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the B spot

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Posts posted by the B spot

  1. Speegs, is there are reason you are unwilling to travel out of Texas?


    Anyway, a good rule of thumb is to multiply your NW level by 1000-- so in your case a NW3 would need 3000 grafts--however, because you still retain some thinning native hair, that is where the 2000-2500 from Dr. Arocha probably comes in.


    The other clinics are not able to do work much over 25 fu cm/2 and quite honestly, you should contact Pat personally about one of the names on your list. I am not a liberty to discuss that topic.


    However, if you are not satisfied with your findings there, a drive to Dr. Alexander or Dr. Keene in AZ is possible.


    Lastly, if your concerned about the disparity of graft totals, post your pics online or simply consult with other top clinics to get a better feel. I believe most will be around the same # as Dr. Arocha.


    Take Care,


  2. Thanks Balody, Thana and HT.....


    I actually enjoy being able to post on all sites now--I hope others feel the same. It is all about people choosing great doctors based on great feedback---I am happy to be back on this site, but I will still maintain my presence on HLH and others.


    I enjoy talking "hair" period--the more people I get to do that with, the better.


    Thanks Again Guys,


  3. LOL-- yes M&M we will be posting some FUE work---I just takes time to build a patient base.


    If Edge were to choose Dr. Feller or Dr. Bisanga he would be in great hands.


    On another note, we have recently begun using Dr. Feller's new FUE extraction tool---I am happy to report that it has met with great approval and seems to reduce the hand fatigue associated with FUE.


    I am sure Dr. Shapiro will write something up in the near future to describe our experience with it.


    Take Care,


  4. Hi Lionking, what the guys are saying is that you want to choose a clinic with a proven track record, documented results, and a high level of transparency.


    Often times, when handing out advice, we feel secure in sending those who are looking to clinics we know and trust.


    This is not to say any of the local clinics do poor work, on the contrary, they may provide excellent results. However, simply seeing some photos of clinics and consulting with them, is not enough, especially, if you cannot find much on the internet about them


    When this is the case, you need to ask the clinic to meet 3-4 local patients they have done work on. At that point, if the clinic cannot accommodate your request, then look elsewhere. Should you get to the see the work in person, you can make a proper evaluation.


    I do want to point out that you are quite young---24/25 is still young to make such a decision.


    Perhaps you could upload some pics for us to look at, and you could get some additional feedback.


    Take Care,


  5. Hey Guys--just wanted to let everyone know that after some time and discussion with Pat and Bill, they have agreed to allow me back on the forum, in my representative capacity for the Shapiro Medical Group.


    I do not wish to discuss the past, instead focusing on going forward and offering education and information to those who need or ask for it.


    I have apologized for the wrongdoing on my part in these past issues, and like Pat and Bill, want to move forward.


    I appreciate both Pat and Bill for being open to discussion of my reinstatement and for stepping back and looking at the many years of solid membership, when considering my request.


    It feels good to be back, as this is where I started my hairloss research all those years ago.


    Take Care,


  6. Hey Guys--just wanted to let everyone know that after some time and discussion with Pat and Bill, they have agreed to allow me back on the forum, in my representative capacity for the Shapiro Medical Group.


    I do not wish to discuss the past, instead focusing on going forward and offering education and information to those who need or ask for it.


    I have apologized for the wrongdoing on my part in these past issues, and like Pat and Bill, want to move forward.


    I appreciate both Pat and Bill for being open to discussion of my reinstatement and for stepping back and looking at the many years of solid membership, when considering my request.


    It feels good to be back, as this is where I started my hairloss research all those years ago.


    Take Care,


  7. LOL-- It is fun posting and debating with you Tom. You never take it personal and you welcome other viewpoints!!!


    Anyway, I can always find a good deal for people generally.


    I don't think we can do 9K for 3300 grafts, but I can help out from time to time with pricing for 3000+ graft sessions. Economic factors are important to us all.


    However, say 3000 grafts across the way cost 8500.00 total trip (grafts, airfare, hotel stay, food,etc)............


    What would the comparable cost be here in the states for a widely regarded elite doc be?


    All things considered,not flying to another country, staying in the states, etc...



  8. Burf--- if you are wearing a hair system, I wonder what 2500 grafts is going to accomplish.


    I know you are uncomfortable with virtual consults, but I would send some pics to H&W just to see what they say.


    Also, just because someone tells you, "This is what this will cost you" don't be afraid to ask for 500 more grafts, or tell them you want 3500 grafts for 10K and you will take a cancellation/short notice appt.


    Remember you are in a solid bargaining position and if you have 3 docs compare and contrast to get the best deal.


    Good Luck,


  9. Wow that was quick.


    Not that I have anything against Dr. Mohmand, but don't you think after initially overlooking the fact that he did not use microscopes we should see some grown out results before hopping back on the bus? At LEAST some intra-operative photos?


    Going from microscopes to using microscopes might just be the most revolutionary change in the HT industry. It is a big change and not one I think can be accomplished in 2 months by announcing that they now have microscopes.


    Perhaps a video of the techs using them or something?


    Of course, if the other members have no issue(which I am not sure why this wasn't put before the forum like every other doctor who is seeking recommendation/Coalition status) especially since this doctor was removed, then added just 2 months later---I have no issue then.



  10. John, you are justifiably angry--your results are sub-par and were done using outdated techniques.


    I want to give you some good news however---you can be repaired--


    You look to have excellent donor and in the hands of a top doctor your scar can be revised and the poor work in your hairline should be able to be disguised.


    If your doctor made express warranties to you as to how your results would turn out, then you should contact an attorney and seek damages.


    Take Care,


  11. Chicago for whatever reason has very little to offer in the way of hair transplantation.


    It is sad that those doing poor work and passing it off on unsuspecting bald fellows at OUTRAGEOUS prices I might add, seem to keep thriving.


    The one bright light in all of this is Dr. Konier who does fantastic work and has revamped his pricing schedule to make larger sessions affordable.


    Good Luck!!!


  12. They both are important--but important as a individual step in the process.


    The doctor must properly make incisions, without that the result will be poor regardless of how the grafts are placed.


    However, even with proper incisions, grafts can be crushed or not properly snugged in which can result in a poor result.


    If you think of a HT as a step by step process and each step is just as important as the previous step and no more or less important than the forthcoming step--it makes it easier to rationalize it.


    Take Care,


  13. Wow--a lot of information to sift through John.


    I will restrict my comments to general statements overall.


    It is the responsibility of a clinic to determine if practices and procedures fall within the guidelines of the law.


    However, there are many aspects of cosmetic surgery that do not have "on point" laws/case precedent that specifically address practices and procedures.


    Anyway, clinics who want to make sure of patients health, short and long term, will make sure they do everything in their power to ensure patient safety and satisfaction.


    There are many instances of rogue consultants, mismanagement, patients who are sedated and then asked to sign paperwork, etc.... and yes, these clinics do the entire industry a disservice and horribly scar people (physically and mentally) and often leave them without recourse.


    But, things ARE getting better overall (imho) and with the internet/radio/word of mouth we as patients are doing a better job of communicating our satisfaction and dissatisfaction to a larger and more receptive audience.


    I personally think it is great you have taken the time to pour all of this out.


    Take Care,


  14. Bald--at this time there are Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro at SMG. Dr. Rose, Dr. Keene and Dr. Charles all trained and worked with Dr. Ron Shapiro at one time or another.


    What I would suggest is that you call the clinic and speak to Matt Zupan and he can set up a 30-45 minutes to talk and answer all your questions.


    Keep reading the forum and doing research and know that should you choose SMG you will be in the best of hands.


    Please ask as many questions as you need to,


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