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Everything posted by cardel25

  1. If you want 1 % keto. You can might aswell buy revitas shampoo it also contains a lot of other products that should promote health for ones hair. Biotin MSM etc.
  2. Nice transformation for so little amount of grafts. Happy growing
  3. I think you should reconsider meds with you advanced hairloss. Before comitting to a HT.
  4. Most doctors recommend starting to use minoxidil 7-14 days post op.
  5. Thanks for the detailed description of your experience. Im looking forward to see some pre op pictures. I am also wondering where the grafts were placed as your hair line looked decent before. But as you explained it was due to cover up.
  6. Well the post Dr. Cooley made stated that it is almost as effective. I think that 1 mg inhibits app. 69 % of DHT level in the scalp while 0.2 mg inhibits app. 61 %. If i wasnt using generic proscar but propecia i would reduce my dosage to much less. I dont think that the difference is that big. And not woth the sides
  7. And im not aking you to take meds and get strip surgerys but just to be aware that without those choices you have to accept that you wont have a full head of hair. I think that buzzing down your hair and accepting the baldness is also an option that has to be given much thought.
  8. 2 surgeries wolnt do it with that NW stage your are heading to me it looks like you are going to be a NW 6-7. The donor area is finit and you only have 6-10 thousands of grafts that can be harvested and with FUE its not possible to harvest as much as with strip. Not all hairs survive after surgery. So its far away from being able to provide you a full head of hair. Going down the fue road without meds in your case would be crazy in my opinion. You would later on be needing to add a lot of body hairs which is a expensive procedure. Unless you can be accept that you will always have thin see through hair that only on a big distance gives the illusion of density. Try and search for some people here high in NW patterns and see what they look like. If you have a high NW pattern you dont have the chance to pass meds and strip surgery and still demand a full head of hair. This is just my opinion.
  9. Take a look at the pictures i have attached to my profile. We have similar hairloss. Fin is really the one thing you need to get on if you want to hair on your hair. With such a high NW number you are you cant transplant your way out of loosing hair. Unless you spent loads of money and have several procedures some including lots of body hairs. I have very little sides after decuing dosage to 3 times a week.
  10. Please go to propecia.com or search here. You can fx see my results if you click on my profile and see how meds worked for me. Make your boyfrind consider taking it and using rogaine aswell and Nizoral shampoo. They are called the big tree and they really help. If your boyfriend has a predisposition for one of the worst balding patterns NW6-7 its not certain even though he gets multiple procedures that he will have enough hair on his head to give an illusion of density. Theres a limit to how musch can be done with hair transplants.
  11. Your definately right. I was heading for a NW 6-7 before which my crown area revealed. Hopefully i have avoided that. There is a major difference between the before and afters of my crown area. But if you really study the other pictures there have been a quite impressive improvement in other areas aswell. I cant recommend finasterid enough taken in a reasonable dosage.
  12. Thank you that would be wonderful. But im gratefull of my results already so it woulnt dissapoint me if it doenst get better the next months. Also i am scheduled for a hair transplantation in august to improve my hairline. So i will hopefully get a good improvement anyways.
  13. Ty. Im really happy about it. It have reduced my self blame for not anything about my hairloss for several years.
  14. If u insure that your scalp is dry after shower then both options is equally good. It depends on what you prefer. i use minoxidil after i shower.
  15. Do anybody have any comments ? I should mention that the pictures where i wear a blue shirt is after taking meds and those where i wear i red shirt are before meds.
  16. cardel25

    From the album: After meds.

  17. cardel25

    From the album: After meds.

  18. cardel25

    From the album: After meds.

  19. cardel25

    From the album: After meds.

  20. cardel25

    From the album: After meds.

  21. I should mention that i have been on finasterid since december 2010. I have been applying minoxidil the last tree moths. I have reduced my finasterid dosage to tree times a week. And i am only applying minoxidil once a day. After taking finasterid i havent lost any hair and i still see new regrowth. People who know i was getting bold but dindt know i am taking meds have complimented me and asked how i reversed the hairloss. People who know i am taking meds complimented me even more. I noticed a difference but didnt knew it was that big until i saw the pictures. I know that the light is different and i will take additional pictures in the same light again when i return from vacation. Good summer to all
  22. Generics are alowed to have 20 % less or 10 % more of the active ingredient than the original brand. This could effect that dosage varies from one company from another.So that could explain some people experience sides from one but not another.
  23. I study psychology at a university in Denmark and i have decided to take minoxidil and finasterid at night. Have you tried this ? I know that many people take their regular medication at nightt if they get sides so they can sleep through it. Finasterid has a "short" halflife in the bloodstream so perphaps you wouldnt experienced the side effects the morning after. Also try and find Dr. Cooleys report on taking finasterid 1-3 times a week. because even thought it leaves the blood relatively quick it surpresses dht levels in the scalp for a weeks time. If i were you i would try taking it once a week at night and then after some time take it twice a week and in the end try and take it tree times a week. If your body protest at any of those levels just take it less frequently. If your body cant tolerate once a week then there nothing to do. But try it for a while i experienced sides for months before they faded. But you cant take medication without feeling some sides at all. Your body reacts to whatever jo injest. If you cant tolerate finasterid at all try reading about oral minoxidil. Dr Pat gives it to those patients that cant take finasterid due to sides.
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