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Everything posted by rws

  1. While the FDA might have come out on one side of the argument, it's important to understand that there's competing evidence out there to suggest that the higher cancer risk is not the case at all. Here's a link to some info on another study, which found the case NOT to be true: Medscape: Medscape Access And here's some more recent evidence from an interview with a Canadian health official, who also refutes the higher cancer risk: Top Stories When you're dealing with such a small, disputed risk, you begin to realise that they're talking about minute probabilities, which most likely shouldn't worry anyone. As someone else has mentioned on this thread, you have more chance of being hit by a car when you walk down the street. Cancer IS multifactorial. That means that it's everyone's duty to live healthy lives, eat balanced diets, wear sunscreen and do everything else to remain generally healthy. That's much more important than worrying about remote possibilities of side effects from a very small dose of a drug.
  2. Just a thought, but the mechanism behind aspirin's function is the inhibition of Prostaglandin. Perhaps the low dosage 75mg a day (often prescribed for preventitive cardiovascular health) could be of benefit in fighting MPB alongside other treatments. A quick Google suggests that Aspirin inhibits Prostaglandin D2 as well as other forms. Any thoughts on this?
  3. 50mg is a huge dose - I hope no one would consider that just for hair loss. I've been taking 10mg daily (2 x 5mg, morning and night) for about 9 months, and I've had good results with it. It has thickened the hair shafts all over my scalp and improved the density. I took it just after I had a FUE procedure (1500 grafts), and I believe it helped to minimise shock loss and cause quicker regrowth. It has made my body hair grow a little too, but nothing outlandish!
  4. Too right 57mph, from reading the forum before my procedure, I was petrified I'd made a mistake... Just shows how much some self-appointed 'experts' know. I'd recommend my clinic / surgeon again and again. If I need any more work done in coming years, I'll be back to them like a flash. Synz, my procedure was ?6200 for 1500+ grafts (3000 hairs approx).
  5. Excellent - have only positive things to say about them. Am over nearly nine months post-procedure and am extremely pleased with the results. See my gallery for progress pics! I should add that I've stopped wearing concealer thanks to the HT - being free from it was one of my main reasons for having the procedure. So great results that need no 'help' are possible in my experience.
  6. I had mine done there - it is the Harley Street Hair Clinic, it's just situated on Queen Anne St at Queen Anne Street Medical Centre.
  7. rws

    FUE 1500 grafts, Feb 2011

    Progress of my 1500 graft FUE session from February 2011
  8. rws

  9. Just to add my two cents, I've been taking Loniten (oral Minoxidil) 5mg twice a day since about February this year. To say the results are good is an understatement... I've had excellent results over the entire scalp with no side effects at all (except my cheeks becoming a little furrier - easily sorted with some tweezers!). I have my bloods monitored by my doctor, and my salt levels are within the normal range. I've also not experienced any weight gain or swelling. I'm not on a diuretic, but I'm on a good diet and include plenty of natural diuretic foods in my meals (asparagus, beetroot, coffee / tea, oats), which maybe helps. I'm also on 1.25mg Finasteride daily, which has been great at preventing further hair loss - I've been on it for 7+ years now - but it's only since I started taking Loniten that I saw considerable regrowth rather than just prevention. I looked into taking Spironolactone alongside Loniten, but there have been some carcinogenic effects reported in lab studies, which completely put me off. Right now I'm absolutely happy with how the Loniten is working, and I'm sticking with it. From my personal experience it's been great, but I'd speak with a physician first, as it's a good idea to monitor your blood levels in the first couple of months to make sure everything's OK.
  10. Haha, same here... Anything to justify my addiction
  11. There's no evidence that caffeine in normal everyday quantities is bad for hair growth: Is Tea or Coffee Bad for Your Hair? - Balding Blog
  12. Another interesting point to note is that caffeine is a natural diuretic - so could perhaps be of benefit in reducing the negative side-effects of those taking oral minoxidil (water / salt retention).
  13. rws

  14. 57mph, absolutely right - I get the feeling there is a lot of 'surgeon snobbery' about, and it doesn't help potential HT patients that there's so much sniping going on online aimed at anyone who's not X or Y's favourite surgeon. Maybe the Rooney story is another step towards building up the reputation of UK clinics as a credible, successful HT route. I for one am completely happy with my own experience.
  15. rws

  16. rws

  17. rws

  18. rws

  19. I assumed it was Harley Street Hair Clinic, where I had my FUE procedure earlier in the year - was totally happy with them, and good results already 4 months post-op (see my gallery for pics!).
  20. Interesting point about blood pressure, hadn't read that but would like to know more. Maybe the lowering effect on blood pressure is one reason oral Minoxidil is so effective at reversing hair loss? About food fads - at some point everything is good / bad for you - think the scientists just like to keep us on our toes!
  21. rws

  22. rws

    Thanks! It's just coming up to the four month mark, so I'm beginning to see the start of real results. Never looked back - going for the op was the best decision and I'd recommend it to any other guy in the same boat.
  23. rws

  24. Interesting to read about a recent study which linked coffee-drinking to a decrease in prostate cancer in men. As the link between prostate drugs (finasteride etc.) and hair loss prevention / reversal is strong, I wondered whether coffee might have a small positive effect on male pattern baldness too? The article is here: BBC News - Coffee 'cuts prostate cancer risk' US study suggests Although the article suggests that caffeine isn't the active ingredient here (decaff had the same effect), I do remember seeing some caffeine-based shampoos on the market not long ago, which claimed to have some effect in combatting MPB. Suddenly I feel less bad for drinking so much coffee a day
  25. Well I'm no doctor, but I can just give my own experience in this - I think 4 months should be long enough to see whether it works for you or not. Like I say, I'm at about 3 months since starting Loniten, and already I am very happy with the results so far. Like your doctor hopes, I've found that terminal hairs have thickened back up and look very healthy again, and the appearance of bulk / density is much improved at the front and the crown. This is with 2.5mg taken twice a day - a very small dose compared to the amount sometimes prescribed for high blood pressure. I can understand your anxiety about it as I wrestled with the idea of taking a 'serious' drug for hair loss before taking the plunge... But I'm glad I gave it a go, as it's been the most effective oral remedy yet for me. Good luck with it - I hope you have great results and look forward to hearing about your progress on here!
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