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Posts posted by JayWalker

  1. No worries RodG, best of luck with it.




    There are many sites out there 'selling' drugs. How does anyone know for sure which are legitimate and which aren't. Many have had fingers burnt in the past buying cheap fake meds online. Not all meds sites sell authentic drugs. FACT.*However if you feel your supplier does sell legit drugs - great.


    I know many UK guys take real comfort however in the fact that speaking directly to a UK registered GP in person is important to them and me especially when embarking on purchasing prescribed medication and as a result of this prepared to pay a relatively small amount more( compared to cheap websites) for this level of service and reassurance. I recommend Dr Singh as I know for a fact he is legit and buy my meds from him and prepared to pay a few quid more to avoid any uncertainty or doubt.


    If you feel you can get your meds cheaper and its 100% legit go for it but right now I know I would rather know 100% who I am buying my medication from and to be able to speak to them in person and know it's from a legitimate source especially when it's cheap at only 200 quid for a years supply.


    Out of interest who prescribes the meds from the site you buy from. Do you speak to an actual GP or is it literally anyone can buy from there regardless ?


    Hope this helps.






    Anyone can buy regardless. India has different rules to the UK, lol.

    I hear what you are saying about having confidence in where you buy from. But really, faked medicines have also been sold totally unwittingly in the UK as well.

    Having said that, I know alot of people who buy from alldaychemist, and all have had great service on all medicines bought.

    Personal choice of course. :)

  2. I take finpecia 1mg generic Finateride and have no issues with it and get it from a well known reliab le source and this is key. The ukfinasteride site and Dr Singh are great!:)


    Try this RodG




    Could really help :cool:






    Spex, Im not sure what you mean when you say that the source you buy it off is key? If the medicine is the legit stuff, then the site you buy it off surely, is irrelevant?


    I think that site is vastly overpriced.

  3. Hi staggerlee123


    It was me who adviced that 5mg finasteride tablets can be cut into six pieces and used as 0.8mgs daily .


    Below have provided photographic evidence to back up my claims .


    This is my kit , nothing out of the ordinary , standard pill cutter , standard daily pill box , 5mg finsateride , and cut neatly into 6 pieces , easy , without fuss and far from just dust left over .




    This is a standard , bladed pill cutter which can be purchased from any high street chemist for 2.99 UK pounds .




    This is a scaled close up of my 5mg finasteride tablets cut in 6 pieces , with an uncut finasteride tablet on the right of the picture .




    I buy my finasteride from a very respectable online source , spex also uses the same place as do many other finasteride users , they sell propecia , proscar and finasteride , so there is a wide range of hairloss medication to chose from , and to suit all pockets .




    I hope this healps clear up any confusion





    And its very expensive.

    I must have said this about 100 times now, but you can purchase this stuff much cheaper from alldaychemist.com

    A 13 month supply of the 1mg tablets (finpecia) is ?229 from ukfinasteride.

    A years supply from that online chemist is $89.75 shipped!!!!!

    I am in no way associated with that site, but have used many many times, as have my friends and the service is spot on.

    People are paying far far too much for these drugs.

  4. I believe you, yes that sounds about right.

    Alldaychemist (also based in India) are about the same.


    Why people let themselves get ripped off with this generic medicine is beyond me.

  5. Thought I would update this.

    Im now 16 weeks to the day from my procedure.

    I am currently away, so cannot get any pictures as yet, but all is fine.

    I have a good amount of hairs sprouting through now on both sides, although one side is very colourless in appearance, so Im not sure would photgraph that well. The other side seems to have much better maturity, but its very early days, I know that.

    I still have some redness to the recipient area, but its fading, very slowly.

  6. My alpha 5 reductase enzyme deleting for life ) that sounds scary What's that?


    Its the enzyme that is responsible for converting Testosterone to DHT.

    We need some DHT, for many things in the body.


    Reducing it is fine, but I think the unlucky ones that are having a hard time with it have had it permanently deleted with the drug.


    Of course, not eveyone is having problems, but their is a certain risk.

  7. Strip is a great technique .. in the right hands.


    EVERYONE i speak to wants FUE. I want, want , want! :P They want it prior to realising what it is they actually NEED.


    Strip is a MUCH better way to utilise YOUR donor area much more efficiently and effectively LONG TERM. Strip enables you to use your donor supply safely and enables you to achieve more grafts in one session whilst managing it effectively for further sessions if needed.. Once you have used up the strip donor sufficiently THEN its a better idea to go in via FUE to tap in to further donor supply.


    Think of it like a grid of marbels. Removing marbels at random from all over (FUE) compared to a line through the middle (strip) which then you close up leaving the grid uni from as it was. Much more efficient way to UTILISE your LIMITED donor supply.


    I understand reservations regarding strip, however- everyone is worried about scaring pre op because obviously surgery causes scaring, even FUE causes scaring ( EVEN more than strip just not as visible) ! People generally have the fear pre op - however once had the session done properly the scar tends to be a non issue.


    You wear your hair so short now to limit the clash between the thin hair on top. Its very common. However when you have a HT and actually have hair on top (HT) it enables you to grow hair out on the sides and back slightly as you now have no contrast, and will actually want to!


    Many can clip on a grade 2/3# and theres no evidence, although it all depends on your physiology. Many fixate on the scar before actually even having it and then post op most don't even think about as they now grow their hair on top longer - coz they CAN! and therefore can grow the sides out slightly too - thats the point of the whole process - to get hair back and grow it. :cool:


    If your intension is to get a HT and then SHAVE it all off - let me save you a small fortune - just dont get a HT.;)


    Research well and dont rush in!






    Very good advice.


    I was hell bent on FUE at first, but after a good bit of research i went with strip.

    My scar is very hard to find even at the 2.5 month mark.

  8. cheers jay, and cheers for the recommendation.


    noticed they sell nizoral there too but from johnson and johnson and 10ml smaller than nizoral 60ml from boots


    pharmacies in uk online charge a hell of a lot of money, these are priced very well, shame about the 25$ shiping though


    would you recommend finpecia 1mg for now then yes?



    The $25 shipping charge is irelevant, they are charging $1.42 for a strip of 10.

    Thats $14.20 for 100 days worth.


    37 X $1.42 = $52.54 + $25 = $77.24 for a years supply of Finasteride.


    I really dont understand how anyone can fail to see this is a bargain???

  9. im not thinking of the side effects all im thinking is keeping my 27 year old head of hair and gradually thicken up and not have to worry when my hair gets wet at how it looks. all day chemist seem great value and look genuine too im going to take the plunge and order from them



    Like I say, great service, totally legit.

    I know many people that use them, great site.


    Takes about 2 weeks. ;)

  10. dollars.

    completely different ball game. they won't ship to the UK.

    my source is used by many on this website, also



    How is it a completely different ball game? its alot cheaper, thats the difference.


    $48 for 400 days worth.................vs 200 pound for 365 days worth.

    They charge $25 shipping too, but still only $73. ;)


    Yes they do ship to the UK, ive used them about 8 times now.

  11. lol, no offense, but if you're silly enough to pay those prices then it's your own fault for not researching.

    You can get the generic drug a lot cheaper online.

    I bought a years supply for 200 pounds a few months back



    200 pounds!, I think you also need to research some more!


    100 1mg tabs are about $12 at alldaychemist..................


    I'd give that go if i were you.

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