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Posts posted by lukeyb1687

  1. Hi Sunny, 

    Everyone has different opinions about each doctor and their results. The best thing to do is start looking at the recommended surgeons on this forum and start reaching out to them for consultations. Check out their reviews posted by them as well as patients so you can an unbiased opinion and accurate representation of the quality of their work.


    Is there a reason you don't want to go abroad?  There are some amazing recommended doctors in Belgium and Turkey. 

    I would recommend to upload some photos of your hairloss, this will help with people being able to make suggestions depending on your needs. As 2200 grafts in the crown will certainly be different to getting a natural dense hairline.

  2. 7 minutes ago, anonym1234 said:

    Hi Like

    Thank you for your comment. 

    I have just started taking Propecia in order to prevent any further hair loss (hopefully).

    And you think I should be at least 25-30 years old If I were to have a hair transplant? Even though my hair loss maybe (hopefully) will slow down rapidly or even completely stop because of Propecia?

    Thank you.


    Personally, I don't think anyone should have a transplant until closer to 30. The reason being, even with Propecia you will only be slowing down any hair loss, it won't stop it completely. Also if you stop Propecia you will see the hair loss catch up quickly. 

    If you wait a few more years you will be able to notice what is happening more so with your hairloss progression. At 22 I had just slight temple recession, similar to yours, by the time I was 26 a lot of my frontal third was gone, by 30 I had a few stragglers left. I had a few consultations in my 20's and all the docs told me to wait as they've seen a lot of eager guys coming in to fix their hairloss now and not thinking about the short term future loss. It sucks! Don't get me wrong, I was head strong and determined that further hairloss wouldn't happen to me...well low and behold it did and I would have been in a worst state of mind. 

    Be patient and just keep researching, but at the same time don't let it become an obsession as it will take advantage of you if you let it. Just go out and have fun and check in every so often :)

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. Anonym1234,  At this stage (and this is going to sound easier said then done) I wouldn't stress about your hairline. You have a thick amount in your frontal third. I was at a similar stage at your age and would have regretted getting it done so early as my hairloss increased. I'm glad I waited otherwise I would have, at the time, just filled in my temples and ended up with floating islands of hair on my head.

    Keep researching and checking out different surgeons, all in all know one can really make the recommendation for you. You have to be comfortable with the Dr and their results. Try some natural remedies such as Biotin and Saw Palmetto to preserve what you have and then in 5-8 years (depending on the progress of you hairloss) start reaching out to Dr's to evaluate you. 

  4. I think what we are trying to address here Dr. Harris is that this result doesn't seem to really show any difference between pre and post op.

    Do you have images of where the grafts were planted? This will help us all understand what the plan of action was.

    Was it the patients decision to not strengthen the hairline more?

    Do you have images of the donor area as well? 

    Top view of the patients scalp?

    What size punch was used on the ARTAS? 

    Albeit I understand that hairs that are prone to recession conform to a shorter anagen period, but I have to agree with other comments here that I have seen stronger restoration cases for 2300 grafts. As I mentioned earlier, if you have graft placement pictures this might help with the forum understanding.

    All in all, if the paitent is happy that's all that ultimately matters, I would have personally expected more of a result and not been too pleased.


    • Like 1
  5. Well we're at 9 months (or just shy of but will be travelling during the 9th month) 


    Since my last update I grew out my hair and then decided to get a hair cut so that I can grow it our properly lol!

    Only difference I can tell is that it's still thickening up and I'm loving that I don't have to worry about how it looks at the gym, or in the street if the wind blows. Now I'm a perfectionist and trying to get the best style for me haha :) 


    Has anyone else noticed that if you change the direction of your hair style it doesn't look as good, it may just be an illusion but if I try to comb my hair the other side it seems a lot more sparse than it really is. I'm assuming it's to do with the graft angle placement, but curious if anyone else has experienced this. Maybe as they thicken and grow stronger things will change :)


    I took the photos in two separate areas (harsh light bathroom and natural light bedroom) to show how lighting can really make a difference in appearance. 



    Front light.jpg

    Front No light.jpg

    Left light.jpg

    Left No Light.jpg

    Right light.jpg

    Right no light.jpg

    Top 2 light.jpg

    Top 2 no light.jpg

    Top light.jpg

    Top No light.jpg

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