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Posts posted by GNX1

  1. I recently had a FUT hair transplant done through Bosley.
    apparently u didnt do ur research when searching a HT doctor. maybe you will be one of the lucky ones. statistically they have to get it right once in a while....:rolleyes:


    where are ur before and immediately after pics?


    but the funny thing is, is if u asked the average person on the street who performs the best hair transplants I think a lot of them would say Bosley. but thats only because they run their infomercials 24 hrs a day.....:rolleyes:


    the best HT surgeons get their business from word of mouth and forums from REAL patient experiences.


    I cant remember EVER seeing a Bosley thread where the patient isnt essentailly referring to them as what they are which are a bounch of HACKS!

  2. I wud think if the device is all that more top doctors around the world wud b using it but two each his own I guess. there are great HT doctors using both motorized and manual with great results so there is obviously more then one way to skin a cat with success?

  3. Could you please explain this in more detail?



    its original design was to do 1 graft at a time. supposedly it works better on more rigid or coarse hair like asians have since its pushing the hair.


    I believe its a 7-8 mm diameter and plants grafts into recipient sites without incisions and is faster but im really how much more effective it is. I really havnt done much research on it.

  4. I can't say I disagree with you champ. I know FUT is favored by alot of people here and they don't look at it with the skepticism and critical eye that I and a few others do which is fine, I don't mean to try convert those fine individuals. I do however like to express my sentiments in the flaws about the procedure. It does seem like a weekly or bi-weekly occurrence that a patient posts a thread in regards to a stretched scar and is looking for remedies for it. FUT can fix the debacle alot of people have at the top of their heads but can leave a big problem at the rear and sides of the head. It is a gamble even with the best donor closure.


    That is why I'm an advocate for FUE for anyone up to a Norwood 3 to 4, Norwood 4s usually need good donor area for a convincing look. I don't think it can give a convincing look on Norwood 6s or 7s, FUT is better at that. I do believe it is a generally superior procedure with more advantages than drawbacks compared to FUT.

    yea if one needs a chit load of grafts and they dont have enough body hair or a thin beard then FUT is likely most people's only hope for now till something new and better comes along and are gonna have to roll the dice with how the scar will end up looking several years down the road or sooner.


    although Dr.'s like Umar and the like have successfully transplanted thousands of grafts via body/beard hair he is the exception and certainly not the rule and when using mostly body hair the results are fair at best compared to head hair but some have ruined their donor supply with botched FUT transplants and FUE body/beard hair is their only option now or their just so far gone with a NW7 that they have no head donor hair left.


    like u said fixing one problem to create another is something many will experience and I feel for them and they shud be educated on what choices they have and what possible complications can arise.

  5. GNX1


    I disagree. This is a great example of a conservative design to stand the test of time. If he stopped now he would not look strange later.

    what makes you think he would look strange later?:confused: a lot of people start out with far more then this when getting a HT to begin with so I disagree..... the temples are too high and he will need another HT to complete his HT restoration. the purpose of a HT is to restore your look not look LESS bald then then you did to begin with. he needs another 1500 grafts.


    H&W and many other clinics can and would complete a HT in one session. this HT is not complete.



  6. I've actually just logged onto this site to reply to a posting by a patient who I operated on in July 2012, Trackrat, and who wrote a scathing report on what happened to him postoperatively. It is one of two complaints about me on this site in the last decade or two and was bad enough that a patient who I operated on last week told me I should really see it and reply to it because it was so bad. Then my associate Dr Carlos Wesley told me the same thing, so I did reply partially on Friday and was just logging on here to say that I have emailed the patient and will delay a further reply to this group until later this week after I have hopefully had a chance to talk to him and to urge him to at least wait until the results of the surgery are fully grown in another 6 to 12 months before he posts anything more. He had the most severe postoperative hair loss that I had ever seen or heard or read about, for no reason that I or any of my colleagues can think of, (I consulted over 40 experts by email and referred him to two other doctors who saw him in person) so he is very angry and has reacted with understandable fury. When I told you to look on the internet about me I think I meant to my Web site which will give you a better idea of what I believe, what I do and why I do it, as well as my contributions to the field. I have never promoted myself on the internet or otherwise and have therefore never attempted to join a site such as this, so you are unlikely to find objective evaluations of my work good or bad (until this recent salvo) on this or other similar sites. You are assumed inadequate or worse, if you have not joined a site like this, but I have always had enough referrals from my prior patients, doctors and hairstylists who have seen my work, to make joining this kind of site unnecessary. (The current complainant was in fact referred to me by his father who had his transplant done by me) You will have to decide if you want to take the advice of the physicians who referred you to me , I suppose because they know my work and ethics, or those of the members of this site who are not doctors and apparently are relatively unaware of either. The photos on my website (drwalterunger.com) hopefully will help you as might photos of my patients in the five textbooks on hair transplanting I have edited, or the over 30 chapters on hair transplanting that I have been asked to write for Dermatology and Plastic Surgery textbooks, that are listed on my website. (Somebody on this site actually thought someone might be asked to write such chapters if he wasn't an expert and if his results weren't exemplary, so that might give you some idea of the value of the advice of a small but very active minority of individuals from whom you are getting information here) The current complainant's hair has grown back and although he refers to a bad donor scar, Dr. Jerry Cooley who is a recommended expert hair restoration surgeon on this site and who saw him at my request emailed me that his scar was "fine" and Dr Elise Olsen who is a world expert on medical causes of hair loss and treatment, and who also saw him for another opinion at my request, also emailed me that "The transplants and scar look great." He is most disturbed currently because of a perceived asymmetry in his hairline though we chose the hairline together and that's what I followed, and it is not yet fully grown in as noted above. In any case I expect you might go elsewhere because of what you've read on this site and if you do, I wish you good luck.
    try writing in paragraphs. its really annoying reading one long sentence and gives readers a headache....:rolleyes:
  7. I tell everyone to try avoid the linear scar if they are a Norwood 3 or 4 and have the donor for it as it can be a bigger hell to fix that. Scar revision also has the same chance factor as it depends on the individual's physiology and the surgeons talent.
    Mickey u cant tell anyone that cause FUT is the Gold Standard...:rolleyes: any technique that could and often does require another technique to repair it shud b avoided like the plague!


    it seems like every other day someone is posting about how to repair or conceal their FUT scar. I really feel for those that have spent thousands to fix their baldness only to create a new horror that imo can be worse then being bald.

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