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Posts posted by troy

  1. well i am not doctor, but i disagree. I would try to get it done in one session so you dont have to go through it again for awhile. It sucks have stitches or staples in your head. Also I would recommend a few consults, you can do it online through this forum. And 1300 seems very small amount, maybe not worth it for that amount. If you could post pics , cover your face if you choose but it would give us a much better idea of what we are talking about, also the better quality pics the better advise you will recieve. good luck

  2. That is going to look great!!! When I was doing my research about docs on this site, one major concern for me was immediate post op, as a hat isnt a choice for me. one thing ive liked about shapiro is his post ops are as good as it gets, congrats I will look forward to following your posts.

  3. Mully, I also went to rose, I think the most important thing to try to get a grasp on is what to expect for your final results. And get a understanding of density. I had 2376 done and my results are still coming in , im approaching 5 months. I started with a strong hairline, but thin on top, you can goto my web blog to see pics, I will be evaluating myself in a few months and would like to do one more about 3000-3500 if that is doable, then i would be done and I think would look like I never lost any hair. I think for most it takes 2 sessions to get where you want, even on a jumbo session usually a follow up touch up is needed. Also a top notch HT can be addictive! I highly recommend Dr Rose, if you meet him you will understand why. I also would not let price be high on your priorities for making a decision, i would say if you cant afford world class doc, wait untill you can, or get a part time job. It is worth it. I think my procedure was between 8500-9500, i cant remeber. you could also goto the grafts calculator and try to guess what you need, then its about 4 per graft. The best thing to do is go in and spend a little time with the rose, then go and meet a couple of his patients face to face. Its better to make this decision after a lot of study, good luck

  4. well if you dont like being bald, balding and you dont like your choices, I guess you have to pick what you dont like less. I think my ht is totally undectable to the very close eye. I think maybe you should wait and see if something comes available that does suit you. not everyone is suffering for that long, I was laying low for 8 days, and people who see me on a regular basis still dont know ive had this done and wearing a hat in my profession is not a option. Also I think your puting to much emphasis on what other people will think, this is something you do for yourself, not them.

  5. I am with you B, We came into this as the sesion sizes were changing. Crazy how things have changed in just the last 6 months. I have only one regret, I didnt find this dang web site 5-6 years ago, I could have been on propecia. I am extatic about my results at 4 and a half months post op and will probally go back for one more and get as much as I can done and I think I will be set. It is a very emotionally thing to go through this. The "unknown" If you have done your research met with former patients, talked with the doc, you worries should subdue, or you should go to a different doc. The people who have regreted doing hts it seems are the ones who had bad results, us who have had great results feel enlightened. Like i got my youth back, I feel like the people you see in the Bosley commercials, except for real, lol.

  6. I would also like to see those pics. I am all about suspending docs and only recommending the best docs, but I think every doc should have thier day in court, and this forum is great for that. I trust Pats judgement, but would like the opportunity to also cast my opinion as well as other members who come on here. Just because a doc is accused does not make him guilty, as we saw with that quack who accused hasson and wong. I think if you want to do justice to your claims showing pics of your case will be much more powerfull and your point will be heard much louder. Im sure Pat took these steps and it is legit, just my thoughts.

  7. 4 and a half month update. I had a Ultimate fighting championship party last night at my home, My great friend said to me "you dont look like your loosing your hair anymore" this came from a guy who will never have issues at all with hairloss and has no clue about MPB and obviosly doesnt know it doesnt just stop and start growing again. My sister in law told my mom I am looking very handsome. And I have been dating freequently. I have not promoted my doctor to much or his work as I wanted to see it first hand. Now at 4 months I can say having a ht with DR Rose was one of the most gratifying things I have ever done. My results you would never know I had a HT, my donor looks awesome. This whole expirence is very emotional, the anxioty in the beggining, will it look good, will it be undetectable, will it be worth it. Only those who have lost thier hair and restored it can understand how great it is to have hair again!!! I feel like that little edge I was missing before is back. I would highly recommend Dr Rose. I will prolly go back for one more hopefully 3000 and dense pack everything, but will evaluate that decision at 7-8 months. I am so greatfull I found this site to guide, educate, support me. Had I not found this site I may have gone to bosley or some other chain. This site helped me to become educated so I could make an informed decision. Thanks everyone for all your support and comments I have learned a lot, and at times laughed a lot, thanks Pat for this site. I will update my 5 months post op pics may 1st on my web blog. I would like to attatch my web blog to my posts but dont know how to attach it to this, so how do I do that?

  8. I went to walgreens and tried to find toppik, I also looked for and kinds of gels that would say thickening, I didnt find any. I bought some really cheap junk and when it dries it looks like white dust in my hair. So where can I get toppik? what is a good thickening gel, I may not need toppik if I found a good gel. Also what is the difference between toppik and gel?

  9. B, funny we were posting at the same time the same thing, I guess great minds think alike. Robo, because you are 23 and thinning, my guess is it will thin through the top. So I would suggest you cosult with docs that will keep that in mind. You can do online consulting through this forum. Another person you may want to talk to is Robert, he is a freequent poster here and has a tremendous knowledge of the ht industry, he had his first ht at 25. I suggest you look at the docs they recommend on this forum and spend a couple months on this forum asking questions and reading posts. I believe you find the answer to all your questions doing so. good luck

  10. your hairloss seems somewhat like mine. however when i had shaved my head it looked like i had more hair than when I grew it out longer. how is your density behind the temples? I think to acuratly get a feel for you hairloss let it grow out for a few months. If you are thin through the top, then I would go with a higher number of grafts and try to get it done with one pass and maintain with propecia. if you are thin only in the temples and forelock then I think it would depend what density you do will determine how many grafts, if you went 45-50 I think still it would be 2500, just a guess.

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