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Blog Comments posted by GummyBear

  1. David is definitely right, persist with the minoxidil which should stabiise the hair loss and also use a hair loss shampoo such as profusion or nisim. Don't be scared of finasteride, just be aware that it isn't for everyone and if you get the side effects then stop using it, but I have known people take it for years with either no side effects or minor side effects. Finasteride does have the propensity to make your hair grow again, but be quick before the roots stop being viable.

  2. I was reading another blog which suggested that PRP therapy looked very promising but results have been inconsistent, please see http://www.prohairbiosystems.com/blog/science/platelet-rich-plasma-for-hair-loss


    I was just wondering whether anyone had tried PRP therapy and what the long term results had been.


    I really like the idea of PRP because it is using your body's own biochemistry, therefore any sort of adverse reaction is unlikely...but does it work?

  3. Have you met any of the people yet who have previously had a transplant? That is a good idea before you go ahead. So far you are relying on what the clinic is telling you. If they are as good as they say (and I hope they are) they will have no problems introducing you to patients who have previously had HT at their clinic.


    I was also wondering if you had been recommended to use a particular shampoo or conditioner after your transplant as it is important to keep your original hair in good condition as well as the transplanted hair.


    Best of luck! 

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