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Posts posted by troy

  1. thanks guys for all your support. Johny i hope your right that more will come in, I was told that by DR. Rose as well. It is still thin I would guess 35 cm squared right on top and i would like to bring fuller. I am going to wait untill september and go back and talk with Matt at Shapiro and figure out a game plan. Maybe i will be lucky and more growth will come in, Ill keep everyone posted. Toothin, i asked them not to shave it, to go as short as they needed and leaving it as long as possible, not all clinics shave the recipient areas. and yes I was toatlly recoved undetectable in 7-8 days. you can pull this off and people not know, but you need some hair to cover it. Also guys i went out with some friends tonight and my friends girlfriend, tall beautifull blonde says" i love your hair, im a hairstylist" only those of us who have suffered from the frusteration of loosing hair can appreciate a comment like this!!! Again thanks to dr rose and the shapiro staff- wonderfull people.

  2. Hey guys im 7 months post op. Check out my pics on my blog any feed back would be great. I think I will go back in the next year for more session of hopefully 3000 or more, I think this would finish me up with a little donor to spare for down the road.

  3. Hey guys im 7 months post op. Check out my pics on my blog any feed back would be great. I think I will go back in the next year for more session of hopefully 3000 or more, I think this would finish me up with a little donor to spare for down the road.

  4. yes this is common, however I would encourage you to contact your doc and just make sure your particular situation is ok, as I dont want to down play it if its something more serious. I expirienced tightness for about 2-3 months, like if i moved my eye brows I could feel it all over.

  5. I went through the same emotions as you. I didnt want to start dating untill i was 4 months post op. I will say the anxioty was big leading upto the ht, but for me once it was done it was down hill from there, yes it was discomfort sleeping and spraying my head, but for me the hardest part was going into the unknown and following through with it. Now I am approaching 7 months post op and if i go back would have no concerns. sit back and be prepared for an emotional ride for the next 4-5 months

  6. dhuge67, I have not tried any cocealers yet, my question is this, if you were on a date and she wanted to touch your hair, what would that be like? is it kind of like gel? I think i would only need a tiny bit, right now i just use gel and that works, but would prefer a bit more thickness. Then does it just wash out with shampoo, and where do you purchase toppik?

  7. diamonddee, welcome to this forum. one thing about getting into having a ht is it challenges you to be patient. I recently talked to dr Rose and he said wait a full year to figure out what step number 2 is, that way you will pretty much know what your results are going to look like. I think what b is saying sounds like good advise, as well as the doc, its just probally not what you want to hear as we all want our journey to be done fast, however I believe the following what has been advised to you is a great approach.

  8. I had mine done at 32. I have 3 kids was married. for me it was simple now with the techniques available and abundant information online, and shapiro 15 minutes away. Given the choice, I choose to have hair. Now being sigle again it is a nice self confidence booster to have hair again. And i spent a fortune on my divorce, and have given everything to my kids, this was something I did for just me. now that i am almost 6 months post op Im glad i made my decision.

  9. Quick plug on shapiro clinic and Dr Rose. I am almost 6 months post op and will post my 6 months pics around june 1st. Anyway i had a question about shedding and called Matt Zupan at shapiro. He must have told Dr rose I asked a question, so DR Rose called me today to follow up and gave me his cell phone number in case i have any other concerns. Its very satisfying to know that almost 6 months later they still care, and that my doc personally followed up with me. Not only do I have incredible results, but this kind of service is rare in any industry. Its all of these reasons I recommend Dr Rose and Shapiro medical.

  10. I am with you hairbank, 1500 seems to small. I think You will need 3000 plus, but given your age you may want to wait a couple years and see what happens, if your not on propecia try that for a year or 2 stay plugged in to this community then you will have somewhat assessed your hairloss pattern and can make a game plan from there.

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