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the B spot

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Posts posted by the B spot

  1. Mochi at SMG our rates are 5.00 per graft up to 2000 ---3.00 per graft thereafter.


    For a 1500 graft procedure is 7500.00---there is a travel discount I believe, but you will have to call Matt Zupan for that.


    I believe our pricing is in the middle as far as what other clinics are charging.


    I would expect to pay 6500-8000 for 1500 grafts at most clinics.


    Take Care and Good Luck!!!


  2. Nah--- I'm headed toward 2000 posts here over 5 years--I think that's more than 1 a day.


    Plus with all the other forums I think I have 4-5K total so I'm pretty happy with things---the message hasn't changed--do research, meet patients in person, try to get the best deal when you narrow it down--if you feel funny or doubts, don't do it.


    I'll be happy when you catch me brother,


  3. If you do not want to travel, then I recommend Dr. Gabel--- His work is excellent and his pricing is a bit lower that you were quoted.


    You can do a search on his results on this site, which is more than you will find for the other docs you mentioned.


    I have been on this board for quite some time now and it is my experience that any poster that mentions one of the specific doctors you have listed usually ends up overly defensive and is called a shill.


    Do yourself a favor, Dr. Gabel does excellent work, is fairly priced and is an all around good guy.


    Check him out FIRST before you do anything.


    Take Care,


  4. Thank You Tubs, I appreciate your comments my friend.


    Bill, let's just leave it at I want this community to flourish and other venues as well. I'm sorry you do not feel I am constructive anymore---I will take an honest look at that and try to make any positive changes I find.


    As far as minimizing all the good this site does, that is not and will never be my intent. However, my opinion, such as it is may not always run parallel to yours and others--Just as your "behind the scenes" information may not jive with mine.


    I know HTN helps MANY people and should do so, as much as possible. Publicly reaching into your pocket is a nice gesture and one we all understand.


    This matter is closed imo--anyone reading this can make their own mind up as what they wish to believe.


    Once again, congrats Bullitt--love ya' mate and glad to see things working out brother. Sorry to take this so far off topic.



  5. Again, instead of admitting that you are wrong (a habitual issue of late) and simply retracting your ignorant and misplaced comments, you choose to attack me now.


    As a moderator why can't you just congratulate Bullinut? Be happy for him?


    Instead you have to interject HTN's issues with Spencer Kobren--which I do not care about either way--- but your wrong Bill and your incapable of simply retracting your statements and leaving the thread alone.


    As for me not having anything constructive to add to this forum, I could say the same for you since your responding in an overly emotional manner to me.


    As for agenda driven posts on other forums, aren't you stepping over your boundaries?


    I have a right to post what I feel--Isn't that the basis of HTN's lawsuit with Armani?


    Now because YOU don't like what your hearing, you want me to leave?


    Come on Bill, your going to have to do better than that.


    As far as offering constructive help, I would be glad to do so---If you didn't post on almost every thread Bill--plus there are others who are doing a nice job as well.


    The point is as one of the few remaining veterans on this community, I lend my voice where I believe it does the most good---like when Dr. Epstein was wrongly and improperly removed from the Coalition. Thankfully that situation was resolved.


    You talk about politics? You can't even stop yourself--- your post about Spencer on this thread alone proves it.


    ALL--remember I did not start this situation, nor do I welcome this. Bullitnut was simply trying to give credit where credit was due. Perhaps instead of slamming a competitor, HTN (please note the POLITICAL nature of that comment) could pony up some dough and lend a hand.


    Now that would be constructive wouldn't it?



  6. I'm sorry, but the agenda driven comments need to be removed.


    This thread is a celebration of Bullitnuts impending repair by the very generous Dr. Ron Shapiro.


    I am very well aware of Pat and Spencer's fractious relationship, which has NO BEARING on this thread and therefore has NO PLACE.


    Bullitt was simply giving credit to Spencer, which he rightly deserves for agreeing to pay for his plane flight.


    The poster formerly known as Nervous Nelly has agreed to buy Bullitt and the staff's lunch during surgery and many others have chipped in with monetary gifts.


    This type of thread hijacking needs to stop.


    I will be 100% happy to remove my comments once the agenda driven comments are removed from this thread.


    Then we can all simply enjoy the fact that a fellow brother who was butchered is getting the help he deserves.



  7. I'm not sure I want to debate the merits of malpractice suits Tom. They are a necessary evil and more meritorious than is believed.


    My point is, you have recourse in our legal system, regardless of your examples, which do contain some validity.


    However, a person should understand the type of legal might a corporation like Bosley or MHR wields before choosing them.


    Additionally, we are speaking mostly about individual cosmetic clinics, not hospitals and at top clinics the sterility (just like everything else) is unsurpassed. These clinics also understand the potential liability if malpractice is proved and many choose to reach a settlement before court.


    I understand your point and I commend you for offering excellent insight into doing surgery overseas cheaply.


    It is my opinion that spending 7000 for 3300 grafts, but having to travel to Thailand is akin to making a deal with a top clinic for 3000+ grafts for 9000-10K through various means.


    I happen to disagree on a couple of points, and simply offering the potential uninformed reader a different perspective.


    I don't know if there is a "right or wrong" answer to this, but our different perspectives.


    Glad to see your happy from one bald brother to another.



  8. Tom--I think it is great that your happy with your results. I also think your a great fellow baldy that gives solid advice both here and elsewhere.


    My only question to you is: What is your legal recourse should something go wrong? What if you are one of those "oops!" patients and the doctor refuses to own up?


    At 2.00 per graft I'm thinking most fellows are going overseas simply b/c of price and have very little recourse should something go wrong.


    I certainly think Dr. Path does good work, but the lack of protection from our legal system is too large a risk imo to save a couple of thousand dollars.


    Additionally, while I can appreciate that there are several very nice hospitals in countries such as Thailand, the fact is as Americans we do not have to travel to go the best doctors--they are already here in the USA and Canada.


    Take Care,



    Please note: this is NOT a comment toward Dr. Path's work..this is my personal opinion for those thinking to leave this country for surgical work.

  9. Reptile--my level of comfort with your choices is only with Dr. Rahal--please do not consider any choices until you meet with him.


    The key to Hairtransplantation is getting the best possible work----based on your want to stay local I would recommend Dr. Rahal at this point in time.


    Take Care,


  10. Pete--I have read your posts dealing with Dr. Cole and in my opinion, your simply on the wrong site to talk about any issues you may have with the overall "opinion" of him and his clinic.


    I think he does some fine work, I disagree with some of his methodology and marketing, but I can say that about many doctors, to be honest. There are several of his patients who post online who have had great results. Same with Dr. Woods, who is another doctor disliked on this particular site.


    My point is, you are not going to change the way this community feels about this situation, so I would let it go.


    I am sure others will be happy to fill you in, but you won't find much of it to your liking.


    Take Care,


  11. Hi Sonia-- thank you for your interest in SMG--I can tell you that most clinics have the techs place most of the grafts. They do it everyday and are usually better than the doctor in most cases.


    It takes over 1 year to train someone to place grafts-- we have Janna who has 10+ years of doing this.


    However, with that said, if you request that Dr. Shapiro place 200 grafts, i am sure he would try to accommodate you.


    If you indeed only need 200-300 grafts, you might be a great candidate for FUE which will minimize shockloss in the the donor.


    As PGP mentioned call Matt Zupan to have a consult and Doc can work out a plan for you.


    Take Care,



    PS--Glad to see everything went well PGP--Talk to you when your up to buddy!

  12. eyebrow-- Dr. Shapiro does some nice eyebrow work as well.


    Additionally, this is one of the procedures we are using FUE for, so no strip removal.


    We are about 6.5 hours north of you--contact Matt Zupan at SMG for a consult--I'm sure we can try to work you in before 3 months.


    Good Luck!


  13. The unfortunate reality is that we are AGAIN left with 2 poor choices--with many leaning toward Obama b/c they are sick of the 60+ rich white male dominance of our government.


    IMHO this is the wrong way to choose a president.


    There are things I personally like about both candidates and things I intensely dislike.


    I truly believe at the end of the election people will remember that McCain has consistently reached across party lines to Democrats/Independents for bi-partison support for the betterment of the nation(right or wrong)


    Obama seems like he has bought into himself as this "messenger of change" and it has crossed into somewhat of a fanaticism IMHO


    One thing is for sure-- most supporters of Obama are impossible to debate on his merits/experience/goals-- they keep bringing up the fact he is black, which I could care less about--He is either the people's choice, or not---IMHO his race is the LEAST important issue in this election--b/c IF he is elected he will represent ALL Americans, not just minorities.


    Should be interesting,


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