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Posts posted by corvettester

  1. p.s. did you edit your post? I don't remember it reading the way it currently reads...


    I could be mistaken, but when I first read it on 12.29.10, I could have sworn you asked something different. I thought you were asking if you thought that 2,000 FUT was enough to cover your head or something like that which is why I said "4,000 FUT seems more like it..." but now it reads completely different... please clarify.

  2. You mean in one session? 4000 FUT was the overall plan, just broken into 2 sessions. Are there reasons to do it all at once?


    I didn't specify. Whether it's one session or two depends on you and your doctor and all the variables mentioned by previous posters. I've seen great results from both. I just meant that it looks like you would need 4,000 FUT in total. I opted for potentially two sessions for two reasons in particular.


    First, 1,700 was the median number of grafts suggested by all the doctors I consulted with. Therefore, I reasoned that 1,700 should be enough. Dr. Dorin actually wanted 1,500 but due to a good donor supply and laxity, he ended up harvesting 1,696 grafts... I wasn't complaining!


    I don't need dense packing. Bear in mind that I naturally have thin hair so I didn't want to overdo it. I think my natural density is 60 FU/cmsq.


    My second concern was cost. To go for double would have cost double and I had already spent over a year saving for the first procedure and I'll spend another year paying off the remaining balance, so I really didn't want to wait any longer.


    Clearly, I'm hoping that the 1,700 FUT in my hairline and temples will be enough and that I won't have to go back for a second session. But if I do, I'm fine with that. And as far as price goes, it will be the exact same price per graft as before ($4.00), which is the lowest T&D goes, so I'm not sweating it.


    I took a more conservative approach but then again, I'm a NW3 at age 29 with a good donor supply and laxity (I was quoted as having at least 8,000 available grafts in my donor area). So now I have at least 6,300 more left over.


    I'm going to wait well over a year before I even consider another HT because I want to see how the density turns out with my current HT, and also because I want to monitor whether or not I end up having more hair loss.



  3. The more photos I see of your before and after pics, the more I realize that you definitely have great hair characteristics. Your transplanted hairs are going to blend well with your natural hairline and frontal third.


    As far as I can tell, you're coming along very well. You're probably going to see a huge difference between month 3 and month 5. I think you'll be right up there with Epileptic Skeptic's 5 month update... I'm jealous! Take care bro.



  4. Awesome reply ES. Your story truly is inspirational.


    I had no idea that the forums modernized only just recently, it's not something that is really discussed online. Nor had I known about FUE being a sort of fad, which many said would to replace FUT so soon. I guess a lot of us newbies really do take for granted a lot of the content and features on HTN as well as the technological advances in HT.


    Surprisingly, you're the first poster I've come across to mention how insufficient and unreliable information was just 5 years ago! That's insane! I had no idea. This is something that should be reminded to all newcomers. I'll be sure to mention it as I meet more newbies. You veterans have done a lot of the dirty work... thank god!


    Lastly, now that you've cleared things up for me, I can appreciate the funding and transparency policies of HTN. It makes a lot more sense to me now. This site probably costs a small fortune to build and maintain, and moderate.


    Thanks again ES. :)





  5. What's the typical time frame for pimples post-op? I'm coming up on 2.5 months and they're going strong. It's so annoying. They're all in the recipient area. I've never had pimples like this.


    I know this is to be expected, but for much longer? Is this something I should be expecting 6 months post-op or more? Is there a general time frame for pimples, and while we're at it, itchiness?



    Many Thanks,



  6. Congratulations again! Your results are outstanding! Based on the photos, I cannot tell that you ever had MPB or ever had any type of hair restoration procedure. You look great!


    However, I do have a few questions for you. Do you feel like five years of research was worth it? It just seems a little excessive to me. I've come across a lot of skeptical posters on the forums doing their due diligence of research, but nothing compares to your epic quest! Your age is listed as 41 years old. I mean, you could have had that full hear of hair that you now enjoy four or five years ago.


    If you could have done it all over again, would you have waited so long? You have great results, but you're certainly not the only one with great results and plenty of other clinics produce great results too. Why did it take you five years? Why so much research?


    Do you think that with your research you may have been psyching yourself out? Such that the more you researched, the more skeptical you became? One bad result here... another there... and suddenly you're convinced that there is a vast conspiracy of malicious HT docs, or as you said "...much of the fear being spread on HT forums are from FUE shills in disguise trying to drum up business for their clinics. I'm truly glad that I was smart enough to see through their tactics and go with the only clinic IMO that offered the real PROOF of results."


    No disrespect, but in my opinion, your statements suggest an unhealthy paranoia on your part. Maybe these so-called "shills" were really just skeptical gentlemen like yourself who were seriously worried about having a huge scar that they couldn't fix or that would be obviously detectable. Maybe after thoroughly researching FUE, they sincerely believed that FUE was the best option... and maybe they have excellent results to boot! What evidence do you have have to support your claims that these people are shills?


    In contrast, I felt like I was capable of making a well-informed decision after about two months of research, consultations, scouring the forums and speaking with HT patients. I only spoke with about five HT patients over the phone, I met two in person, I corresponded with several via email and on the forum and I had about five consultations as well. After two months, I felt like I was in research overkill and I was fully convinced of the efficacy of HT. In fact, the more research I did, the more anxious, indecisive and hesitant I became!


    I only bring this up because I have been in contact with another prospective HT patient similar to ES. He's a bright guy, and after loads of research, he made a reservation and deposit with a coalition doctor (I forget which on off hand) to get FUT. At the last minute, he gets cold feet and cancels a week before he's supposed to have his procedure. That was over a year ago.


    Now he just made another reservation and deposit with SMG for January and already he has told me that he may cancel again! He comes across one bad result online and he freaks out, while so much time is wasted that could have been time spent healing and growing hair! What can one say to this madness?


    I guess this is more of an open question to the community as a whole, but when does research become too much research? Was my two months insufficient and reckless? Or is it really just a comfort level thing? I've actually had two people mention to me that they were reconsidering getting HT because of what they read from Epileptic Skeptic (although, I can't imagine they will have such qualms after seeing his 7 month update). Strange, I know, but still worth mentioning: paranoia is contagious!




  7. Several times you mentioned price being a big concern of yours. So I'm trying to figure out your reasoning.


    Nothing against Bosley, but I don't understand how they charge $4.50 per graft as their special discount. Also, was it $4.50 per graft plus the "$840 for additional lab, meds, shampoo, sprays, etc."


    For example, coalition doctors True & Dorin, charge $4 per graft inclusive. If price was such a concern and if that was their "best price ever" as you mentioned, you could have taken a train to NYC and saved yourself at least $1,300 or even $2,200 (if Bosley charged you for the extra $840 for lab, meds, shampoo, sprays etc).


    I paid a flat rate of $4 per graft all inclusive and I too ended up getting like 96 for free.... just saying.



  8. Joemama,


    Welcome to the forum. Thanks for being so detailed in your experience and progress.


    I'm surprised you only got 2,750 grafts. I mean, I got 1,700 just in my hairline and temples and I'll probably be going back for a second pass for density. You Only Live Once got more than you just is his frontal third and hairline. I'd hate to hear what Epileptic Sceptic would estimate you need! When I saw your head, I was thinking that you needed a solid 5,000.


    Is it that you're only going for the illusion of density? Based on what I've seen from so many other posters, 2,750 grafts is usually good for a NW3 or maybe NW4.


    I only ask because you mentioned that you hope that this will be your only procedure and that you felt that it was already too expensive. How much did they charge per graft? Or what was the total price for your procedure?



  9. I haven't been back for a follow up since my stitches were removed, I will soon though. I can usually get a same day appointment if I ask for it. I just don't see what the point would be right now... maybe on my three month update.


    The great thing about T&D is that they are very accessible and welcoming of patient follow up visits. There is no playing phone tag, emailing back and forth or waiting periods like I've read happens at a lot of other clinics. If I call, I'll get to speak to one of the patient educators immediately and if it's important, they'll just put me through to the doctor.


    This was a BIG selling point for me when I was deciding which doctor to go with. I was paranoid, so I wanted to make sure I chose a doctor who was accessible and didn't make me feel like I was a burden with all my questions and concerns. I think that is one of the benefits of practices that have two doctors such as True & Dorin, SMG, and H&W: they have more resources. These are the three practices that I hear the most about not just in terms of quality of results, but also in post-op clients services.


    My theory is that when you have two doctors operating out of the same space, it cuts out a lot of the overhead that you would have at a single doctor practice. Those savings are then passed down to the patients in terms of superior customer care, accessibility, lower prices, etc... plus, it's very reassuring to have two separate doctors give you their opinion on your specific situation.



  10. Today is my two-month update. I’ll be posting updates each month regardless of my growth. I apologize in advance for the photos, they’re all taken with my cameraphone in fluorescent light. I just want to give back to the community as much as I can. Also, I find these updates therapeutic in a sense… any feedback is helpful.


    There probably is not too much to talk about, but I do have a few observations. At two months I know not to be expecting much but it is interesting to see what I do have.


    On the positive side, I have had very little shock loss, no swelling and most all of the sensitivity is long gone. Also, most of the numbness on the top part of my head has dissipated. There is, however, still a little numbness, but nothing problematic or bothersome.


    Negatives are what is to be expected at this point: pimples and itchiness. As you’ll see from my pics, the pimples are crazy big too. I’ve never had pimples like this. Oh well, they should pass soon enough. The itchiness is a pain in the ass though.


    The big news is that there is a significant difference in growth between my left and right temple area. The right temple area has about triple the growth of the left. However, as is to be expected at two months, there isn’t much growth in the first place. I notice it though, of course.


    The funny thing is that I am especially counting on my left side having a good growth. If you remember from my earlier posts, the left side has receded much further than the right side. Also, I part my hair on the left-side, therefore, it’s the most exposed. So I’m really hoping the left catches up over the next couple of months.


    I’m not even stressing about it now though, I know I got a lot more growing to go; however, I would be remiss not to acknowledge it. The left side clearly has less growth than the right side.


    As for the right side, I’m surprised at how much hair has already grown in—I wasn’t expecting as much! So I'm counting my self lucky. Now I’m just hoping that this micro-trend reverses itself over the next couple months. Come on left side, catch up!!!


    I know that there have been plenty of other cases of guys who have had sides grow in uneven but I’m hoping that isn’t going to be me. I’ll just continue to monitor it and keep everyone updated. Moving on…


    Another interesting observation is that the hairs that have grown in are all black, but I’m a dirty blonde! I was a bright, white blonde as a child.


    When my hair doesn’t get any sunlight due to winter or because my long hair on top hangs over it the bottom layers, the bottom layers can get very dark. It gets so dark that people often think that I dye or highlight my hair because my roots can be jet black! Ugh…


    Because my donor area is in an area of my head that doesn’t get much sunlight and tends to have other hair laying over it, thereby blocking it from the sunlight, you can imagine how dark my donor area is. Weird, I know.


    So anyway, as you can see by the pics, the new hairs are definitely black. Believe it or not, I was actually initially worried about this when I first got my consultation. I knew that the donor area of my head always had darker hair than on top and also that the donor area hair seems to me to be of a thicker, coarser caliber than the hair in my hairline and frontal third. I was worried that the new hair would come out coarse and dark and therefore, not blend well with the surrounding hair.


    I mentioned this to Dr. True and Dr. Dorin and they both said I wouldn’t have anything to worry about and that it would grow in just like the rest. So I’ll just wait for that to happen.


    As for the hairline, it’s what to be expected at two months: not much to discuss. Just a few straggly hairs here and there.


    So that’s it for now. Like I said, I’m not stressing, I know I got a long way to go. Any feedback is appreciated. I’ll be back at month three for another update.


    The first 8 pics are of the Left Side the other 7 are of the Right side. Hopefully you can see the difference between the two even with the poor photo quality. The right side has about triple the hair growth. Is this normal at this stage?



  11. I'm taking Trader Joe's Women's Formula Multivitamin and Mineral for Nails, Skin and Hair. It's only $5 for a bottle of 100 tablets.


    I started taking it last year and I noticed that my nails started growing super fast. I went from cutting my nails about 3 times a months to about 6 times a month.


    So I figured it probably has a good chance of helping my hair. As for my hair, I can't say for sure because it's really so hard to tell. I did quit taking it for about 5 months and then I really started to notice my hair loss. However, I don't know how much, if at all, the vitamins contributed.


    I'm just going to stick with it form now on not only for my hair but also as a dietary supplement. I like vitamins, jus to cover al my bases. It's really just my vitamin of choice.



  12. I've been getting some very early growth as I'm just 6 weeks post-op. However, I thought I was supposed shed the hair by now and then it is supposed to remain dormant for a couple months.


    The new growth are weird, straggler-like hairs but there are quite a few of them actually. They look pretty silly. I'm wondering if these are to be the actual hairs that will be growing in.


    I don't have a camera that is good enough to detect them otherwise I'd take pics.



    My second question is about the pimples I've been getting. Can I burst them? These aren't just normal pimples, they're the big, under the skin ones that swell and cause discomfort. I burst a few of them because they were just too big and as expected there was a lot of blood.


    Must I leave them alone when they get super big like that? Do I have anything to worry about in terms of graft yield should I burst the pimples?




  13. David,


    She psyched that she'll have more hair to play with! She's Latina. I swear, it was my hair that made her fall for me. She loves blondies!


    But on a more serious note, she's been a real help. She washed my head and hair and applied the ointment every night for the first week post-op. I'm lucky to have her.




    I didn't understand your question. Were you asking if the scabs would come back or if it would get worse?




  14. Open Question:


    If you view my new hairline design you can see by the freshly transplanted grafts that it is designed to be uneven or jagged (more pics in my hair loss blog, the best of which are the immediately post-op pics).


    I see a lot of HT doctors doing perfectly straight hair lines while others take the uneven approach. For example, H&W always does the straight, crisp hairline while my T&D almost always take the uneven approach.


    What are the arguments for or against it? What are your thoughts on it? Is it just a preference? Which do you prefer and why?




  15. Hey All,


    Here is my one month update. So far, so good. Minimal shock loss in the donor area. No visible shock loss in the recipient area. Dr. Dorin said that if I don't get any more shock loss in the next week then I probably won't get any more at all. I was glad to hear that.


    No more pain either. Just some sensitivity in the donor area if I lay on it too long or if I hit it against something... all of which is to be expected.


    I've included photos wiht my hair pulled back so you can see the recipient area and with my normal hairstyle without products so you can see how undetectable it is.


    The photos look a lot better if you view them in my hair loss blog, the link is below.


    I welcome any comments, questions or concerns.




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