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Posts posted by GNX1

  1. I agree with spanker here, I'm 9 months post op and spend the majority if my time having to convince people I've had a HT, often having to show before, during and after pics.


    I have no visible FUE punch scars either, so not sure where the scarring comment has come from?



    I think #3, #4 and #5 are more directed at FUT not FUE. FUT is quite invasive and can certainly cause pain, visible scaring and the healing is longer.
  2. If you decide on FUE to increase your chances of good growth you want to go to a FUE doc that does the extractions himself and uses a manual punch as opposed to an electronic device.
    that's nonsense. ur talkn out of ur ass. HT surgeons all over the world use both manual and motorized punch tools with excellent results.


    its what the HT surgeon feels comfortable with. Dr. Umar who performs FUE only uses both manual and motorized. his transection rate is equal with both techniques.


    Dr's. Bhatti, Feller and others uses a motorized punch as well as many others.

  3. It is unfortunate and happens across the WHOLE cosmetic surgery industry. You go to Doctor's websites and it looks like a website for the new BMW with flashy slideshows, streamlined presentation, amazing before and afters etc. What they don't mention AT ALL are the potential risks, compromises, pitfalls etc. I find it ridiculous that some Doctor's mention any sort of 'guarantee on their website, I have seen failed cases which were not resolved from ALL Doctor's who have a guarantee disclaimer on their respective websites.


    From my first consultations with several Doctors all the way up to actually having the procedure, not one person mentioned that a scar might stretch regardless of donor closure, or that permanent shockloss may occur or that sometimes the grafts just do not grow. NOT ONE. No representative, no consultant, no tech, no Doctor. No one. Of course the reps, patient advocates, nurses, techs were all quick to tell me it would look amazing and to trust in the doctor and he has his reputation for good reason. Funnily enough once some serious concerns were brought up by myself, they gave me some absolute spin and totally refrained from actually saying "the scar has stretched" or "the result is not good", instead the beat around the bush until I confronted the Doctor himself. It was all smoke and mirrors, half-truths and hyperbole.That's what the whole cosmetic industry is based on, not only the surgical field but the make up and fashion industries, the magazines, tabloids, the media etc. All intertwined. I won't get into it here because that would need it's own section altogether.


    Don't get me wrong, thousands of people have their lives transformed yearly by having great hairtransplants, but there also alot of people who have their lives ruined because they were taken in by the flashy presentation, the nice consultant, the 100s of before/afters only to regret their decision as soon as 6 months later and find out they are worse off than they began. Given that Doctors pride themselves on 'ethics', it's funny how much honesty and transparency is actually lacking... Sorry I'm going off topic...

    yes the unfortunate truth is forums are more likely to tell you the painful truth then doctors are. its a business for them and highly competitive.
  4. ok thanx Bill. well, im quite impressed with the majority of his FUT work. I just wasnt sure if a distinction was being made pertaining to FUE and FUT when a doctor is being recommended.


    it appears that many doctors are performing both these days since both do have their advantages but some have just recently learned FUE and if it was a new doctor that was just performing FUE he would have to provide quite a few successful cases to be recommended which would only be fair I guess.


    but yea maybe its something HTH might want to explore at some point. and ur right FUE is evolving.

  5. I see a bunch of FUT results posted but where are the FUE results? or is a FUT doctor automatically recommended for FUE because he performs FUT?


    there should be a clear and decisive recommendation as to whether or not a doctor is being recommended for FUT or FUE when they perform both.


    they are two different disciplines and just because a HT doctor does acceptable FUT work does not mean he does the same when performing FUE and vice versa.

  6. what does future loss mean? he has already lost the hair from his temples therefore they should be filled in when having a HT.


    you ask how much better would he look? he would look as tho he restored his hairline vs. leaving out an area that is obviously visible from the front and an indication that he is balding.


    the whole point of a HT is give the illusion that you are no longer bald. that illusion was not accomplished here and if money was the issue then the doctor should have told him to save up more money cause your going to need more then a couple thousand grafts to address your hair loss.


    im not saying there isnt an improvement here. there obviously is but filling in ones crown for example and leaving out other vital more visible frontal areas would also result in an improvement but not the improvement most are searching for.


    if the guy was a NW 6/7 and was limited in donor hair then sometimes that the best ur gonna due unless you go FUE and harvest beard/body hairs. that is not the case here.

  7. With all due respect, I am not sure what those who think the temples and hairline are "High" are looking at. Are they conservative, maybe but totally appropriate for his age and features. I think we get spoiled on here sometimes with those dense packed front third cases on a 30 year old NW 2/3 :)
    what makes you think a guy in his late 30's or even 40's cant have his temples filled in when getting a HT? this guy is far worse off then this patient and his temples are filled in just fine as they should be.




    and he had his first HT in the 80's so I think we can assume he is in his mid to late 40's if not older by now. he's no NW 2/3 either. he is a NW 6/7.

  8. did u make ur doctor aware of this prior to ur surgery? and who was ur doctor? post up some pics so we can get a better idea.


    stress can surely cause hair to shed. have u been to the doctor to get ur blood checked? u may have something else surfacing.


    u have a common symptom associated with hyperthyroidism (over active thyroid gland). which is patchy hairloss. graves disease could be triggering it. het urself checked out.


    GNX1 I know that you are just trying to help and frankly I was thinking the same and maybe ur right that if I was in some other city I may not have considered him so that's why I am also leaning towards Dr Cooley. I also made a post here .
    im not saying it will equate to a bad choice. im just sayn there might be a better choice out there for you.
  10. you could get a great HT from a no name doctor no one has ever heard of or you get a horrible HT by a recommended HT doctor. its a calculated risk and if it was me id be searching for a HT doctor that SPECIALIZES in HT surgery only.


    could he pull if off with no issues and give you great results? possibly. I would chose to deal in the likely and its more likely that a HT surgeon that ONLY performs HT's for a living will simply have more experience.


    if you want a face lift you go to a guy that works on faces only like Dr. Jacono in NY. not a jack of MANY trades doctor.


    thats just my opinion but hey knock urself out. but again, I doubt you would be seeking him out if you lived in another state. there are many board members who have traveled accross the globe to get the results they were looking for and convenience was not at the top of their list when making that decision. geographics shud b the least of ur concerns.

  11. hey its ur head. there are plenty of others to chose from that specialize in HT surgery. not a guy who does blepharoplasty, lipo, etc...


    if you want a race engine built for your race car you dont go to a guy that builds transmissions or does chassis set up. go to someone who only builds race engines.


    if he wasnt local to you would you be seeking him out for a HT? I doubt it. a HT is forever. find a HT doctors who's practice is built on HT's and HT's only.


    i used to believe you get what you pay for but this is not even close to gauranteeing a good result. i have seen terrible terrible results from the BEST(subjective) clinics in the world. i have seen AMAZING(subjective) results from doctors who charge 2EURO per graft. i have seen terrible FUE by doctors that charge $8 to $10 per graft. i have seen lives absolutely ruined by what are generally considered the top doctors in the world via necrosis, stretched scars, terrible yield, depleted donor through bad judgement and mishandling etc. the human body's unpredictable combined with the many factors that affect the clinic daily make the 'you get what you pay for' rule questionable. thats not to say you will get a stellar result from a cheap clinic. im just trying to hammer the point home that surgery is a gamble and if can be avoided, then it should be. when it goes great it goes great but when it goes wrong it is usually worse mentally than pre op.
    amen to that Mickey...;) ive also seen great results from Indian doctors who charge even less then 2 euros....:D ur right, surgery is a calculated risk and there are no guarantees.
  13. You get you pay for. Fee should not be the determining factor as to where you go. I do wish him luck wherever he goes.





    no actually you dont always get what u pay for. there are plenty of patients that have gone to top rated HT surgeons and not received the results they were hoping for.


    and when a HT doctor is performing nothing but excellent results then fee should absolutely be a determining factor.


    there are more expensive doctors out there then Umar but you chose him over others so fee was not your determining factor.

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