipient area LOVED IT and the existing transplanted hairs took off in growth and new hairs began to sprout around my existing frontal hairline on Wednesday (3 days after taking the biotin again). This is very vigorous new growth accompanied by the usual suspects that need popping (2/day) with new hairs appearing a day or two later at the pimples site...awesome! My left temple area (which received 150 grafts) has TWO dime sized swollen areas for two days now...the last time I experienced swelling like this on my temple it was followed by the eruption of many, many new single hairs! But nothing like these new swollen areas in size...WOW, this should be interesting! Can't wait to see! BOTH Eyebrows continue to sprout new hairs both inside and outside. The initial hairs are thickening, darkening and growing longer as well. This will be a fantastic outcome I'm sure already. To quote Derek and the Dominoes: KEEP ON GROWING....
  17. DAY 45 POST-HT UPDATE: I just finished my two week resting phase of my HGH protocol and I believe this rest aided in my post-HT progress as I continued to sprout new hairs and the existing ones have lengthened and darkened as well. I popped on average two pimples/day during the resting phase which were accompanied by new hairs sprouting from these sites within a day or two. Today I popped two pimples in my frontal hairline and I just noticed another pimple forming on the left side of the recipient area; it will probably pop tomorrow morning after my warm shower. My eyebrows continued to sprout new single hairs both inner and outer portions of both eyebrows, with the older hairs starting to lengthen and darken now. My donor site and recipient areas are no longer numb nor do they itch, which is good because it is an odd feeling trying to scratch a numb area!! Kinda bizarre, glad to have that done with... I've posted a pre-HT photo that shows WHY I wanted to have my HT done in the first place; despite numerous attempts with several cameras I cannot obtain a good, detailed photo with adequate resolution to show the new growth on my recipient area. :confused: I remain undaunted and will continue my attempts to overcome this challenge, just wait and see! Happy Healing one and all!
  18. Yes, HGH does help to raise test in men to a certain extent, which is HEALTHY , since men require test as they age or they become decrepit with all the maladies associated with andropause. In my case the elevation of test from HGH did not cause any hair loss at all, in fact I grew new hairs in my frontal zone but not enough to satisfy my desires after two years of HGH usage, hence the HT procedure. The HGH gave me a thicker, healthier, faster growing head of hair without any additional hair loss. If someone contemplating HGH usage for themselves was concerned with increased test/ DHT levels, then perhaps utilizing the DHT blocking drugs would be a good adjunct therapy for them, especially if they are already losing their hair and using these drugs as a result. I personally use saw palmetto for this purpose and have been satisfied with my own results, though everyone is unique. Certainly I'd consult with a qualified physician first. EXCELLENT observation, RC.
  19. I am going to take some pics with a friend's camera this weekend and try to zoom in tight, then crop the photos with iPhoto which should also enlarge the remaining area...not sure how this will affect the resolution, but it's certainly worth the try. I tried this with my olde school camera and the Rez was blurry. I agree Topdogg, from everything I have read on this site my current hair growth is what you would expect at 4 -5 months. I am still getting 2 pimples/day during my final resting week which always are accompanied by new hairs sprouting from these sites the next day or so.I conclude this "jump starting" of hair growth is a consequence of my personal HGH/neutriceutical protocols. I can't wait to see my progress during Month Two, which I am now midway through.
  20. Hi Shagster, I assume u r referring to a specific brand of HGH secretagogue as I know nothing about fin, rogaine, etc since I don't use any of them. I personally use AGELESS since it also contains several somatostatin inhibitors that short circuit the HGH production shutdown in the pituitary gland when the presence of HGH is detected; in other words, you will produce MORE HGH naturally even though your feedback loop would normally tell your pituitary to shut down HGH production. It is very important to cycle usage properly; 5 days on and 2 days off; 6 weeks on with 2 weeks off. This type of cycling will allow your body to remain healthy and not burn out your pituitary gland since you are allowing it to rest regularly. When you restart a new cycle after 2 weeks off your pituitary is tanned, rested and ready to run! This is the same cycle you would follow if using injectable HGH. I use AGELESS at bedtime on an empty stomach (crucial to uptake) and inject HGH upon arising in the AM, thus maximizing my own natural production of HGH at night and augmenting my levels in the morning. I am in my second resting week now and am still seeing fantastic results in my HT progress; I also see amazing body comp/skin improvements during these off weeks as well. I highly recommend having blood panels done before and after 6 months initial usage to monitor your IGF -1 levels; you want to know what increases in HGH levels you are achieving. Then you can tweak your protocol to achieve maximum results.
  21. Well Kathie, urine luck as he will be releasing a new YouTube video on the health benefits of receiving "golden showers" for complete body hair growth to facilitate FUE transplants....;^))
  22. WoulD LOVE to see his studies to back THOSE claims up! Why not mix some feces in with the urine and apply as a paste!...."Will this paste smell like crap, doc?".... ANSWER: "Well, no not really but you MUST leave it on overnight for optimal results...if you use DMSO with this poop paste your breath might smell a little bad...butt breath in medical terms!"... I'm STILL laffing at this One, to be honest! I think PT Barnum's statement might hold true in this case : "Theres one born every minute...and TWO to take him!" And don't Forget to use FRESH PISS, much more effective!??? LOL
  23. Here's a recent email I received from Bosley's: "This is your one month update in our after care series as we follow the progress of your hair restoration. Read below to assess how you are doing. 1 Month Update MY SCALP Your donor area may still be sore and itching may still be present. This is a normal part of the healing process. By this point any crusts in your transplanted area should be gone. If any crusts remain, continue to gently massage your scalp to encourage the crusts to fall off. MY HAIR GROWTH New growth takes 4 to 5 months to appear. Do not be discouraged, in a few months time your new hair will begin to appear. MY ACTIVITIES You should be able to perform your full exercise routine. If you wish to get a haircut, perm or color your hair or wear a hair piece during this transition period, you may do so." My Response to this email: LOL...my crusts were COMPLETELY GONE by Day 7...NO soreness or itching for 10 days now...I have and continue to experience NEW HAIR GROWTH since Day 14 post HT! Judging by where Bosley thinks I should be progress-wise, I am definitely AHEAD of the curve, and obviously this is due to my usage of HGH pre and post HT procedure (plus the selective nutriceuticals I am taking, which augment the HGH synergistically). I state this because I have researched this excellent site & have not read of anyone with results even close to what I have been blessed to have experienced. Instead I constantly read about good peeps who r freaked out and worried because little to no hair growth has occurred at 3,4,5 months post-op in most cases (and require recurring reassurance that all is well with their normal, predictable course of healing & progress hair growth -wise). Time for my Update: Recall that I am off-cycle from my HGH injections & secretagogues for one full week now & have decided to extend resting phase one more week due to excellent results this past week. DAY 37 POST HT: Eyebrows: DRAMATIC growth of single follicle hairs on the OUTSIDE of my left brow (where I was quite thin), able to count 15 new hairs this morning. INSIDE left brow continues to sprout and I had to actually trim several hairs to bring them in line with my existing eyebrow hairs. RIGHT EYEBROW, inner portion exhibits some new growth but prior new growth is thickening & has also required trimming! OUTER RIGHT BROW exhibits some new growth, but not like left brow. Not at all concerned about it... SCALP RECIPIENT AREA: Popping on average 1-2 small pimples/day throughout entire recipient area, followed by new hair growth at that site 2 days later. With the aid of a "SURE-FIRE" high powered flashlight (the BEST combat/home usage flashlight available on the market -just ask US Special Forces) and my naked eye I am noticing what I can only describe as a blanket of very small, thin, short blonde hairs emerging from my scalp throughout the entire recipient area! I cannot even begin to count these hairs. I will be curious how quickly they grow out to a longer length this next "resting week". I will report on this specifically to everyone after this next "resting week". My temples are sprouting as well, but NOT accompanied by pimples...perhaps because only single follicle grafts were placed in my temples (I asked a lot of questions before during and after my HT). My eyebrows have lacked pimples as well, consistent with my temples/single hair grafts. I'm certain my HT surgeon will be stunned at my 6 month follow-up visit! We'll see how intense her medical curiosity really is after examing me at the 6 month point... Hope every one had a most pleasant weekend!
  24. Hello Shaggy, yes, the secretagogue HGH WILL definitely improve your skin; ie-make it thicker, thereby reducing/preventing wrinkles plus it REHYDRATES your skin...look at a baby and the reason they look so plump and wrinkle free is because a baby's skin contains around 90%water, whereas our skin (as we age) contains maybe 20% water, depending on your age and lifestyle choices (alcohol, drugs, smoking all decrease water in the body). The secretagogues will aid in the production of your own natural HGH production (which is not a foreign substance to your body, it is just MORE of your own helpful HGH). Do some research and u will see that I am advocating RESPONSIBLE usage of HGH that is AGE SPECIFIC...if u r 20-40 hrs old, try secretagogues and evaluate your progress in terms of your goals. hope this helped!
  25. I also believe the combo of HGH & supplements should aid in the reduction of shock loss if they are taken in advance of the actual HT itself. I have personally experienced very little shock loss (thankfully) & have observed many hairs regrowing in the very front of my hairline (where I was the thinnest) that are thicker shafts, leading me to surmise that these are my "indigenous hairs" regrowing that were lost due to shock loss. The transplanted hair grafts that are sprouting are MUCH THINNER, blonder and accompanied by pimples prior to their eruption. For what it's worth...
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