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Posts posted by hsrp10

  1. This is a classic example of what happens when adult men chase a juvenile hairline and temples.

    It should be copied and pasted into every thread where the younger guys come on here looking to lower their hairlines.


    The angles and facial dimensions created by the new esthetic look don't suit him anymore because they are out of balance (rule of thirds) and not age appropriate and he is not able to wear his hair back now as the temples are natural but too thin (he's sporting a part over now).

    Makes him look dumpy and fat as opposed to having an edge to his look.


    I will add that perhaps it bothered him to the point where he felt he really needed to have it done but the doctor should have talked him out of it.

    Not sure what he's going to do when he loses the hair behind it in his later years.

  2. I'm noticing for the first time that my hair is sitting flat properly. I thought I was basically done, but maturation of the hair does continue.


    I have to say that Dr Hasson's hairline design and graft placement has been outstanding - there is the perfect balance of micro and macro irregularity. I've included a few closeups for anyone who's interested. First three are fresh out the shower, the others have product in my hair and the last one was taken outside.


    You're hitting the sweet spot in terms of length which gives an added volume boost as it lays on the hair itself.

    Keeping the sides short helps with that too.


    enjoy it to the fullest :cool:

  3. I saw his first procedure, that is why I commented FUT wouldn't worth it. I don't think its an amazing result. Its a good result but nothing special. If you think its amazing check out Koray Erdogan's FUE works. Here I put an example,


    Koray Erdo


    Really bordering on continuous D-bag type of commentary here...

    If you want to debate FUE vs FUT probably would be best to do it in a separate thread and not hijack Ernie's HT#2 experience thread.


    First of all if you've ever interacted with Ernie you would know from his positiveness and confidence that his results have had an amazing impact on him.

    Second, an objective comparison of the pre-op vs 12 month results on page 21 of his original thread shows the outcome was certainly better than just "good."

    I added a collage of the pics below in case you're too lazy to go back and really check the images.



    And as someone who has undergone smaller FUE procedures after FUT, I think he did the right thing not going to a doctor who is located in a geopolitically unstable area currently and is known to use ridiculous graft counts even in smaller cases.

    I am a fan of Erdogan and have researched him thoroughly, but he would not be my first choice for smaller touchup procedures given how many grafts he likes to use.


    Tell me how the result is "nothing special"...


  4. I don't understand why would someone choose FUT over FUE. There are plenty of top FUE results better than FUT and carrying that scar for life time doesn't seem logical. But I hope you will be more than pleased with your result at the end. :)


    If you saw Ernie's amazing results from his first FUT procedure with Dr. Rahal you would have to agree with him that he would be crazy to go elsewhere for the second round.


    Work looks very clean as expected, good healing to you man and here's hoping for early growth for you.

  5. This is a tricky question because everyone's goals, budget and preferences are different including whether they want an aggressive or conservative approach, location and logistic factors, pricing, tech-centric or doctor-centric clinics etc.


    If we're talking worldwide, Dr. Couto, Lorenzo, Bisanga and Erdogan (add Feriduni in there too) are among the best in Europe.

    Dr. Konior, Diep and Vories are the top ones in N. America.


    That at least should be a starting point to begin your research.

    You can narrow it down from there.

  6. Although there is a so-called universal safe zone the fine details are very patient independent.


    Factors such as retrograde hair loss, potential for scarring and non-scarring types of hair loss in some parts of the scalp, as well as family history of extent of baldness etc play a part.

    And ultimately in some cases some patients do thin out all over including the donor as mentioned above.

  7. Bisanga likes to shave the immediate recipient area but does agree to partial shaving.

    Dr. Maras in Cyprus does partial shaving as well.


    You already mentioned Dr. Konior who is my favorite doc for transplanting into existing hair (stick and place technique).

    I also agree with home1212, shaving is best for achieving optimal results especially in cases where techs will be involved.

  8. Sean and Slush bring up some good points as well.


    I know Dr. Keser in Turkey and one doc in CA (Baubac) achieve 65 grafts/cm2 or slightly higher, but the key factor is what is Nafta's hair caliber - or what is the person's own hair caliber who will undergo the procedure


    Really cannot talk about recommended density numbers without mentioning (1) native hair caliber and (2) taking into consideration donor supply.


    For dense results on a bald or very thin scalp where dense packing is warranted I like Dr. Erdogan and Dr. Keser as the FUE density kings and Dr. Hasson and Dr. Rahal for the FUT counterparts.


    If going into existing native hair in follow-up procedures to tweak density, Dr. Konior's (and I believe Dr. Gabel's too) "stick and place" technique cannot be beat.

    I've had multiple progressively smaller touchups with Dr. Konior and I never experienced any shockloss or transection whatsoever (2 FUT and 1 smaller FUE most recently).


    Dr. Lorenzo, Dr. Bisanga, Dr Cooley, Dr Shapiro are also others that do excellent touchup procedures as well for density boosts.

  9. We talked about something similar in this thread here below, and this was my answer.



    In short it's about the hair cycles balancing out in time and not related to the hair just suddenly falling out due to DHT etc.

    For this reason I would never recommend anyone have a HT in the same area until at least 18-24 months have passed.


    I think it has to do with the growth cycle for the newly transplanted hairs all kicking in at around the same time where you have a large number of hairs that have started to grow within the same growth phase at around 6 months to one year.


    Then the normal hair growth cycle for each individual hair balances out in time and not all hairs transplanted are in the anagen (growing) phase at the same time. I experienced this with my transplants, and an email reply from Dr. Hasson many years ago said something on similar lines.


    Another good reason to wait it out before having a second or third procedures I guess, until everything balances out both good and bad.


  10. Here is a very detailed read on density in the various zones related to hair restoration by Dr. Lorenzo.



    He talks about zone A (first 2cm) in particular:

    When this area is well defined, the look of the person facing us is centered on our facial features, not on our hair. It is for this reason that in these two centimeters we have to implant with large densities. Our advice is to always aim for 45 to 70 units per cm2 (in exceptional cases even more) given that we can only use follicular units of 1 or maximum 2 hairs per unit in the second or third line.


    Based on my experience and looking at hundreds of results on this forum and others if you have thick coarse hair 50 grafts/cm2 should give great dense coverage, those with fine caliber hair like myself need to shoot higher for 60 grafts/cm2 or slightly more.

    The zones behind the front can have lesser density as you go back (also explained in the link).

  11. I think overall it looks pretty good.

    Especially pics 1,3 and 4.


    I do agree there is some lowered density and it doesn't help that it's right in the middle of your hairline.

    Maybe another hairstyle parting it slightly to one side instead of in the middle for example could help with the overall look if doesn't improve from here.


    If you were to go for another procedure for added density it would require shaving to avoid damage what you have currently but it could be done as many including myself have done before.

    The docs I mentioned above would be good to research in the meantime, and if it does thicken up you could just leave it.


    Lot of alternatives these days including great HT surgeons worldwide.

  12. After viewing all of the results he has posted to date I say absolutely yes Dr. Bloxham should be recommended.


    When he was a moderator here he did things with a lot of class and he is one of the few docs here who will actually answer patient questions in elaborate detail (some clinics are too bothered to do this or they will pick and choose the comments they reply to).

    You can fully feel he cares for his patients and hair loss sufferers based on his actions and words.


    Anyway as a long-term member of this forum going into my seventh year here (like me or hate me lol) I vote yes.

  13. As you know sunburn could still cause some issues at this stage and I would stick with a cap (baseball cap worn backwards for example) rather than putting sunscreen directly on the transplanted area.

    And sit under a sun umbrella while not it the water.


    Don't risk your investment and play it safe. Also pray for a cloudy day or two... lol


    If you're with someone you don't want to let know about your procedure like a friend or GF, just say you're concerned about skin cancer which most of us should be anyway.


  14. Congrats man, this is one of those threads that makes me stop what I'm doing and log in to comment.

    Remarkable transformation and you can see what a long journey it has been by the facial expressions during your video when you're speaking.

    What are the hair cycles like for beard hair and body hair like compared to scalp hair btw? (longer/shorter etc)


    Enjoy the new transformation!

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