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Posts posted by corvettester

  1. Bill is right for removing all the trash-talking posts...


    This has got to be the worst thread that I've ever come across on HTN. I mean, where is it even going at this point?


    It's comprised of all the most deprived elements:


    1. Mudslinging

    2. Lies

    3. Phony / Questionable Accounts

    4. Shills

    5. Fanaticism (both sides)


    ...just to mention a few...



    Ugh... enough already!





  2. Corvettester,


    I like your post. It is calm, collected and I think your attitude is a good one. However, I think that you should continue your patience as more hair can come through. I disagree with the notion that all the hair that is going to sprout has sprouted at six months. Our position is that it can take eight months but we've seen some patients where sprouts were coming in much longer than that. While it is certainly the exception and not the rule it is still possible. I think and hope with more time you will see continued, albeit not as much, new growth and thickening. Thanks for the update.


    Thanks for pointing that out Joetronic.


    I'm going to go back an edit my original statement. I see that it can be interpreted as Dr. Dorin saying that hair will not sprout after 6 months. That is not what he said.


    He said that for most people it has already started by this point, but that I should remain patient because there is still a possibility of more growth.




  3. Here are some pics with flash and a few others in nasty fluorescent lighting.


    Again, just to clarify, these pics do no justice to the true result. It looks far better in person. I no longer have a widow's peak!


    In fact, for the first time in my life I feel comfortable walking around with my hair wet and combed back... I don't remember the last time I did that.

  4. 6 Month Update: Dr. Dorin: 1,696 FUT on a NW3.



    So far, so good. At six months, my HT is coming along well… slowly, but steadily.


    First off, sorry for the pics. My hair was just out of control today. I don’t like the studio photos either. They really don’t do justice to the true result. I think it looks good for 6 months.


    I’m going to take some more on the next sunny day… if only NYC could get more sunny days. A lot of guys have been asking for the “harshest conditions possible” photos… which I don’t really see the point in (especially 6 months post-op), as I think they do a disservice to the community. I really don’t see the point in intentionally presenting one’s HT in unflattering conditions for the sake of veritas. Plus, as I’ve seen in other threads, some posters use such photos as fodder to misrepresent certain cases for whatever personal reasons, but I digress…



    Now for the progress report….


    The right side is looking great! The right temple has filled in well and the hairs have started to mature and lay naturally. They’re even blonde! I’m really pleased with the result so far and looking forward to more maturing, etc…


    If you remember from my 4 month update, I was concerned that the transplanted hairs would be darker than the native hair because my donor hair seems to be darker. Now I’m glad to say that they’re nice and blonde like the rest of my hair and starting to blend well. It looks really good actually… if only the photos could do justice!



    My left side has seen a lot of growth too, but not much maturity. It is still lagging behind the ride side by approximately 25%. If you’ve been following my case, you’ll know that it’s been like this from the very beginning.


    If you view my 2 month update, you’ll see that the right side has a lot of growth, but the left side has virtually none. Then on the 4 month update, you’ll see that the right side has even more growth, but the left side has about as much growth as the right side had at the 2 month update.


    So now at the 6 month update, I see that the left side has about as much growth and maturity as the right side had at 4 months. Go figure!


    The left side is still wispy and straggly, just like the right side at 4 months. It’s also sticking up, almost curly, and bending at the top. However, I think gravity is about to start forcing it down just like it did to the right side two months ago—basically, the exact same story as the right side at 4 months post-op.


    Bear in mind that before the HT, the left side had significantly more recession than the right side. So this entire time I’ve suspected that something is physiologically amiss with my left side. We’ll see…


    Long story short, I think the left side is just slow. It’ll probably just take longer to grow and mature, but so far nothing indicates that it will not grow and mature just as well as the right side. It certainly hasn’t stopped, and there has been a definite improvement since the 4 month update—just slower, with which Dr. Dorin agrees.



    As for the hairline, it is somewhere in between. It’s not as good as the right side, but not as immature as the left side. The one concern that Dr. Dorin and I discussed is that there are some grafts that haven’t started to grow yet in the immediate center. If you look closely, there are some noticeable spaces in the 2cmsq area in the direct center of the hairline. This is also evident in the 4 month update.


    Unfortunately, Dr. Dorin informed me that for the majority of people, most of the transplanted hair will have sprouted by 6 months; however, I should be patient because it can take longer. He told me that there are a number of possible explanations and that I should stay patient. Hence, my patience... sin prisa, pero sin pausa!


    He also reaffirmed that if they didn’t grow in, he would do a complimentary touch up on the hairline and the left side if I didn’t get the density that I liked—naturally, that was very reassuring.


    I even asked him about a possible FUE touch up and he said that FUE was definitely an option, but not necessary. He said that he and Dr. True are so good at FUE that they can get just as good as results with it as FUT… and from what I’ve seen, I believe him. In my opinion, T&D are among the elite of FUE.


    My only concern was with Dr. Dorin’s disappointment with the absent grafts in the immediate center of the hairline. He estimated that perhaps 50 grafts didn’t yield. I still thought that I had a good chance of more growth, but it’s less likely actually. He didn’t bother sugarcoating it for me either, which I appreciate.


    Based on what I’ve seen on the HTN, I still think talk of a touch-up is presumptuous… there are just too many late/slow growers. Maybe Dr. Dorin thought I was more worried about it than I really am… if ya’ll only knew how chillaxed I am.


    Of course, if you’ve been following my case, you’ll know that from the very beginning Dr. Dorin and I anticipated a second procedure for density. 1,700 grafts for a NW3 is only scratching the surface—most folks go for 3,000 grafts in the hairline and temples for sufficient density! However, if the growth and maturity keep up like the right side, I really don’t know if I’ll need a second procedure at all. “Hair greed” notwithstanding, we’ll see…


    Truth be told, I’m pretty happy so far for the simple reason that I mentally prepared myself for a slow result. After trolling the HTN for so long and seeing all the late bloomers and people with less than optimal results, I mentally prepared myself for any setbacks.


    I’ve always been annoyed by all the “panic posts” of dudes 3 months post-op and freaking out that they don’t have any growth yet. I told myself from the beginning that I must be prepared for slow growth. So to tell you the truth, I’m not sweating it at all.


    I feel good so far. I like what I’ve gotten out of 6 months and I look forward to more to come. I’m sure my left side is going to catch up in maturity… there is just no reason to think otherwise. C’est la vie!


    Lastly, customer service, communications and support from my doctor and his staff still remain exceptional. I couldn’t be happier with the way they’re treating and handling my case.


    All in all, I’m great! I’m happy with the result so far and staying patient. Any thoughts, observations or questions on my case are welcome.


    I'll post a few pics here and the rest will be in my blog, see below. Some of them are studio and some are from my home with my hair wetted and combed back. My art student roommate took the home pics, so please forgive her aesthetic contributions. I told her to just put it on automatic, but she would hear nothing of it!




  5. Sweeeeet! I love your result!


    Chics dig the bedhead... at least the type of babes I'm into...


    I agree that you should stay away from the highlights, especially with your new hair style... otherwise, before you know it, you'll be treading in Jersey Shore territory.


    With an abracadabra presto-o-change-o result like yours, I totally understand the urge to take it to the max... but you got a family to think about, ya big stud!



    Be easy,



  6. What a coincidence!


    I had 1,698 grafts FUT by Dr. Dorin on October 18th, 2010. I too was a NW3. I'll be posting my 6 month update on Monday, April 18th.


    I'm basically in the exact same boat as you. I'm not sure if this is going to be enough density either. It's looking pretty good now for 6 months, but it still has a lot more maturing to do so it'd be silly to be presumptuous now.


    I'm glad that I took a more conservative approach though. Even mega-sessions often have to come back for touch-ups. Also, being that it was my first HT, I wanted to make sure that I didn't have any physiological limitations that would prevent my hair from growing.


    At the end of the day, I think it's just a matter of choice and preference based on all the variables of whether to go with a mega-session or not. I'm glad I chose not to, but that is only for personal and financial reasons... I literally just finished paying off my HT this week!


    Also, take in to consideration that the bigger the session, the greater the likelihood of shockloss. I had virtually NO shockloss, but I've seen guys with very severe shockloss... some of which they claimed stayed permanent! Then you have to consider your age and donor supply as well as propensity for future loss, etc...


    Plus, there are a lot of other variables that I'm not really an authority on. So stay on this forum and ask some the veterans... they're the most valuable resource. You're on the right track in your research thus far.


    Good luck with your HT and let me know if there is anything I can do to help. And yes, I agree that T&D is a first rate operation. You made a good decision consulting with them.




  7. Dr. Hasson,


    Thanks for taking the time to address this thread. I wouldn’t worry too much about your reputation being maligned by it though—this thread was suspect by almost everyone from the very beginning for several reasons. Hopefully, it will just be deleted or the poster’s account(s) suspended.


    I don’t know anything about “Carefree” or “NotHappy” or if they are in any way associated or indeed the same person as some suspect. However, just to confirm, NotHappy does in fact mention that he had a previous HT in his blog in the 3 Day Update section.


    Posted :3/29/2009

    “Unfortunately Dr Hasson could only get 2,695 grafts due to the elasticity of my scalp not coming back all the way from my previous hair transplant and the fact that my hair density is not great. “


    Of course, he doesn’t mention the result of his first HT or who performed it. Nor does he mention that his HT with H&W was to be a “repair” case. So there is a chance that Carefree and NotHappy are not the same person… Either way, something is rotten in Denmark with these guys.


    In regard to the before and after photos, I agree with your analysis, as I think most members will, that there was a definite cosmetic improvement, especially considering the number of grafts and area covered.


    Again, thanks for your cool-headed response. I don’t think anyone really takes Carefree seriously. I hope the moderators can figure this out.




  8. Hey ES,


    Have you ever considered lowering your hairline?


    Not that your HT doesn't look amazing as it is. In one of your previous posts, you mentioned that your HT has made you into a mature NW2... yet you must have at least another 4,000 grafts in your donor area.


    So I was wondering if you've ever been tempted to take it down to a NW1? Do you think you run the risk of further balding? Or do you just think it wouldn't look right?




  9. Way to be man!


    Thanks for the videos, we all really appreciate them, as do the legions of future HT patients and HTN members. You're providing us with one of the most well documented cases that I've come across on the HTN. You've really raised the bar for all of us... now I'll try to get some videos up too soon.


    As per your HT, I think you're right on track for being only 5.5 months post-op. I'm really looking forward to your 9 month update. I bet your head will be completely covered by then.


    I also noticed that you've been obsessing a little more than usual... more than me which says a lot! You've got to chill out man! Everyone of us is going through this right now. I'm exactly at 5.5 months too! I had my HT on October 18th, 2010. I'm right there with you buddy. I'll be posting my 6 month update in two weeks.


    Remember that you have the added comfort that if, god forbid, your HT didn't turn out well, you got one of the best docs out there who always stands behind his work. H&W are a stand-up outfit with very high self-imposed standards. If your result is unacceptable, they'll be the first to admit it and then correct it without dicking you around. That's a comfort a lot of guys on these forums don't have, so be glad you had the good sense to choose H&W.


    H&W kind of remind me of a couple fine dining restaurants I've been to here in NYC. If you don't absolutely love the dish you order, instead of saying "Too bad! It's your fault. You ordered it!" they replace it at no charge with something that you do love. They simply will not allow you to have anything less than an amazing experience.


    Hang in there bro, you've only just begun.



    Outy 5000,



  10. It usually last longer, or appears to last longer, for fair skinned people.


    I have very fair skin. My recipient area was red for at least 3 months! Of course, it gradually dissipated. My doctor warned me from teh ebginning that it may last up to 6 months for a guy like me. Fortunately, I wear my hair forward so it covered the redness up well.




  11. I'm confident you'll get a great result too. It's going to start getting really interesting over the next two months.


    If you've been following the Results by Leading HT Clinics section lately, you'll see that T&D has been posting some very impressive results lately with a very small number of grafts. I don't know how they do it, but I'm not the only one to notice.


    I mean, it's kind of shocking actually. I'm so used to seeing NW3s getting 2,500-3,500 mega-sessions to get amazing results. Then comes along True & Dorin with a mere 1,500 graft session and an abracadabra result!


    I think it's kind of interesting how all the leading coalition docs all have "that one thing" that sets them apart from each other. They're all great at many things, no doubt, but they all have one special claim to fame. I think that T&D are the docs that, among other qualities, are best capable of doing a whole lot with very little.


    Be patient and stay positive... and let me know if you need anything.





  12. Hey dude, you're looking fine for just four months. You have a lot more growing to do. From what I gather, it's the 8 month mark when you really start to see the difference.


    Two questions though: Why did you decide to go with only 2,500 grafts? That doesn't seem like anywhere near enough. Do you have only limited donor supply?


    Btw, Dr. Dorin did my HT too. I'm coming up on my 6 month update in just two weeks. I'll be sure to post an update. If it's any encouragement, check out my 4 month update. Good Luck!




  13. orangehair,




    Although we all know that hair diameter, skin to hair contrast, and a host of other factors influence how good a certain amount of grafts looks, I believe that some doctors are just plain better at producing cosmetically pleasing results with fewer grafts. True & Dorin are in that group of doctors who I believe get great results with a seemingly low number of grafts.




    Nuff Said.



  14. Funny video, but I don't really buy it to be honest!


    Nobody likes losing hair but those that choose to additionally become a complete victim to hairloss will really come across as undesirable and weak-willed. It happens to a huge amount of men, but many of them get on with their lives because they have a bit of confidence to do so. If all you can think of when you're speaking to a girl is your hairloss, then that's all you'll present outwardly.


    This video is funny but I think it's a bit of a bullying tactic to be honest. The insinuation is that if you're bald or going bald, that's it, game over. That's never the case, but as long as the myth is around, we'll have people lining up for transplants that will never give them what they really want.



    I appreciate your opinion and I think you make a good point. However, in the video, you'll see that the woman is obviously very confident and isn't obsessing over her hair loss at all… yet the reaction from the man is disgust. Confidence and charisma can only go so far. She may have been able to win him over as a friend with her personality, but never as a lover.


    Lastly, I don't see this video as a bullying tactic at all. I view it more as social commentary. Among many other things, it addresses the hypocrisy of men setting double standards for women.


    I often hear women bemoaning this fact of life. So many men want their women to be supermodels, yet these same men are unwilling to reciprocate by keeping themselves minimally groomed, kempt or in shape. I see it all the time here in NYC. Singles or groups of overweight, dirty, foul-smelling, foul-mouthed, poorly dressed men feel entitled to New York’s most beautiful, fashionable women... and trust me, NYC has the most beautiful women in the world!


    Relationships, like any other life-venture, are about exchanging value for value. What each person values may differ from the next, thus finding that special someone with shared values is what is so challenging, yet rewarding in the end.


    I’ve always approached women this way: What do I have to offer them? What do they have to offer me? Simply put, I want to be the dream man for my dream woman. My dream woman is beautiful, among other qualities; so at the very least, I have to look my best too.





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