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Everything posted by OtherSyde

  1. So my initial thread on this is here: Third Rodeo with Dr. Gabel I usually don't bother updating too much in the 2-3 month time frame since very little ever happens, but this time I'm definitely getting unexpected growth a month ahead of time! In the first three pics you can see that, at the 2.5 month mark basically no growth had occurred yet. However, once I hit the 3-month mark a mere 2 weeks later (second two pics), I suddenly had a level of growth I hadn't seen in my previous procedures until the 4-month mark! Just the slim beginnings are sprouting, but definitely excited to be ahead of schedule! I'll keep the updates coming as more develops!
  2. ^^Agreed, you must be stoked! In another month or two you'll have very close to full thickness, and it will look even more amazing! Great result from a great doc, as per usual
  3. Hmmm... Looking at it, you might be right. I've definitely never seen a hairline that dense after one single pass, that is insane. I agree that Doc Diep is a good surgeon, but without more pics I'm calling bull$hit on this particular case.
  4. Beautiful result, artfully executed! And I totally relate to the part of your first video when you talk about getting out of the shower, and not knowing what to do with your thinning/receding crappy hair as far as style! I knew that feeling all too well myself Very happy for you!
  5. Wow, that looks like a heck of a home run for a new hairline. Please keep us updated on your progress, we all love a success story and we're all whores for that hair porn! lol
  6. Sounds legit - MPB would really cramp the style of anyone trying to transition to female. In fact the infamous cross-dresser-turned-cosmetics-tycoon Jeffree Star just recently got an FUE hair transplant in Los Angeles in order to make his hairline more rounded and feminine - he posted some videos of the various stages of it on the YouTubes (I found out about this because my girlfriend watches his makeup tutorials). Once word got out, I think it would be a rather popular subforum.
  7. Hey Walden, just chiming in to agree that you should gather another opinion or two just for the sake of thoroughness, but also to say that with Dr. Gabel you're in outstanding and capable hands. And I'm saying this from experience - three experiences, in fact. I'll also say you're probably right to strive for FUE from the get-go since you want to keep your hair short; I'll have to fill in my FUT scar with an FUE session on my next round. I think the hairline you have drawn so far looks good. A truly good hairline usually takes two passes (the second one being much smaller). Learn from my mistakes and be as aggressive as you can on your first session, since you don't want to have to advance your hairline again later and then consequently have to get yet another procedure after that in order to thicken it up, like I did - get that nice rounded, as-low-as-realistically-possible hairline established with the first pass, then thicken it up on the second round as well as adding more hairs to the rear/crown area if you want. Given that you've done your research on these forums you've probably already seen my threads, but I listed them below just in case. Hit me with any questions man! FIRST HT - Live Surgery with Dr. Gabel Second HT (mostly beefing up the first hairline created) - RIGHT NOW-Another Live Post From Dr. Gabel's Office Third HT (advancing my hairline again) - Third Rodeo with Dr. Gabel: ~1,500 Grafts FUT
  8. Shock-loss (at least for me) always kicks in at about the end of Week 2/beginning of Week 3 Post-Op. It can last a good couple of weeks if it goes slowly. But no, I can't see any way that your hair would have been instantly thinner directly after surgery - even if the new donor incisions had damaged the current follicles, the damaged follices wouldn't have released their current hairs for a couple of days. I strongly suspect your hair was just shaved down close to your scalp in the recipient area, making it look thinner. Don't fret, have faith - I just had my 3rd procedure with Dr. Gabel about 2 weeks ago now, so we'll endure the ugly duckling phase together! It always gets worse before it gets better, which is deceiving and stressful, but that's just the nature of hair transplants. Everything will turn out fine, just relax.
  9. That's quite a few grafts you had... Did you ever post an update? I'm curious to see how it came out!
  10. Six days post-op! Most of the scabbiness is already gone (my recipient site always seems to heal and shed its scabs a little faster than most timelines for some reason), leaving just the new hairs, which have yet to fall out (the shock-loss phase hasn't started yet). Still got some redness, but at least it's not all scabby and gnarly-looking anymore! The incision looks like an FUT incision usually looks at only 6 days, I just wish I'd kept my hair a bit longer to hide it better since I have to go back to work in 2 days lol. Oh well. Also, I couldn't help Photoshopping what my hairline will ultimately look like at its new height on my brow and temples, although I realize I'll probably have to go back for a small fill-in session to increase density before it looks as dense as the old hairline up above it; the finished pic is just my ultimate goal state.
  11. Awesome! I have also heard of Dr. Diep and would love to see more before and after photos! Please post some gratuitous Before and After pics if you have them!
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