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Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Country
    United States
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Hair Loss Overview

  • Describe Your Hair Loss Pattern
    Receding Hairline (Genetic Baldness)
  • How long have you been losing your hair?
    In the last 5 years
  • What Best Describes Your Goals?
    Maintain and Regrow Hair

Hair Loss Treatments

  • Have you ever had a hair transplant?
  • Current Non-Surgical Treatment Regime
    Rogaine Foam
    Nizoral Shampoo

SH1970's Achievements

New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Noticed somethign interesting today when I opened a new can of foam. There was a sticker on the cap that said 'For best besults, apply directly to scalp.' I'd never seen one before. Guess they had too many calls from people trying to scoop it out of the cap.
  2. Yes. The 'V's are probably about half filled in by area, but not thick yet-just spotty-but it helps. The areas where there was some hair are extrememly thick now. Espicially right in the front center. Hairline in the front / center has started to come down some, but again, spotty. The new hair is different though - has a wave / curl to it and is thinner.
  3. I just finished my 91st day of Rogaine Foam and emptied my 3rd bottle. I do use it on my temples as well. I guess I'm using just the right amount if I'm only a day off of how long it's supposed to last after 90 days. I simply squirt 3 or 4 dabs on (grape size? maybe a little larger?) and let it melt for a few seconds before rubbing it in.
  4. There was a story on TV a few weeks ago saying that 50% of the drugs purchased on-line are counterfeit. My wife, who works for an insurance company, said it's actually higher than that. So, you've got a 50/50 chance they're real, but with the misspelling, I'd lean toward the fake side of the equation.
  5. I've experienced the same thing- but I'm just doing Rogaine, Nizoral and Nioxin Recharging Complex. About 6 weeks after I started, I noticed the peach fuzz. As of now, about 8 weeks in, probably 50%-60% of the peach fuzz has grown out. It's a different type of hair though - it has some wave in it (rest of my hair is straight). It's a little thinner, but fairly close to the 'old hair'. Most of them are probably in the 1" range, but some of them are just crazy long - had one yesterday that was probably close to 4"-when the longest 'old' hair in that area is maybe 2". Showed it to my wife and remarked that it looked like a whisker on our cat becasue it was so much longer than anything else & stuck straight out. In the last few days, I've noticed something new - instead of the peach fuzz, I'm getting more of a stubble look - like regular hair but just real short. Definitely darker & thicker than the peach fuzz of the same length. It will be interesting to see if these grow out the same. All of this is in the receding areas - as well as the crown. 2 months ago, there was a definite line of sparser hair on the top and thick hair on the sides - now I can't see any difference. Not sure how much (in measurement) the recessive areas (is that a word?) have filled in, but if I was to connect a line from the front peak to the temple area, I'd say maybe half has filled back in. Not quite as thick as the rest yet, but it's getting there.
  6. Thanks. I didn't take any photos, because quite honestly from what I'd read I wasn't expecting a lot - maybe jut to maintain what I had. Maybe it's just luck of the draw - a treatment that doesn't work for one person shows quick results for another. Hopefully, it will continue. My hair on the sides definitely feels thicker, but the look on the top is starting to approach the sides.




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    Feel free to ask questions and interact with our members on our new and improved hair loss discussion forum.



    If there's anything I can do to help or make things easier for you, don't hesitate to send me a private message or post on my wall!



    Good luck,



    Blake (Future_HT_Doc) Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant of the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the new Hair Restoration Social Network and Discussion Forum


  8. So I found this forum a couple months ago when my wife mentioned that my hair was thinning / receding (40 y/o in 2 months). So I started looking around on-line & found this place. I'd been using Nioxin 2 for a few years, but don't know if it was doing anything or not. After doing a lot of reading, I started with Rogaine Foam, Nizoral twice a week and Nioxin Recharging Complex about 6 weeks ago (in addition to still using the Nioxin 2). I definitely noticed shedding during weeks 2-4, but it just stopped all the sudden. Then I started noticing something interesting - little tiny, peach fuzz like hairs growing - especially where I'm receding. When I first noticed them, they were maybe 2-4mm in length, very fine, and blond. Now, after a couple of weeks of first seeing them, I'm noticing a good deal of growth-probably 1/3 of them haven't gone past the 'peach fuzz' stage, 1/3 have grown a little (maybe 8-10mm in length), and about 1/3 are more in the 1.5cm range and getting thicker / darker. From what I 've read, I really wasn't expecting anything this quickly. Even just the peach fuzz was enough to make a difference in the overall look (just fuller / not as much scalp showing), but the growing has really made a difference - I've had 3 people comment on it in the last week - 2 who didn't know I was doing anything with it, 1 who did. One of the strangest things is that it's filling in more in the completely bare areas than where this is still some hair (not that that bothers me!). Any reason for this? I've thought about Propecia, but for now, I'm going to see what kind of progress I get with my current regimen - if I can do without it, I will. And I know a lot of people say that vitamins aren't necessary / effective (other than a std. multi-vitamin) in growing hair. Well, I was out of my regular multi-vitamin, so I decided to give the Nioxin a shot (it was about the same formula as the other - and half the price). For me at least, it does make a difference in the growth rate of both hair and nails. I use to go 3-4 weeks between haircuts, and it's looking like I'm going to have to go every 10-12 days now. I wear my hair short / messy / gelled, so it's easy to tell when it gets too long And I went from clipping my nails every two weeks to once a week (if not more often). YMMV, but I can definitely tell a difference with the Recharging Complex.
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