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Posts posted by JayWalker

  1. Seems like alldaychemist website charges 10 pills of 1mg generic finasteride for $1.42 , whereas, 4rx.com charges $22.00 for 30 pills?


    Are these the real deal. I would definitely buy from alldaychemist if anyone else can chime and and tell us if the finasteride they sell is real. Because at that price, I'll buy from them cuz that means around $52 for the whole year at 1mg a day. Hope none of that stuff is expired.


    Jaywalker, thanks for the tip on alldaychemist.


    I know of about 4 people that use that site, and all is legit. They really are good apparently.


  2. I think it's all a guide, they can't give you instructions for everything, post op. You just have to exercise some caution and commen sense. If it doesnt feel right, chances are it's not.

    I'm using weights post op, but avoiding things like deadlifts, squats etc, as I know they will be wrong for my head. I'm swimming but only doing breaststroke, and moderate pace. This feels right to me, and is within the guidelines given to me for post op care.

  3. Looks fairly similar to me.

    I have always had a high hairline, but it has moved due to MPB.

    You certainly wont have had that hairline all of your life I dont think, but its not a problem. A wealth of knowledge on here, I came on completely clueless about a year ago and spent a good while educating myself.

    I had my transplant nearly 2 weeks ago.


    Im not in anyway qualified on hair, but many on here are, and will give you sound advice.




    Just to add, you are still young, I'd see how things go in the next few years as you may have just developed a mature hairline and that is it.

    You dont want to jump in too young.

  4. ..and when your head re-enters the water it returns down, stretching the 'relaxed' muscles.


    Think about the scalp stretching exercises pre-HT and that is before the cut has been made and the skin taken out! They are done for more than 7 days because-I assume- there is a cumulative effect that builds up over many weeks, even months. So why after an op, is it suddenly OK to do stuff weeks - or even days later? After the cut? I've always been told that six weeks is when you can even start looking at the scar to see it opening.


    Yes, but you are only going back to normal neck position when you go back in the water.

    I think if you do things in moderation and be sensible then you shouldnt have an issue.

  5. I'd use those with caution. They do increase testosterone. Not to an extent steroids would, but they do. I've read ton of articles about them. Remember EAS Andro 6? They even have warnings not to use it under age 26.


    Some companies versions might be snake oil, but if your using major brands that are tested, then definitely use caution. You don't want to activate something that will make you shed more hair or rather speed up the process.


    Yes, but Andro 6 is a Pro Hormone, which is a precursor to steroids. They will increase Testosterone, and the androgenic effects associated with them.


    Tribulus isnt in that group its just a herb that does absolutely nothing. Ive seen evidence that Tribulus can actually inhibit natural test production.

  6. Well thats me into the safe zone now. :)

    Didnt loose any grafts with any accidents.


    Scabs are coming off nicely, great to be able to shower again without using a pitcher.

    Recipient area totally pain free, sutures out, donor area in good shape.

    Its weird feeling the stubble on my temples, love it though!

    Be hard to wave them goodbye. :)

  7. Okay, thought I'd go to the drop in clinic as my sutures feel ready to come out, and look pretty good.

    I went to the clinic and the nurse confirmed they were ready to come out, so I had them done at day 8.

    She said day 11 (which was the next appointment available) would have been much tighter.

    She also commented on Dr Dorins fine needle work. :)

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